
Dc: Rise of Gambit

What if a average college student gets reincarnated with the powers of Gambit in the Dc universe?

God_Usopp_21 · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Chapter 22: Rise of the Titans and Justice

The battle had fully erupted in the heart of Detroit, the dark skies illuminated by fiery embers and flashes of energy. Red Hood was in the thick of it, his twin pistols barking in rapid succession as he shot down demon after demon. The creatures, all snarling and clawing, came at him in droves. Jason flipped and weaved through the chaos, avoiding their claws and teeth with practiced ease. His guns ran dry, and in a smooth motion, he holstered them and pulled out a large combat knife. Slashing at the nearest demon, he plunged the blade deep into its molten chest, the creature howling in pain before it dissolved into ash. He didn't have time to catch his breath—more were coming. With a smirk hidden beneath his mask, he tossed a grenade into the next wave, the explosion lighting up the battlefield as demons were torn apart.

"Come on!" Red Hood yelled, eyes wild. "Who's next?"

Above him, Supergirl was a force of nature. Her blonde hair whipped in the wind as she moved at incredible speed, her fists shattering through demon skulls like they were nothing. A hulking demon charged her from behind, but she spun in the air and blasted it with her heat vision. The creature shrieked, turning into molten slag before falling to the ground.

"Super strength, flight, and laser eyes," Supergirl quipped. "I'm basically cheating."

She dove headfirst into a crowd of demons, her fists hammering into the ground with such force that the earth trembled, sending the monsters flying.

Not far from her, Black Bat was a whirlwind of blades. Cassandra Cain moved like a shadow, her two swords flashing in the dim light as she cut down the demons that dared approach her. Her movements were precise and lethal, her face emotionless as she sliced through the battlefield. One demon tried to flank her, but she spun and decapitated it in one swift motion. Another lunged from behind, and without missing a beat, she drove both blades into its chest, the creature collapsing into a pool of dark smoke.

While the Titans fought with ferocity, Aqualad commanded the elements themselves. Twin water swords formed in his hands as he waded through the chaos, slashing at the demonic hordes. When the numbers grew too overwhelming, he conjured a massive hammer from the water around him, slamming it into the ground with enough force to send dozens of demons flying. Lightning crackled at his fingertips, and with a wave of his hand, he unleashed a storm of electricity, frying the demons in their tracks. His eyes glowed with the power of the sea, unrelenting in the onslaught.

"Try harder," Aqualad shouted at the demons, "or don't bother trying at all."

Across the battlefield, Kid Flash darted through the throngs of enemies, a blur of red and yellow. He mocked the demons as he sped past them, his fists landing with lightning-quick precision, taking down foes faster than they could react.

"Too slow!" Kid Flash shouted, darting away from a clawed swipe. "Come on, guys, this is just embarrassing."

The demons roared in frustration, their attempts to catch him futile. He grinned as he sped up, running circles around them until they collapsed in confusion.

Beast Boy fought with primal ferocity, shifting from form to form with ease. He morphed into a tiger, his claws slashing through the demons' molten skin. Then, he shifted into a gorilla, pounding the ground and sending shockwaves through the horde. A massive dinosaur form followed, stomping through the battlefield with earth-shaking force. In a flash, he was a kangaroo, leaping and kicking the demons into oblivion. Finally, he transformed into a rhino, charging through the remaining demons with unstoppable momentum.

"Come on, who wants some?" Beast Boy roared, his body rippling as he transformed once again.

Cyborg blasted demon after demon with his sonic cannon, the deafening "Booyah!" echoing across the battlefield each time he fired. His robotic arm morphed into different weapons: a plasma cannon, a massive blade, and even a grenade launcher. Each demon that approached was met with a powerful blast or a well-aimed strike, and Cyborg grinned as he continued the onslaught.

"You want some of this?" Cyborg yelled, firing a massive energy blast that obliterated a whole group of demons. "Booyah!"

Nightwing was in the center of it all, moving with the agility of a seasoned acrobat. His electric escrima sticks crackled as they connected with demonic flesh, electrocuting the creatures on contact. He twirled, kicked, and struck in perfect harmony, his years of training evident in every move. A demon lunged at him from the side, claws outstretched, but before it could reach him, a glowing card sliced through the air and struck it down. Nightwing turned, catching sight of Gambit.

"Thanks!" Nightwing shouted over the din of battle.

Gambit only nodded, his focus unwavering. Kinetic energy flared from his hands as he threw another set of charged cards, each one exploding on impact and tearing through the enemy ranks. He was calm, almost casual, in the chaos of battle, twirling his staff and launching blasts of energy that disintegrated demons on the spot.

Raven floated above the battlefield, her eyes glowing white with power as she chanted under her breath. Dark tendrils of energy shot out from her, wrapping around demons and crushing them with ease. Her hands moved in intricate patterns as she summoned more of her magic, banishing hordes of demons back to the dark realm from which they came. But her attention shifted as she looked up and saw him—Trigon—standing atop a nearby building, watching the carnage with a twisted smile.

Without hesitation, Raven flew toward him, her heart pounding. Trigon's presence was overwhelming, his power radiating like a sun of malevolent energy. As she approached, Trigon unleashed a barrage of dark magic, and Raven countered with her own. The air crackled as their powers clashed, but it was clear that Trigon was stronger. His laughter echoed as he forced her back, sending her crashing to the ground.

Seeing Raven in trouble, Gambit was ready to move, but a demon blocked his path. He was about to strike when Supergirl swooped in, blasting the demon with her heat vision.

"Go," she shouted, "we've got this!"

Gambit nodded, his heart racing. He turned toward the building where Raven was struggling to stand, but he knew there were too many demons to fight. Just as the Titans began to regroup, the roar of a jet echoed above them.

The Batjet swooped down from the sky, and from it, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Shazam descended like gods of war. They hit the ground running, tearing through the demons as though they were nothing more than paper.

Superman landed next to Supergirl, his fists already flying.

"You're a little late, cuz," Supergirl teased, dodging a demon's claw.

"Traffic was terrible," Superman quipped, blasting a group of demons with his heat vision.

The Flash zipped through the battlefield, joining Kid Flash in taking down demons at lightning speed.

"Keep up, kid!" Flash called over his shoulder, his voice light with amusement.

"Keep up? I'm already lapping you, old man!" Kid Flash shot back with a grin.

Wonder Woman fought alongside Black Bat, their swords slashing through demons in perfect unison. They moved like warriors born, their every strike precise and deadly.

"You fight well," Wonder Woman complimented, her sword cleaving through another demon.

"Thanks," Black Bat replied, her tone terse but respectful.

Meanwhile, Beast Boy and Cyborg were fighting back to back, Cyborg blasting demons while Beast Boy shifted from form to form.

"So, what's your favorite food?" Beast Boy asked mid-fight.

"Really, now?" Cyborg replied, incredulous as he blasted a demon away.

"Yeah, why not?" Beast Boy pressed.

Cyborg sighed. "Burgers."

Beast Boy scoffed. "Ew, tacos are better."

They continued their banter even as they fought, Cyborg shaking his head in disbelief.

Gambit had reached the top of the building, dodging Trigon's beams of red energy with calculated agility. The demon lord sneered at him, mocking his every move.

"You're too stupid to notice you're about to lose," Gambit said, his voice calm despite the chaos.

Trigon's smile faltered as the building beneath him began to glow with pink light. Gambit grinned, flipping Trigon the middle finger before jumping backward into one of Raven's portals.

"Boom," Gambit whispered.

The building erupted in a massive explosion of pink energy, sending shockwaves through the city as Trigon roared in frustration.

As the dust settled, the Titans and Justice League regrouped, their eyes turning to the horizon where more of Trigon's army awaited. They had won a battle, but the war was far from over.