
Chapter 12: Super

Clark crashed at Bruce's place at the end of the day. After he left Mark's room, he found the exhaustion from fighting with Omni-man had caught up to him. He went to the nearest open room and promptly passed out on the bed, not bothering to take off his hero suit. The only thing Clark managed to do was call Lois and let her know what happened… or, he probably did. Judging by his call history. He eventually woke up to sunlight peeking through the curtains, it bathed the entire room in a soft glow, while also shining right into his eyes. He rolled away from the sun and tried to go back to sleep, but it was already too light in the room to sleep. Clark grumbled and stretched his aching body, it made some worrying cracks. He then slipped out of bed and dug through the drawers for any type of clothing. But he was pleasantly surprised to see some clothes already folded on the dresser with a note. 'For Master Kent'.

Alfred was truly an angel.

After Clark peeled himself out of his grimy suit, showered, and changed into new clothes, he finally left his room.

He should apologize to Bruce for passing out in one of the rooms, he didn't even ask. Alfred deserved an apology as well. He was met with the smell of bacon and sweet pancakes upon exiting his room. A heavenly smell that his body yearned to indulge in. Clark brightened and made his way downstairs and into the dining room. Where he found everyone awake, already stuffing their mouths full and-

"Jon? When did you get here?" He asked, perplexed by the sudden appearance of his son. He didn't remember bringing him.

Jon whipped his head towards Clark, wide-eyed, looking as though Clark caught his hand in the cookie jar. Before he gave a small smile, "I heard what happened from Mom, so I flew over here to check on you- but then I got distracted," he said around a mouthful of food. Clark sighed and ruffled his son's hair, he took a seat beside him.

"That's fine son- and don't talk with your mouth full," he chided before a plate was set before him. He looked up and saw Alfred, giving him a grateful smile. "Thank you. For the clothes and food," he added.

Alfred's eyes crinkled, "it was no trouble, Master Kent."

He turned to the head of the table, where Bruce always sat. He had a faint grin on his face upon meeting Clark's eyes. Clark chuckled, "Sorry for not asking before sleeping here, Bruce. I was kind of exhausted," Clark said and rubbed the back of his head.

"No worries, my house is always open to you," Bruce nodded his head to him. Clark thought as much, but he still didn't like crashing here without warning. Then, the soft shuffle of feet padded down the hall, effectively catching his attention.

"Morning," Mark muttered, he rubbed at his tired eyes and plopped next to him. Without hesitation. Clark grinned, and to think the boy used to be scared of him… well, now he knew why. But it was nice to see Mark so comfortable in his presence, to trust him.

"Good, seems I don't have to rouse you," Damian said, and was that disappointment on his face? Clark must be seeing things.

Alfred set a plate in front of him too, Mark not hesitating to pile pancakes onto it.

Bruce cleared his throat, "Mark. I do have some good news for you," the boy looked up. "It'll have to wait. However, I'd like everyone in the Batcave after breakfast," Tim nodded along with Bruce, he looked rather satisfied with himself… and sporting some heavy eyebags. Did that boy sleep last night?

"Oh, ok," Mark mumbled. He then glanced at Clark, "Uh, Clark, I just want to-"

"You don't need to thank me, Mark, I was happy to help," very happy to help. Clark would never admit it, but hitting Omni-man was quite the stress reliever.

Mark smiled, "Still, thank you."

Breakfast was always pleasant at the Wayne manor. As well as entertaining, especially with the whole family. The meal was filled with banter and sometimes knives or guns being drawn. But never used, not with Alfred watching. Mark somehow fit right in, cracking a joke here and there, whispering dry comments to him… for some reason.

"Damian's afraid of Alfred. I know he is," Mark muttered to him, Clark chuckled at the comment.

"What did you say, Grayson?" Damian snapped, and Mark looked at Dick. Who in turn looked at Mark, they both glanced back at Damian and pointed at the other one. "You know I mean Mark," Clark was glad to witness it, to see that Mark, despite everything, could still be happy. Even after what happened yesterday.

But good things don't last forever. Breakfast had ended, and they all crammed into the Batcave. All eager to hear the apparent 'good news' Bruce and Tim had.

"So what's the news?" Clark said, laying his hands on his hips.

Tim grinned, "I spent all night configuring your little watch to send you back to your dimension!" He exclaimed and presented it to Mark like an award. His eyes widened, gently taking it from Tim.

"All night…? Tim, you really should've slept instead. I mean, this is great. I really appreciate it but, uh, you didn't have to keep yourself up for it," Mark stammered, Tim waved him off.

"Don't tell me what to do," Faintly, he heard Dick whisper to Jason.

"Prepare the melatonin decaf coffee," Jason gave a serious nod at Dick's words. Clark smirked, this family…

"Right. Then I should head out. Take my dad as well," he gestured to the cage his dad sat in. Still passed out, but was hooked up to an IV and bandaged to the teeth.

"Rather shabby," Clark muttered and raised an eyebrow at Bruce. "Seriously?"

"We didn't have much to work with," Bruce said and cleared his throat, not meeting Clark's eyes.

Mark walked over, easily breaking it open. No key was needed… and this cage was supposed to hold Omni-man? Actually, how was Mark going to contain his dad? He knew Bruce could do better than this, he probably just didn't bother since Omni-man was knocked out cold, and concussed.

"Mark, y'know, we could keep him here," Clark offered. "I mean, I can put him in the Phantom Zone, or-"

"No. I have to take him back," Mark said, easily picking his old man up, his arm slung over his shoulder. Mark gave his dad a conflicted look, adjusting his grip on the man. He then gave Superman a weary smile, "I mean, he's my dad. I can't just… leave him here."

Clark's face fell, "Mark…" he muttered, about to protest. Just because he was his dad didn't mean he had to love him.

"Anyways, how do I work this thing?" Mark mumbled and changed the subject.

Tim jumped, quickly walking over to Mark. "Well, you press that button to turn it on, then the red button. Once it's pressed, it'll send you back, but it's a one-way trip. The watch will break again afterward. So…" Tim trailed off and shrugged.

"So I won't see you guys again. I get it," Mark muttered, Tim nodded. He shifted and moved the weight of his dad again. Mark sighed, "y'know, I never really apologized for being an asshole to you, Clark," Mark started.

"You don't have to-"

"No, I should. It was wrong of me to say you had bad intentions when you didn't. To assume that you're like… well, my dad," Mark shook his head. "For that I'm sorry, and I'm glad I was wrong about you."

Clark smiled, "I forgive you, Mark. Seriously, you're a good man. Don't forget that."

"Oh, and thank you, Bruce, for taking me in, and all of you for putting up with me. I was- no, am, pretty fucked up," Mark said turning to the Batfamily. "I'm kind of grateful to be an only child after this experience."

"Aww… fuck you too," Jason whispered, wiping his eyes. Everyone chuckled, Dick, shaking his head.

"And uhh.. I don't know. I'm not good with speeches. Sorry about my dad."

"Yeah he kind of sucked," Steph said. "But you're part of the shitty dad community, congrats."

"Oh, you too?" Steph nodded. "Awesome. Well, not awesome- ugh, you know what I mean," Mark sputtered.

"Mark," Cass whispered, she stepped forward and laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. Mark watched her with wide eyes, clearly shocked by her sudden approach. "Don't let him control you. You are more than your blood, be who you want to be, not what he wants you to be," she whispered. There was clear intent and truth behind her words that shone in her eyes as she spoke. Cass smiled at Mark, and he stared back, dumbfounded.

Then Mark chuckled, "shitty dad?"

Cass grinned, "shitty dad."

"Yeah, I won't let him do that. You have my word, Cass, same goes for you as well."

"Of course," and she stepped away, Steph laying a hand on her shoulder.

Mark cleared his throat, "I have nothing else to say. It was great to know you, and maybe we'll meet again."

"I hope so," Clark muttered and earned a bright smile from Mark. He mentally took a picture of his face, of that smile, and how it warmed his heart.

"Bye Mark!" Jon said and waved. Everyone coursed their own goodbyes, as Mark fiddled with the watch, muttering curses to himself.

"There we go," He said before his entire body and Omni-man was enveloped in light. In one brilliant flash, Mark was gone, his dad as well. Clark sighed, shoulders falling. He actually liked Mark quite a bit, it pained him to see him go so soon.

"Man, I'm gonna miss that bastard," Jason mumbled and shook his head.

"Me too," Dick said, and to Clark's surprise, he was sniffling a little.

"Shit Dickie bird, are you crying?"

"Only a little," Clark wiped at his own watery eyes because he was going to miss Mark as well. Despite how little he knew about the boy, and how they barely interacted, Clark somehow managed to get attached. Mark wormed his way into Clark's heart and he hoped he did the same to Mark.

Mark reminded him of himself, which made him want to protect the boy with all his might.

He just hoped Mark would have a good, relaxing time back home.


"No, stop that," Mark muttered and batted the gun away. He quickly tied the bank robber up, shaking his head. "Seriously. My name's Invincible, why do you think a gun would work?"

"I... I don't know?" The robber stuttered. Mark shook his head again before flying up to the sky, leaving the arrested criminal to the police.

Ever since he returned back home, Mark was swarmed by worried people. His mom practically wouldn't let him go for a solid week. His friends hovered like he was going to disappear again at any moment. Mark felt bad, especially with how much his mom cried. He missed her a lot too, so he cried a little as well. Okay, maybe a lot.

His dad, well… They locked him up. Cecil promised to keep him held in a specialized cage built just for Omni-man, much to Mark's own relief. But it wasn't too long before he escaped, flying off into deep space, to… who knows where.

Mark didn't know what to do about his dad. A part of him regretted not taking Clark up on his offer to hold his dad, perhaps he would've contained him better. However, he didn't have to explain anything to his mother. She watched it, heard it. She shouldn't have, but she did, and he was glad not to explain the whole ordeal.

Not to his friends either.

In all honesty, as soon as Mark made it home, his mind was made up.

He wanted to be a hero.

He wanted to help people, and save them. Maybe it's because of Superman, or Clark, what he said. For all of his life, Mark wanted his powers to awaken and be just like his dad. To fly around and save people, be the strong figure everyone looked up to. But now, Mark would rather not be like him at all.

Instead, he'd rather be like a certain superhero from another universe.

"Batman and Superman?" Eve muttered and raised a brow. She smirked, "interesting names."

"Yeah, but they're the best. Then there's Nightwing, Red Hood, Spoiler, Black Bat, Robin, Signal, Red Robin-"

"Red Robin? Like the restaurant?"

"See, I said the same thing, and he almost killed me," Eve laughed and shook her head.

"So you disappeared for a month, and had a good time?"

"Somewhat," he said, shrugging. "I guess I learned a few things."

She snorted, "like what? The meaning of friendship?"

"Yes actually. The meaning of friendship," Mark deadpanned. She pushed him a little, Mark laughed.

"Don't be a dick. What'd you learn?"

Mark stared across the city, what did he learn? "Uh.. I guess I learned what it meant to be a hero."

"Huh, still pretty cheesy," Eve hummed. "If Cecil ever figures out that watch, you should take me there. To Gotham."

Mark sighed, "You'd hate it. But sure, I'll take you," the sunset in the distance, creating quite the scene for them. Mark really hoped Cecil could fix the watch. Not just to see them again, but also if he needed help.

Mark wasn't ready to fight Viltrum, not yet. But having a Superman on his side could really help. It would make such a daunting task seem more possible than impossible.

However he mostly just wanted to see them again.

"Dick Grayson, seriously? He likes being called that?"

"Yeah. You'd like him."