
Dc: Rise of Gambit

What if a average college student gets reincarnated with the powers of Gambit in the Dc universe?

God_Usopp_21 · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Chapter 23: I’m a Titan

The dust had barely settled from the explosion in the sky when the Titans and Justice League regrouped. The scene was chaotic, with debris littering the ground and the groans of injured civilians filling the air. Smoke billowed from nearby buildings, and the faint crackle of flames still echoed from the destruction caused by their earlier battle. Beast Boy, standing amidst the rubble, transformed back from his rhino form and wiped the sweat from his brow. He glanced over at Gambit, who had just landed on the ground after delivering the final blow to Trigon's summoned demonic legion.

"So," Beast Boy asked, panting heavily, "is it over?"

Before anyone could answer, a deep, guttural roar pierced the air, rattling the ground beneath their feet. The sound was so intense that it seemed to shake the very fabric of reality. Everyone turned, eyes wide, as a massive, looming figure appeared in the distance, blotting out the dim light of the ruined sky. Trigon had returned, more monstrous than before. His crimson body towered above them, even more enormous than his previous form. His six glowing red eyes burned with anger, and he raised a hand, swirling with dark, chaotic magic.

Without warning, Trigon unleashed a massive blast of black energy that tore through the air faster than any of them could react. The wave of magic struck them all simultaneously, scattering the heroes in every direction like leaves in a storm. Gambit felt the searing pain of the blast as it flung him across the battlefield, crashing through several walls before he finally came to a stop. Dazed, he groaned, pushing rubble off of himself as he tried to stand.

The memory of Raven's words echoed in his mind. She had seen something in a vision, something about him. His role was pivotal—she had seen him defeating Trigon. Gambit looked down at his hands, feeling the weight of her prophecy. The dark energy that radiated from the monster in the distance surged through the battlefield, but Gambit remained focused.

"I've got to do this," he muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing with determination. He stood up, the faint flicker of pink energy sparking from his fingertips. Slowly, deliberately, he extended his arms, channeling every ounce of his power. His body began to glow, a vibrant pink hue enveloping him, growing stronger by the second.

As the Justice League and Titans struggled to their feet, they looked up, and their eyes widened in shock. Towering above them, glowing with an ethereal pink light, was a giant figure, its silhouette resembling that of a warrior from an ancient time. It wore stylized armor, reminiscent of a samurai, with pixelated wings spreading from its back. In its hand, it wielded a massive, curved sword, its edge shimmering with raw kinetic energy. The figure's mask hid its face, but its spiked hair flowed like a wild flame behind it.

"What the hell…" Kid Flash muttered, his voice barely audible.

Beast Boy, Kid Flash, and Shazam all blurted out simultaneously, "Is that a fucking Susanoo from Naruto?!"

Before anyone could fully comprehend what was happening, the massive figure, with Gambit at its core, lunged forward. Trigon let out another roar, summoning a fiery blade from the ether. The two titans clashed in mid-air, the force of their collision sending shockwaves rippling across the battlefield. Buildings crumbled under the sheer impact of their strikes, and the sky itself seemed to darken from the overwhelming power radiating from their battle.

The Justice League and Titans wasted no time. Superman, Wonder Woman, and Nightwing immediately took charge, calling out to their teams.

"Evacuate the civilians!" Superman barked. "These buildings won't hold much longer!"

Nightwing nodded in agreement, flipping effortlessly over rubble as he led the Titans through the chaos. "Anyone trapped or injured, get them out of here, now!"

As the heroes raced to save the citizens, Trigon and Gambit's colossal forms clashed again, their blades meeting with a deafening screech. Sparks flew as the kinetic energy from Gambit's blade collided with the dark magic coursing through Trigon's weapon. Each strike sent tremors through the ground, causing more destruction.

Gambit's face was tense with concentration, sweat pouring down his brow as he struggled to maintain control over the massive construct he had summoned. Inside the glowing pink armor, he gripped the controls with white-knuckled determination. Every fiber of his being was focused on taking Trigon down.

"This is the end," Gambit growled through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing as a plan began to form in his mind.

He surged forward, slashing through the air with his sword. Trigon blocked the attack with ease, his demonic eyes glowing brighter as he prepared another blast of dark magic. But before he could unleash it, Gambit's giant figure wrapped its arms around the demon's torso, pinning him in place.

"What… what are you doing?!" Trigon snarled, his voice laced with fury. His six eyes burned with unbridled rage as he struggled against Gambit's grip. "You dare defy the almighty Trigon?! You are nothing but a mortal!"

Gambit's lips curled into a smirk as the pink energy around him flared even brighter. He leaned in, staring directly into Trigon's eyes.

"I'm not just a mortal," Gambit spat, his voice dripping with defiance. "I'm a fucking Titan."

With that, Gambit and the colossal pink figure shot upward, rocketing into the sky with Trigon still in its grasp. They soared higher and higher until they were mere specks against the darkened clouds. The wind whipped around them, and the air grew thin, but Gambit's resolve never wavered. He had only one goal in mind: end this.

"This is for Raven," he whispered, and then, with one final burst of energy, the massive pink figure exploded in a blinding flash of light.

The sky above the city lit up in a brilliant pink explosion, the force of the blast rippling outward like a shockwave. On the ground, the Justice League and Titans stared upward in stunned silence, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Superman, always the first to act, shot into the sky, his cape billowing behind him as he flew toward the aftermath of the explosion. His keen eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of Gambit. After what felt like an eternity, he spotted him—falling through the clouds, his armor shattered and his body limp.

Without hesitation, Superman swooped in, catching Gambit in his arms before he could hit the ground. Gambit's body was battered and bruised, his clothes torn and singed, but he was alive. He coughed weakly, wincing in pain as he looked up at Superman.

"Good catch, Boy Scout," Gambit rasped, his voice hoarse but laced with humor.

Superman chuckled softly, his eyes filled with relief. "I've got you," he said, gently lowering them both to the ground.

As they landed, the Titans rushed over, cheering and celebrating their victory. Beast Boy, ever the joker, threw his hands in the air.

"It's over! Finally!" Beast Boy exclaimed. "Now, can we please get some tacos?"

Cyborg crossed his arms, shaking his head. "Burgers. We're getting burgers."

Kid Flash zipped over, grinning from ear to ear. "Nah, nachos. Definitely nachos."

The three of them began bickering, their playful banter filling the air as the rest of the team smiled, relieved that the battle was finally over.

Far away from the battlefield, in a quiet city street, a young man named Jamie walked out of a corner store, a bag of groceries slung over his shoulder. As he strolled down the sidewalk, he glanced up at a nearby TV screen mounted in the window of an electronics store. The news was playing footage of the Justice League and Titans standing side by side at a press conference, the remnants of the recent battle still visible in the background.

Jamie shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "You made a team, and you got to team up with the Justice League, Remy. Damn you," he muttered, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

As he continued walking, something caught his attention. A faint buzzing sound, almost like static, echoed from a nearby alleyway. Curious, Jamie turned and walked toward the source of the sound. In the alley, he found something strange—a small, metallic blue bug. It looked otherworldly, its surface gleaming in the dim light.

"Sweet, a souvenir," Jamie said with a grin, picking up the strange object and slipping it into his pocket.

He walked away, whistling to himself, unaware that the blue bug had begun to glow faintly in his pocket.

(A.N: That it for Season 1 of DC: Rise of Gambit hope you enjoyed and comment if I did Gambit justice and did him right and add some ideas you want to see and the most liked comment will be added. Hope you all are ready for season 2 it gonna get crazy.)