

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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[David Lance POV]

I stepped out of the portal with Ivy in my arms as it closed.

Amanda Waller being involved made this entire situation more complicated than I would've liked it to be. 

Amanda Waller, by all means, was a monster, a heartless being indifferent to the suffering of others, one willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. 

In all of her iterations, she has always been depicted as manipulative and treacherous, having no limits when it comes to her methods, always being willing to sacrifice anything and everything for the "greater good," even if that meant turning a blind eye to the suffering of others. 

I've seen her cause pain and destruction in repulsive amounts, and I've seen her walk away from it without a second thought, showing no remorse for her actions, even when they've led to the death of innocent people.

No matter what version of her this Amanda Waller was… one thing was clear, she was a monster, like all the others before her.

"Are you okay?" Raven asked, giving me a concerned look.

I nodded, putting Ivy on the ground. As things were, taking Ivy to jail would only lead her to Waller, and destiny I wanted to avoid. 

As much as Ivy was a villain, Waller was arguably way, way worse, even if her intentions were supposedly the greater good. Waller was the perfect example of a villain working under the safety of unrestricted legal power. 

In her position, the laws of the world were nothing more than a set of optional guidelines that had no hold over her, and that was what made her dangerous.

She had no lines, and in her eyes, she was the one to make those lines for others not to cross. 

Letting Ivy fall in her hands was a destiny far worse than death. It was one that ended in slavery, suffering, and eventually death.

~Wake her up,~ I signed.

Raven nodded, enveloping Ivy in her magic, snapping her back to the world of the living. 

"What…" Ivy muttered groggily as she slowly opened her eyes, taking in her environment. "You!" 

"Don't," Raven said, her magic taking hold of Ivy again. "We just saved you, don't make me regret it."

"Save me… from what?" Ivy asked after a moment of silence, sounding genuinely confused.

~Do you know sign language?~ I asked, signing.

"I do; Harley made me learn it, for… well, you know," Ivy replied with a short nod.

~Very well, I will explain what's going on. If you have any questions or can't understand me very well, ask Raven,~ I nodded, pointing at Raven.

"There won't be any need," Ivy replied, crossing her arms.

~You are being targeted by someone known as Amanda Waller; she works for the government and has clearance to things you wouldn't want to know. I know little, but from what I know, I know she likes… collecting villains, people society wouldn't miss…~ I started, making sure to sign each word carefully.

Ivy frowned. "And she wanted to collect me?"

I nodded. ~However, she doesn't collect for the sake of collection, unfortunately. She… collects for the sake of enslavement, so to speak, making sure her new villains have no way but to obey her commands or die…~

Raven, at this, gave me a look that bode questions after we dealt with Ivy.

"And, you saved me from her," Ivy said, her tone indicating she wasn't even the slightest scared.

~Ivy, I know you are strong, and your powers are quite the force to be reckoned with, but Waller is no hero; she doesn't care if her people die or who dies for that matter, as long as she gets what she wants…. If she has her sights on you, she will stop at nothing, and I mean nothing, to get you. If you think there are lines no one would cross, think again because Waller would, without a second thought…~ I replied, trying to emphasize her situation as much as possible. ~And the worst part is that she can do all of that and more without any type of repercussion, she would blow up a newborn baby fresh out of the womb, mother and all, just to knock you out.~

"That's a very… descriptive example," Ivy replied, and I could see in her eyes she was starting to understand her situation.

~There's nothing she wouldn't do in order to get what she wants,~ I replied, taking a deep breath. ~The reason you are not in a jail cell right now is that I know the moment I put you up in the system, you will fall into Waller's hands…~

"If your mission was to scare me, it's working," Ivy replied.

~Good so here's the deal, you will come with me to a safe house, one monitored by the League, where you will stay until I find a way to stop Waller,~ I said, taking a deep breath as the image of Harley entered my head and her recurrent appearances in the suicide squad. ~You will bring Harley as well; chances are Waller is also interested in her, so it's best to keep her hands out of you two.~

"You are offering me a prison, but with a different warden," Ivy replied with a growl. 

~I'm offering you nothing,~ I replied, giving her a cold glare. ~I'm telling you what will happen, whether you like this arrangement or not, is inconsequential. My mission is not to please you, is to save your life and stop Waller, am I clear?~

Ivy took a step back. "It's like staring into the mute version of Batman… holy fuck is spooky…"

~Now, where's Harley? So that we can start this,~ I asked, taking a step forward. ~Raven here is a telepath, so please don't make me ask her to get Harley's location…~

"What will happen to us once you take care of Waller?" Ivy asked.

"You will have to wait and see," Raven replied, taking the words out of my hands.