
Dc: Rise of Gambit

What if a average college student gets reincarnated with the powers of Gambit in the Dc universe?

God_Usopp_21 · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Chapter 20: The Gathering of Titans

The city was alive with the steady hum of chaos. Remy had always felt comfortable in the thick of it, in the storm of street battles and the edge of danger. Detroit was no different from Gotham in that regard—plenty of villains, gangs, and criminals eager to challenge anyone who dared cross them. But lately, Remy had noticed a change in himself. He wasn't just reacting to threats anymore; he was becoming something else entirely, a force that controlled the battlefield.

His powers had evolved. The cards he once relied on—limited and fragile—were now infinite extensions of his will. With a flick of his wrist, kinetic energy formed into whatever shape he wanted. Cards materialized in his hands at will, capable of detonating with the force of a small bomb. He could feel the surge of power, the exhilarating freedom of no longer being bound by the rules of conventional combat.

Tonight was just like any other. A group of bank robbers had decided to test the limits of Detroit's police force, only to run straight into him. He had already taken down most of them—bodies sprawled across the pavement, groaning and gasping in pain—but one man was left, shaking as he backed away toward an alley.

"Come on, man," Remy said, a sly smile spreading across his face. "You really think you can get away?"

The robber's face was pale, fear written all over it as he clutched his gun, raising it shakily. Remy sighed. Another card appeared between his fingers, pulsing with energy. "Don't do something you're gonna regret."

Before the man could react, a loud gunshot echoed in the alley. The sound reverberated in the cold air as the robber's head snapped back, his body collapsing to the ground. Remy's eyes narrowed, and he turned slowly, already knowing who he'd find.

Standing at the end of the alley, smoke rising from his pistol, was Jason Todd—the Red Hood. The gleaming red helmet obscured Jason's face, but Remy could feel his cold, unwavering presence.

"So, you're still playing the executioner," Remy muttered, stepping over the body. "What brings you here, Jason?"

Jason holstered his gun, his voice low and gravelly from behind the helmet. "You talked to Bruce."

Remy chuckled, wiping some blood from his forehead. "Yeah. We had a nice chat about you. Seems like you two could use some family counseling. Sort of a 'get-all-your-issues-out-in-the-open' kind of thing."

Jason let out a dry laugh. "Maybe we do."

Remy tilted his head, his eyes scanning Jason for any sign of what he was thinking. Jason was always hard to read, even for someone as perceptive as Remy. "So what are you doing here? Gotham not bloody enough for you?"

"I need a place to work," Jason replied, his tone firm. "A city where I can protect people my way. And I know you won't give me grief about it."

"Hell, I don't care what you do," Remy said with a shrug. "Do whatever you want. Just don't make my life harder."

Jason nodded slightly. As Remy turned to walk away, something made him pause. He glanced back over his shoulder, an idea forming. "Hey, you ever get tired of shooting people, let me know. We should get drinks sometime."

Jason's silence stretched for a moment before he finally replied, "Yeah. Sure. Why not?"

Remy tossed him a card with his number on it. "Call me."

Jason caught the card with ease, slipping it into his jacket. As Remy revved up his motorcycle and sped off, Jason stood still, the night swallowing him once more.

Three months passed in what felt like a blur. With every day that slipped by, the threat of Trigon's impending invasion loomed heavier on the horizon. Remy, Raven, and Cassandra began preparing for the inevitable, gathering information and allies for the fight ahead. The clock was ticking, and they needed to be ready.

Over the months, Remy and Jason had become more than just uneasy allies—they had formed a friendship of sorts, built on shared experiences and mutual respect. When Remy asked Jason to help form a team, Jason didn't hesitate. He agreed, knowing that the battles ahead would require more than just his solitary approach to justice.

Nightwing was next. Remy reached out, explaining the situation. Without missing a beat, Dick Grayson agreed to help. He promised to contact others, heroes he trusted—heroes who could face the overwhelming power of Trigon's forces. Within days, Dick had assembled Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Supergirl, and they all made their way to Detroit.

But two key members were still missing—Victor Stone, the half-man, half-machine known as Cyborg, and Garfield Logan, the shapeshifter who called himself Beast Boy. They were essential to the team, and without them, their chances of success were slim.

Remy, Raven, and Nightwing took it upon themselves to find Garfield, tracking him to Coast City, while Kid Flash, Supergirl, and Aqualad headed to Central City to recruit Victor.

Coast City was bathed in the warm light of sunset as Remy, Raven, and Nightwing arrived. The coastal breeze carried the salty scent of the ocean, but none of them were there for sightseeing.

They found Garfield lounging on a beach chair near the water, sipping a smoothie. His bright green skin and playful grin made him easy to spot. When he saw them approaching, Garfield stood up, stretching lazily as he sauntered over.

"Well, well, well," he said with a wide grin, looking at each of them in turn. "Look what the cat dragged in. What brings the infamous Gambit to my neck of the woods?"

Remy smirked, but Raven remained silent, her arms crossed. Nightwing, ever the diplomat, spoke first. "We need your help, Garfield. There's a threat coming—Trigon. We're putting together a team."

Garfield's grin widened, but his eyes softened as they landed on Raven. He leaned in slightly, his tone turning playful. "Mama, you didn't tell me you were starting a club. I would've signed up sooner if I knew you'd be around."

Raven's expression remained impassive, though a slight twitch of annoyance crossed her brow. "This isn't a game, Garfield."

"Oh, I know," he said, his tone teasing but his gaze sharp. "But if you need me, I'm in. Always wanted to be part of something bigger."

Remy clenched his fists, feeling a pang of something he wasn't used to—jealousy. He had grown close to Raven over the past months, and seeing Garfield flirt with her so easily gnawed at him. But before he could dwell on it, Nightwing shot him a knowing glance, his laughter barely contained.

"Don't worry, Gambit," Nightwing whispered under his breath.

Remy rolled his eyes but let it slide. "Alright, Beast Boy. Welcome to the team."

Meanwhile, in Central City, Kid Flash, Supergirl, and Aqualad were making their case to Victor Stone. The techno-organic hero had been reluctant at first, unsure if he was ready to throw himself into the fray again after everything he'd been through. But after a heartfelt speech from Supergirl about the responsibility they all shared and the importance of standing united, Victor agreed to join them.

Back in Detroit, the team was finally assembled. Gambit, Black Bat, Raven, Red Hood, Nightwing, Kid Flash, Supergirl, Aqualad, Cyborg, and Beast Boy all stood together in an abandoned warehouse that Nightwing had found for their base.

The space was large and open, with reinforced walls and a high ceiling. Old crates and equipment littered the floor, but it had potential. Nightwing had already started setting up gear and weapons, and there were cases for their suits lining one wall.

Beast Boy looked around, his arms crossed over his chest. "Nice digs, but what's the team name? We gonna be like 'Superfriends' or something?"

Remy grinned, stepping forward. "No, man. We're gonna be something better."

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? What's that?"

Remy turned to face the group, his eyes sharp with purpose. "Titans. We'll be the Titans."

The word hung in the air for a moment before the team nodded in agreement. It felt right. It felt like the beginning of something bigger than themselves.

And with the shadow of Trigon creeping ever closer, they knew they would need to stand together as Titans—stronger than they'd ever been before.