
DC One For All

A normal desk worker who is fan of the series FRIENDS gets killed. He then transmigrates into the body of a teenager. He has the power of One For All. I hope everybody give this fanfiction a try. I update every Monday. Four Chapters a week.

luminous1_vanqu10 · 漫画同人
8 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

After taking a moment to catch their breath and gather their bearings, Sebastian and Bruce emerged from the dimly lit alleyway, their steps steady and purposeful as they began the journey towards the Gotham City Police Department precinct.

The air was cool and crisp, a welcome relief from the tension of their recent encounter.

As they made their way through the city, Sebastian and Bruce exchanged quiet conversation.

the streets of Gotham were far from empty. Pedestrians bustled about, their movements hurried and purposeful as they went about their morning routines. The sounds of car horns and distant sirens filled the air, a constant reminder of the city's ceaseless activity.

From a distance they saw a towering building.

The towering skyscrapers loomed overhead, casting long shadows that danced across the pavement as they walked.

As they approached the precinct, the imposing structure of the GCPD building came into view, its tall columns and imposing facade a symbol of authority and order in the heart of the city.

"Awesome right, it's so imposing." Sebastian said while looking at the building.

"Yes I have visited this place before..." Bruce replied.

Sebastian decided not to ask any further questions on that topic knowing it's a sore spot for Bruce.

"Okay... Let's get inside."

As Sebastian and Bruce stepped into the Gotham City Police Department building, the receptionist's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Bruce Wayne, the billionaire heir to the Wayne fortune, standing before her.

Before they could say anything.

"Bruce Wayne...I mean Mr.Bruce Wayne. How...what..." The receptionist stuttered.

"I think you broke her with your presence Bruce" Sebastian joked.

Ignoring Sebastian's comment Bruce asked.

"Can I use the phone to contact my guardian."

The receptionist came back to her senses.

" Yes of course. Here." She placed the phone in front of them.

"Can I know why you are here?" She asked.

Before Bruce could answer Sebastian stepped in.

" Oh let me explain. The rich boy wanted an adventure. So he sneaked out of his house and lost his way in the city. He said while laughing.

"Okay" the receptionist replied.

The receptionist chuckled at the notion of Bruce Wayne getting lost in Gotham, a rare occurrence indeed.

Sebastian joined in the laughter, finding amusement in the incongruity of the situation.

"Yeah it isn't that funny" Bruce said.

With a sense of resignation, Bruce dialed a familiar number.

After waiting for a while the call was picked up.

Bruce explained to a pissed off Alfred about his situation.

He also informed that he was at the GCPD building.

Sebastian took the opportunity to inquire about Jim Gordon's whereabouts, only to learn that the officer had gone out to deal with a matter related to a case he is handling.

The receptionist asked if he had any message to pass on to Officer Gordan.

But Sebastian declined the offer.

Sebastian and Bruce settled into the lobby to await Alfred's arrival.

"I think you are gonna have an ear-full scolding when you reach home." Sebastian said.

Bruce nodded and replied "Yes, there's a possibility".

The minutes passed slowly, filled with idle chatter and awkward silences as they waited for Bruce's guardian to arrive.

"So while we are waiting here for the Alfred guy, why don't you tell the story of you getting chased by three thugs." Sebastian offered.

"Well it's not that interesting and I can't keep you waiting here on a Sunday" Bruce tried to dodge the question.

"Oh I promise you there's nowhere for me to be at this moment, so let's hear it." Sebastian said.

"Okay I will tell you" Bruce began with a sigh "It all started when I woke up bright and early, had my usual breakfast at Wayne Manor, and decided I wanted a bit of an adventure in the city."

Leaning in closer "You see, I had a piano class scheduled for the morning, and knowing Alfred would never let me skip it, I had to come up with a bit of a plan to sneak out of the mansion unnoticed. And let me tell you, it was no easy feat slipping past our guards!

But somehow, I managed to evade their watchful eyes and make my way into the heart of Gotham. I was wandering around, taking in the sights and sounds of the city, when I stumbled upon quite the scene."

"There were these three thugs hassling a girl who looked to be around our age. They were accusing her of stealing from them, and something about the whole situation just didn't sit right with me."

'Oh boy I know where this is going' Sebastian said in his mind having an idea of what happened.

"I tried to push one of the thugs away from her, but, well, let's just say it didn't go exactly as planned," Bruce admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"But then, out of nowhere, the girl, she... she took advantage of the chaos and swiped my purse!" Bruce exclaimed, a mixture of frustration evident in his voice. "I was so focused on the thugs that I didn't even realize she'd pulled a fast one on me!"

' I knew it. It's confirmed it's Selina Kyle, Catwoman!' Sebastian shouted in his mind.

'man the plot is really bringing in the cast together'.

Bruce continued, "Next thing I knew, I was being pushed towards those thugs by the very person I was trying to help! Talk about a plot twist, right?" He shook his head in disbelief at the memory.

"I wasn't about to let them catch me that easily. I took off running as fast as I could, with those thugs hot on my heels. It was like something out of a movie, I tell you!"

"Oh I know you bumped into me." Sebastian said.

"Yeah you know the rest of the part" Bruce said.

"Oh yes the Scared Bruce Wayne hiding near a garbage pile." Sebastian taunted.

"And I can't believe you got mugged by a girl while playing the hero." Sebastian said while laughing.

Bruce was not thrilled about that part as he sat there silently.

This continued for a while.

Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps heralded Alfred's arrival, his stern countenance softened by the hint of a smile as he greeted Bruce.

"Master Bruce. Thank God you are alright." He said while checking Bruce for any injuries.

"It's not....." Before he could finish Alfred continued.

"What in the world were you thinking?" He asked.

"I can explain....''

I'm not interested in your explanations, Master Bruce. You could have been hurt, or worse! And for what? A little adventure in the city? he asked again.

"I just wanted to see the city alone and have some fresh air."

I understand your intentions, Master Bruce, but that doesn't excuse your reckless behavior. You have a responsibility to think before you act, especially considering your position in this city.

Alfred said.

"Wow I just got erased from the stage" Sebastian said but was ignored by the two individuals.

"I know, Alfred. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Bruce apologized.

"It had better not, Master Bruce. You are not invincible, despite what you may think. Now, let's get you home and clean up before anyone else notices your little escapade." Alfred said.

"Yes, Alfred. Thank you." Bruce replied.

As Alfred turned to leave he noticed Sebastian standing there.

"And who might you be?" He enquired.

I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter.....😁