
Dc: Rise of Gambit

What if a average college student gets reincarnated with the powers of Gambit in the Dc universe?

God_Usopp_21 · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Chapter 19: New Beginnings and Old Shadows

The hum of the city had become a familiar symphony for Remy LeBeau. Detroit's streets, rough and unpolished, reminded him of places he'd been before—places where shadows had weight and danger lived around every corner. But there was something different now. The last few weeks had been transformative, even peaceful, as peaceful as life could get when you had a demon lord's daughter and a trained assassin living under your roof.

Raven and Cassandra had moved in, and the shift was undeniable. Raven, whose past was drenched in shadows and mysticism, had been living in a homeless shelter. When Remy found out, it struck a chord deep within him—something primal, protective. The day he offered her a place to stay still lingered fresh in his memory.

"You can't stay there, Raven," he had said, a casual grin lighting up his face. "A beautiful lady like you? Nah, that ain't right."

Raven had stared at him, her usually composed exterior cracking for just a moment. No one had ever called her beautiful before—her pale, gray skin and dark aura had always drawn scorn, branding her as a freak. Her cheeks turned a faint shade of pink, a blush she'd never experienced before. The word "beautiful" rolled around in her mind, tender and unfamiliar. No one had seen her like this before—human, vulnerable, and striking.

"Thank you," she had whispered, her voice barely above a breath. For once, her guarded heart softened, and for a moment, she let herself feel what it meant to be seen as more than her darkness.

Cassandra had decided to move in soon after, though her reasons had been less clear. She simply claimed it was to help out, to keep an eye on him and assist wherever needed. But that wasn't the entire truth. Remy could sense there was something more, something unsaid in the quiet glances she shot his way when she thought he wasn't looking. However, he hadn't pushed her to reveal her true feelings. Yet.

Cassandra had her own internal struggle. She thought back to a conversation she had with Stephanie Brown weeks ago. They had been patrolling the streets of Gotham, the cold night air biting at their skin, when Stephanie had called her out.

"You've got a crush, don't you?" Stephanie had teased, her smirk cutting through the night.

"What? No, I don't," Cassandra had replied, her voice almost too quick, betraying her calm demeanor.

Stephanie had laughed, shaking her head. "Come on, Cass. I've seen the way you look at Remy. It's like you're trying to solve a puzzle, but the answer's right in front of you."

Cassandra had sighed, knowing Stephanie had a point. "I don't know how to tell him," she admitted. "I don't… know how to do this."

"Just be honest," Stephanie had said, her voice uncharacteristically soft. "Write it down if you need to. But don't let this pass you by. You deserve to be happy too."

Before Cassandra could muster a reply, her phone had buzzed with a message from Remy, calling her for backup. The conversation had ended, but the thoughts lingered, swirling in her mind ever since.

Now, back in the present, the three of them sat in Remy's apartment, curled up on the worn couch, watching One Piece. The room was filled with the warm glow of the TV as Luffy and his crew embarked on yet another adventure. The chaotic, vibrant world of pirates seemed to capture all their attention, if only for a little while.

"Man, this anime is so good," Remy said, his grin wide as he leaned back, arms stretched behind his head. "Who's y'all's favorite character so far? Mine's Luffy. Gotta love how carefree he is."

Cassandra, sitting cross-legged on the floor, gave a small smirk. "Zoro. He's like his swords. Sharp. Focused. Deadly."

Raven, tucked into the corner of the couch, glanced at the screen before speaking softly. "Nico Robin. She's the smartest one. She's quiet, but powerful." There was a hint of understanding in her tone, as though she related more to the character than she was willing to admit.

Just as the conversation flowed, Remy's phone buzzed with a text message. He glanced down, eyes narrowing for a moment before relaxing again. "Looks like I gotta meet someone for coffee," he said, rising from the couch and grabbing his jacket. "Don't watch too much without me, I don't wanna miss the Kaido fight."

Cassandra gave him a small nod, though there was something distant in her gaze, as if her mind was somewhere else. Raven simply waved her hand, her attention already drifting back to the screen.

Remy stepped out, the night air cool against his skin as he revved his motorcycle to life. The streets of Detroit were a blur as he sped through them, the city's gritty heartbeat pulsing beneath his wheels. It didn't take long to reach the small café, tucked away between towering buildings, a beacon of quiet in the chaos of the city.

Inside, sitting at a corner table, was Bruce Wayne, his posture as rigid and composed as always. Remy slid into the seat across from him, raising an eyebrow.

"So, what's up, Bruce?" Remy asked, his usual cocky grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

Bruce didn't waste any time, his voice low and gravely as he recounted the events that had haunted him for years—Jason Todd's death and subsequent resurrection as the Red Hood. As Bruce spoke, his words were measured, but there was a weight behind them, a rare vulnerability that few ever saw. He explained Jason's anger, his thirst for vengeance, and the violence he'd unleashed on Gotham in his quest for retribution.

"He's out there now," Bruce said, his voice tight. "And I don't know what to do. I've failed him, Remy. I brought him into this life, and I couldn't protect him. What should I do?"

Remy leaned back, his fingers tapping lightly on the table as he thought. It wasn't often that Bruce came to him for advice, and that alone spoke volumes about how much this situation weighed on him. After a moment, Remy's voice cut through the silence.

"I think," Remy began slowly, "you need to give him time. Jason's hurt, Bruce. He's angry, and he's got every right to be. But maybe, just maybe, he needs to find his own path. Maybe he'll come back to you, or maybe he won't. But either way, he's out there, makin' his own choices. That's somethin', right?"

Bruce stared at the table for a long moment, his jaw clenched, then gave a small nod. "You're right," he said, though there was no relief in his voice, just the quiet acceptance of a painful truth.

As Bruce stood to leave, he glanced back at Remy. "Where's Cassandra?" he asked, his tone casual.

Remy, surprised by the question, shrugged. "She's stayin' here in Detroit with me."

A smirk crossed Bruce's face, but he said nothing more. As he turned to walk away, a thought flickered through his mind. That's why she was practically skipping last time I saw her, he mused.

"Have fun," Bruce said over his shoulder as he walked out of the café, leaving Remy standing there, confused but brushing it off.

Remy mounted his motorcycle once more, racing through the streets back to his apartment. The wind whipped past him, and as the buildings blurred by, his mind wandered back to the thought of Raven and Cassandra waiting for him.

Miles away, another motorcycle roared down the highway, a red streak cutting through the night. The rider slowed as he approached the "Welcome to Detroit" sign, the glow of city lights stretching out before him. Jason Todd, the Red Hood, removed his helmet, revealing the smirk that had become his trademark.

He parked outside a small, rundown hotel, tossing the keys to the receptionist without a second thought. When she asked how long he'd be staying, he merely grinned.

"A long while," he said, his voice low and dangerous. There was something electric in the air, a storm brewing just beneath the surface, and Jason had come to Detroit for a reason.

As he disappeared into the dimly lit lobby, the chapter ended with an ominous sense of things to come. Detroit had become the stage for something far greater than any of them could yet comprehend. And as the shadows lengthened, the paths of Remy LeBeau and Jason Todd seemed destined to collide once again.