
Dc: Rise of Gambit

What if a average college student gets reincarnated with the powers of Gambit in the Dc universe?

God_Usopp_21 · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Chapter 1: The Reckoning

The faint sound of laughter echoed down the hallway, blending with the distant thrum of music seeping from the dorm rooms that lined the walls. Jake Cage, a typical college student, was just another face in the bustling crowd at Wayne State University. He was an average kid, no different from countless others, striving for a degree in business while juggling part-time jobs and the occasional late-night video game marathon with friends. But today was destined to be anything but ordinary.

The autumn sun cast a warm golden glow through the campus, illuminating the colorful leaves that crunched underfoot. Jake had just finished an exhausting day of classes, his mind buzzing with the relentless pressure of midterms approaching. He pushed through the front doors of his dormitory, his heart set on a relaxing evening filled with snacks and video games. Little did he know that fate had other plans.

As Jake stepped off the final stair, he felt a sudden jolt—something sharp and disorienting. It was as if the universe itself had decided to tug at the very fabric of his existence. In an instant, the world around him began to spin, colors blurring into an indecipherable swirl of light and shadow. He barely had time to comprehend the gravity of the situation before everything went black.

When Jake regained consciousness, he was no longer enveloped by the familiar confines of his dormitory. Instead, he found himself in a vast expanse of soft white light, stretching infinitely in every direction. A sense of calm washed over him, the kind of peace he had never experienced before. He floated there, weightless, and tried to piece together what had just happened.

"Welcome, Jake Cage," a voice resonated in the emptiness, gentle yet booming, reverberating through his very being. It was a voice unlike any he had ever heard—ethereal, omniscient, and filled with warmth.

Jake squinted, trying to discern the source of the voice. "Who—who are you?" he managed to stammer, his heart racing.

"I am God," the voice replied simply, as if that explained everything. "And it appears I have made a mistake."

A chill shot down Jake's spine. "Mistake? What do you mean?"

"Your death was unintentional," God explained. "I had meant to intervene in another matter, and in doing so, your life was inadvertently snuffed out like a candle in the wind." The gravity of the statement sank into Jake's consciousness, a gaping void where his mortal life had once thrived.

"Wait a minute!" Jake protested, confusion mixing with anger. "You mean I'm dead? Just like that?"

"Yes, but fret not. I am willing to offer you a second chance," God continued, the tone soothing, as if trying to ease the blow. "However, you must first spin the wheel of worlds. It will determine the realm in which you will begin anew."

Jake blinked, processing the surreal nature of the situation. "A wheel? Like a game show?" He couldn't help but chuckle despite the circumstances, the absurdity offering a brief respite from the shock.

"Precisely," God replied, a hint of amusement coloring His voice. "But this is not a trivial matter. Each world holds its own challenges and opportunities. Spin wisely."

Before Jake could respond, the vast whiteness morphed, and a gigantic, ornate wheel appeared, intricately decorated with symbols from countless realms. Each sector gleamed with an allure of possibility. With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, Jake approached the wheel, its surface shimmering as he laid a hand on it.

"Just give it a good spin, and let destiny decide," God encouraged, his voice like a gentle breeze.

Taking a deep breath, Jake pulled the lever, watching with wide eyes as the wheel whirled. It sped past vibrant worlds, a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. His heart raced in tandem with the spinning wheel, anticipation coursing through him. Finally, it began to slow, each tick a heartbeat, until it landed with a triumphant click on a sector marked with a bold 'DC Comics.'

Jake couldn't help but laugh, a sound that echoed strangely in the infinite space. "DC Comics? Really? This is gonna be interesting," he said, feeling an odd sense of exhilaration. "What's next?"

"You will now have the opportunity to select a set of abilities," God explained. Another wheel materialized beside the first, this one smaller but equally impressive. "Spin again to determine the powers you will inherit."

With renewed enthusiasm, Jake stepped up to the second wheel. "Let's see what I can get!" He spun it harder this time, eager to embrace whatever came next. As the wheel revolved, the colors and names of various heroes and villains blurred into a whirlwind of possibilities. He found himself hoping for something cool, something that would make his second chance truly remarkable.

The wheel slowed once more, landing on 'Gambit' with a resounding thud. The name sent a thrill through him. "Gambit? The guy who throws explosive cards? Not too shabby!" he exclaimed, picturing himself dashing through the streets, charged kinetic energy rippling through his fingertips.

"An excellent choice," God acknowledged. "Gambit's powers will indeed offer you unique advantages. But before you begin your new life, do you wish to select your appearance?"

"Can I?" Jake asked, intrigued. The idea of customizing his looks thrilled him. "Then yeah, I want to look like Gambit I took his powers should take his looks as well."God nodded, a soft smile evident in His voice. "Very well. Your appearance will reflect your desires."

Jake felt a surge of excitement, the prospect of reinventing himself washing over him like a tidal wave. "What about my memories? Will they stay with me?"

"They will be protected," God assured, the gravity of His promise settling warmly in Jake's chest. "You will retain your memories, your essence, and the lessons learned from your previous life. Use them wisely."

"Good," Jake said, a grin spreading across his face. "I think I'm ready. Let's do this!"

"Good luck on your new life, Jake Cage," God replied, His voice fading like the last rays of sunlight before dusk.

With a sudden rush, Jake felt himself being pulled from the brilliant light, spiraling into the unknown. The sensation was exhilarating, like riding a roller coaster straight into oblivion.

When he opened his eyes again, he was lying on a surprisingly soft surface. The air smelled of gasoline and something sweet—faintly reminiscent of burnt sugar. As his senses adjusted, Jake pushed himself up and glanced around. He was in a dimly lit alleyway, surrounded by towering buildings, their brick facades slick with rain.

"What the—?" he murmured, running a hand through his hair. His fingers caught in unfamiliar strands, and he realized he had indeed transformed; the red hair flowed like rivers down his back. He rushed to a nearby storefront window, leaning close to inspect his reflection.

Staring back at him was a striking figure—an athletic young man with deep tan skin, wild red hair, and vivid black and purple eyes that seemed to shimmer with a life of their own. A rush of pride swelled within him; he looked formidable, ready to take on the world.

"Alright, new me," he said, grinning at his reflection. "Let's figure out how this works." He felt a current of energy thrumming beneath his skin, as if his body was a live wire, buzzing with untapped potential.

Jake stepped back from the window, glancing down at his attire. He wore a casual black shirt, combat-ready cargo pants, and sneakers—nothing flashy but definitely functional. But as his gaze shifted to the ground, he noticed something shiny nestled beside a stack of discarded pizza boxes.

Curiosity piqued, he bent down and picked up a wallet that seemed almost out of place. The leather was smooth, and it felt reassuring in his hand. He flipped it open, and his breath caught. Inside, he found a substantial amount of cash and a sleek black card that seemed to absorb the light around it.

"Holy crap!" he exclaimed, marveling at his luck. His ID card was there as well, and he scanned the name: Remy Lebeau. "Remy Lebeau? Wait a second… Gambit's real name!"

An excited laugh bubbled up from his chest. It was like the universe was handing him a cheat sheet to navigate this new life.

"Let's see what kind of skills you gave me, Gambit."

Jake stepped into the street, letting the night envelop him. The city pulsed around him, a living entity filled with people, cars, and neon lights that flickered like fireflies in the darkness. His heart raced as he focused inward, trying to tap into the abilities he now possessed.

He raised his hands, energy crackling at his fingertips like electricity. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned the kinetic force, feeling it surge through him. He glanced around, spotting an empty soda can resting on the pavement. With a quick flick of his fingers, he charged it with energy and tossed it into the air.

"Let's see how this works," he said to himself, the thrill of experimentation igniting a fire in his belly.

The can exploded in a vibrant flash, sending shards of metal scattering like fireworks. The sudden burst drew the attention of a few passersby, their shocked faces illuminated by the brilliance of the explosion.

"Guess I should be careful," he chuckled, the adrenaline pulsing through him. "But this is just the beginning."

As he began to explore the city, excitement coursed through him. This new life was filled with endless possibilities, and he felt ready to embrace every challenge it would throw his way. With powers, a new identity, and the memories of his past life guiding him, Jake Cage, now Remy Lebeau, was determined to make a mark on this world—one explosive adventure at a time.