
DC: One with Equipt

Theo Dimagiba Promet, a 15 year old, thrust without warning in the most dangerous universe out of the two, Marvel and DC. It's the second, btw. He's blessed with the strongest power, but he doesn't know how to use it. Ha! I had to nerf him, cuz the ability is too OP if he knows how to use it. Read and find out. As he's known to be the Hero who's always Fully Equipped: Overgeared. The title is a play on words on Erza's Requip. And a combination of several OP abilities that he doesn't know how to access, yet. I don't own the cover, the stories I use for the matter, only the idea. FML:?

PhantomMadman · 漫画同人
16 Chs

Suggested Training

Theo stood in the training arena of the Batcave, feeling the anticipation build in his chest. Across from him, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas, and Damian Wayne watched him with focused eyes. They had all returned from summer camp recently, ready to test their skills against Theo and his newly developed Komori-Ryuu.

The training session began with Damian launching himself at Theo with a flurry of rapid strikes. Theo's eyes narrowed as he sidestepped the initial barrage, his movements fluid and precise. He countered with a swift roundhouse kick that Damian barely managed to block.

As Damian regrouped, Tim and Duke moved in, coordinating their attacks seamlessly. Tim came at Theo from the left, aiming a high kick at his head, while Duke approached from the right with a series of quick jabs. Theo's training kicked in, his body reacting instinctively. He ducked under Tim's kick and parried Duke's punches, using their momentum against them.

The fight was a blur of motion. Theo's Komori-Ryuu allowed him to blend the martial arts techniques of the entire Batfamily, creating a unique style that was both defensive and aggressive. He deflected Tim's bo staff with a sharp twist of his wrist, then spun and delivered a backhand strike to Duke's chest, sending him stumbling back.

Damian seized the moment to strike again, his katana slicing through the air with lethal precision. Theo grabbed a nearby training stick, meeting Damian's blade with a loud clash. Their eyes locked in a moment of mutual respect before Theo disarmed Damian with a swift twist and a kick to his wrist, sending the katana clattering to the floor.

Tim and Duke recovered quickly, attempting a coordinated attack once more. Theo's movements became a whirlwind of strikes and counters. He swept Tim's legs out from under him, then blocked Duke's overhead punch with a forearm, retaliating with an elbow to Duke's side.

The three continued to press their attacks, but Theo's Komori-Ryuu proved superior. He flowed between their strikes, his movements almost dance-like in their elegance and efficiency. In a final, decisive move, Theo disarmed Tim, tripped Duke, and knocked Damian's legs out from under him, leaving all three on the mat.

Breathing heavily, the three young heroes sat up, looking at Theo with a mix of frustration and admiration.

"You've gotten really good," Tim said, wiping sweat from his brow.

Theo grinned, offering them a hand to help them up. "Thanks. It's been a lot of work."

Once they were all standing, Damian crossed his arms, frowning thoughtfully. "You should learn to make things. If you can create weapons or gadgets, it would complement your fighting style."

Tim nodded in agreement. "And see if you can unleash the potential of anything other than the Batarang. Who knows what else you might be able to do?"

Duke added, "And try communicating with the items. If your powers are as versatile as they seem, there might be more to them than we realize."

Theo listened to their suggestions, feeling a surge of determination. "I'll definitely give those a try. Thanks for the advice, guys."

Damian, Tim, and Duke exchanged nods, their expressions serious. "We're all here to help," Tim said. "We're a team, after all."

Theo felt a warmth in his chest at their words. "Yeah, we are. And I'll make sure to do my part."

As they left the training arena, Theo couldn't help but reflect on their suggestions. The possibilities of his powers seemed endless, and with the support of the Batfamily, he was ready to explore them all.


After the intense training session, Theo returned to his room, his mind buzzing with the suggestions from Damian, Tim, and Duke. As he closed the door behind him, he took a deep breath, trying to absorb everything they had discussed. Each of their ideas had merit, but one suggestion stood out to him the most: meditation, as suggested by Cassandra.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, Theo closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He let the world around him fade away, concentrating solely on the rhythm of his inhale and exhale. His thoughts began to drift to his power, 'One with Equipt.' It was a power that hadn't been seen for 10,000 universal resets. What did that even mean?

As he meditated, Theo's mind wandered back to his past life. He missed his family, his friends, and the simplicity of his old world. The pain of losing everything was still raw, but he knew he had to set that aside to focus on the present and the future. He needed to understand his power, to harness it fully.

For hours, he struggled to maintain focus, his thoughts constantly drifting back to his past. But gradually, he felt the burden begin to ease off his shoulders. He had to let go. Only then could he truly connect with his power.

With a newfound clarity, Theo's mind began to open up to the possibilities of 'One with Equipt.' He could sense a deeper connection to the items around him. He focused on the Batarang he had used earlier, visualizing its shape, its weight, its purpose.

He thought about creating the Batarang, imagining it forming in his hands. Nothing happened. Frustrated, he took a deep breath and tried again, but with a slight shift in his intention. Instead of creating it, he thought about duplicating it.

To his surprise, the Batarang in his hand shimmered and then, there were two. His eyes snapped open, staring at the identical Batarangs. He had duplicated it. He couldn't create items out of thin air, but he could replicate existing ones.

Excitement surged through him. This was just the beginning. He would figure out the full extent of his power, one step at a time. For now, he had unlocked a new ability, and he couldn't wait to explore it further.

Theo placed the Batarangs on his desk, a determined look on his face. The journey to mastering his powers was just starting, and with the support of the Batfamily, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


He took back everything he said about being ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As Theo was flung by a Venom-enhanced Joker goon, he hit the wall hard, pain radiating through his body. Joker's laughter echoed through the dimly lit warehouse, with Punchline smirking beside him.

"Welcome, Batman's new protégé, Komori!" Joker's voice was mocking, his eyes gleaming with malicious delight. Theo's thoughts raced as he struggled to regain his footing. How could he get out of this? Joker handed another batch of Venom to a few more goons, their muscles bulging grotesquely as the serum took effect.

Anger, pure red-hot anger, surged through Theo. This was no simple patrol. This was a nightmare. He felt the familiar pull of his power, 'One with Equipt,' as he reached deep within himself, desperate to turn the tide. He focused on his suit and gadgets, willing them to release their potential.

His Komori outfit responded, making him faster and more transparent. In that moment, all he wanted was to be invisible, to move swiftly and unseen. The suit seemed to understand, adapting to his needs.

Theo's gadgets transformed as his thoughts and imagination fueled them. The Batarangs in his hands multiplied into a swarm of bats, releasing smoke that obscured the goons' vision. Another set of Batarangs tied up the goons, binding their massive forms with reinforced cables. Sleeping gas billowed from a capsule, knocking out several of the Venom-enhanced thugs.

He reached into his utility belt, activating every gadget he could think of. A sonic emitter disoriented the goons, while explosive gel set off controlled detonations that further disarrayed their ranks. He used a grappling hook to pull himself to higher ground, gaining a momentary reprieve.

But the comms were down. Joker's hideout was equipped with signal blockers, leaving Theo isolated. He needed help, and fast.

Theo's heart pounded as he dodged another swing from a goon, his mind working overtime. He couldn't take them all on alone, not like this. He had to find a way to disable the signal blockers and call for backup.

In a moment of clarity, he remembered a disruptor device Batman had used before. He quickly scanned his utility belt, finding a compact EMP. He activated it, hoping it would be enough to cut through the interference.

The signal blockers sputtered and died, the static in his earpiece clearing.

"This is Komori," Theo panted, his voice strained. "I need backup. Joker and Punchline have Venom-enhanced goons. I'm holding them off, but I can't do this alone."

He could hear the Batfamily's response crackling through the comms, their voices a lifeline in the chaos. Reinforcements were on their way.

Theo steeled himself, using every ounce of his training and newfound abilities to hold his ground. He wasn't alone in this fight. The Batfamily was coming, and together, they would take down Joker and his twisted crew.


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