
Dc: Rise of Gambit

What if a average college student gets reincarnated with the powers of Gambit in the Dc universe?

God_Usopp_21 · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Chapter 21: The Fight Begin

(A.N: I'm Backkkkkkkkk)

The streets of Detroit buzzed with life, cars passing by in a blur, people bustling to and from their daily activities. Among them, a group of teenagers, their laughter and banter loud, walked through the city, heads bouncing between conversations.

"Who do you think is better?" a tall kid with curly hair, named Marcus, asked, his voice carrying over the group. "Gambit or Flash?"

"Gambit," his friend Tommy replied without hesitation, adjusting his baseball cap. "He's way more badass, man. That dude's got style. Flash is just a guy in red spandex running fast."

A third kid, Brandon, shook his head. "Nah, man. If Gambit and Flash got into a fight, Flash would mop the floor with him. Dude could just hit Gambit like a thousand times before he even blinks."

They laughed, tossing jokes back and forth, completely unaware of the danger lurking just behind them. As they crossed an intersection, a soft hum filled the air, something dark stirring in the space behind them. The laughter died as they turned, eyes widening in horror as a glowing red portal materialized, swirling like a storm. A creature crawled out from the depths.

It stood taller than any building around them, a towering, demonic figure with skeletal features and dark, molten skin. Massive bat-like wings flared out, sending embers scattering into the wind. Its eyes glowed with hellish heat, and its large, curved horns seemed to cut through the very air. The creature's voice, guttural and deep, rumbled through the street.

"For Trigon!"

The demon charged toward the teenagers, claws raised to strike. But just before the blow could land, the teens vanished. A blur of yellow zipped through the air, sweeping them to safety.

The demon looked around, confusion in its fiery eyes. Kid Flash stood across the street, arms folded, his signature grin flashing.

"Can't have you hurting kids on my watch," Wally said.

Before the demon could react, a figure shot from above like a missile, fist colliding with its chest in a thunderous crash. Supergirl hovered over the demon, eyes glowing with power.

Kid Flash crossed his arms, looking up at her. "Whyyyyy, I had him, you know?"

Supergirl smirked. "Because I can," she teased, before her voice was cut off as the demon retaliated, swinging a massive arm and sending her crashing into a nearby building.

But before the demon could press its advantage, a tiny green insect buzzed near its face. The demon swatted at it, missing as the insect transformed into a massive green whale mid-air, crashing onto the demon. The ground shook with the impact.

Beast Boy stood victorious for a moment, grinning. "Beast Boy for the win!"

He barely had time to finish before the demon batted him away like a toy. He would have slammed into the ground, but Cyborg caught him just in time.

"Thanks," Beast Boy muttered.

Cyborg didn't respond; instead, he glanced toward the demon. Suddenly, a barrage of cards, glowing with kinetic energy, flew through the air, sticking to the creature's skin. Gambit appeared from the shadows, dressed in a sleek new suit, his signature trench coat billowing in the wind.

"Boom," Gambit said with a grin.

The cards detonated in a series of fiery explosions, engulfing the demon. When the smoke cleared, the creature lay lifeless, its body disintegrating into ash. Gambit gave a satisfied nod. "That's how you do it."

Raven appeared, her cloak billowing like shadows in the wind. Her face was calm, though her eyes betrayed the worry she felt deep within.

"There's more coming," she said, her voice low and foreboding. "I can feel it."

As if on cue, a black motorcycle screeched to a halt, and a sleek car pulled up beside it. Red Hood, Black Bat, and Nightwing stepped out, the three of them surveying the scene.

"Teleportation?" Red Hood asked, deadpan. "Don't have it."

"Flight?" Nightwing added, raising an eyebrow. "Don't have it."

"Super speed?" Black Bat chimed in, her tone just as dry. "Don't have it."

A brief silence hung in the air before Red Hood, glaring at all of them, pointedly said, "Anyone says a word, I will shoot you."

Supergirl opened her mouth, about to say something, but Red Hood cut her off, his voice cold. "I have kryptonite bullets. Don't test me."

Gambit, always the mediator, raised his hands. "Calm down now." He turned to Raven. "How many are we talking?"

Raven's face darkened. "An army."

"How big?" Beast Boy, ever the jokester, asked, transforming back into his human form.

Raven's voice was grim as she answered. "More than 100,000."

The entire team froze. "More than 100,000?" they echoed in disbelief.

Off to the side, the teenagers who had witnessed the chaos huddled together, one of them whispering, "I told you Gambit was badass."

His friends all nodded in agreement, no longer interested in the debate of who was better.

The Titans regrouped back at their base—a warehouse in Detroit. Inside, the atmosphere was tense as they gathered around a large screen that showed various maps and energy signatures.

"We need a plan," Nightwing said, his voice firm. "Trigon is coming, and we need to be ready."

An alarm blared. Raven turned, her eyes glowing with panic as she stared at the screen. "He's here."

Nightwing took a deep breath, his hands clenching into fists as he addressed the team. "Listen up. We've trained for this, prepared for this moment. Today, we fight not just for ourselves, but for the world. For everyone who can't defend themselves. Trigon thinks he's coming to destroy us, but we're going to show him what it means to face Titans."

He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "We don't give up. We don't back down. And we will win. Because we are stronger together than any army he can throw at us."

The team nodded, steeling themselves for the coming battle. Red Hood, leaning against a wall, gave Nightwing a small nod. "Good speech, Dick," he muttered before walking away.

Nightwing turned to Gambit, who stood nearby, his eyes thoughtful. "Do you think I'm ready for this?" he asked quietly.

Gambit smiled, placing a hand on Nightwing's shoulder. "You were born to be a leader, mon ami." He left, leaving Nightwing standing in the now-empty room, deep in thought.

Meanwhile, in the depths of hell, Trigon sat upon his throne, his eyes closed as he meditated. Slowly, his eyes opened, glowing with malevolent energy, and a smirk crept across his face.

"It's time," he growled.

A massive red portal tore open in the streets of Detroit, and Trigon, towering and menacing, stepped through. His fiery eyes scanned the city as he raised his arms.

"Rise, my army!" he roared, but before he could finish, a car hurtled toward him at full speed. Trigon swatted it away effortlessly, his gaze settling on Raven, who stood defiantly before him.

"My daughter," Trigon sneered, "have you finally joined me?"

Before Raven could respond, a deck of glowing cards exploded against Trigon's chest, and Gambit's voice cut through the air.

"Now!" he yelled.

The Titans sprang into action. Cyborg's arm transformed into a massive cannon, unleashing a powerful blast. Supergirl's heat vision sliced through the air. Aqualad summoned a torrent of lightning, and Kid Flash whipped up a storm of electricity.

The combined force of the attacks engulfed Trigon in a blinding explosion. For a moment, it seemed like victory.

"That was easy," Beast Boy quipped.

Everyone turned to him, their expressions dark with worry. Kid Flash shook his head. "Why did you have to say that?"

From the smoke and rubble, a low, ominous laugh echoed. Trigon emerged, completely unscathed, brushing off the dust from his shoulders.

"Foolish children," he hissed.

Red beams shot from his eyes, forcing the Titans to scatter. Beast Boy, wide-eyed, turned to the others. "That's all you've got?"

Trigon smirked, his voice booming across the battlefield. "Arise, my army!"

A massive portal opened behind him, and thousands upon thousands of fire demons poured out, their fiery eyes glowing with malicious intent. Red Hood smacked Beast Boy on the back of the head. "Say another word, and I'll kill you myself."

Gambit turned to Nightwing. "What's the plan?"

Nightwing surveyed the battlefield, his eyes hardening. He looked at the Titans—Gambit, Black Bat, Raven, Red Hood, Kid Flash, Supergirl, Aqualad, Cyborg, and Beast Boy.

"We fight," Nightwing said, his voice steady. "And we win."

Gambit's grin widened. "Ever since I watched this show as a kid, I've always wanted to say this," he said to himself.

He raised his arm and shouted, "Titans, go!"

In a roar of defiance, the Titans charged forward, clashing with Trigon's army. The battle for Earth had begun.