
Chapter 10: Faithfull encounter Part 2

[Third Person's Point of View]

Acnologia left to eat once more as his encounter with death had left him famished. The members of the league had let him go eat as they were more focused on what they had just learned. They needed a meeting to discuss this and plan according to the new information.

There was silence in the meeting as no one knew how to start the meeting. They all gave a side glance to Superman as he was still in a dazed state. Batman had managed to calm him down, but the amount was not much. Flash was the one to break the silence.

Flash: So, anyone wants to talk about the "personification of death"? I mean, I'm willing to believe in magic but the "personification of death" that's far-fetched. Are you sure that the kid isn't pulling a prank on us?

Some were inclined to believe what Flash had said while others were still on the fence. Orin was on the fence because he knew Acnologia was not one to lie. He tried to think of any reason as to why Acnologia would lie but he could not think of one yet the idea of someone being the "personification of death" was still too hard to believe.

Batman saw what was going on, but he stayed silent for a few more minutes as he was trying to factor in what the new information meant. If that being was a possible threat or not and what could they do to fight that being?

Acnologia had said that she usually did not interfere with people's lives. He saw two things wrong with it. One was the word usually, it meant that being could and would interfere with someone's life if that being felt like it. Second, Batman kept the possibility of it being a lie.

Wonder Woman: I do not believe it is far-fetched. On Themyscira, we kn- believe that Thanatos is the God of Death but he is the one that brings the soul of the deceased to the underworld thus it is not far-fetched to believe that another being can be responsible for… well death.

Wonder Woman corrected herself as she wanted to respect her colleagues' various religions

Green Lantern: I get what you mean but that still doesn't give us proof-

Batman: I believe that Acnologia has told us the truth, whether the being he met claiming to be the "personification of death" is the actual "personification of death" is still up to for debate but there is proof leaning toward that being a possibility, but we should inquire more from Acnologia to better determine this.

Batman had called this meeting to calm Superman as he saw that his friend would not be able to proceed if things were not taken care of. He knew that Superman always held back when fighting since he could kill a normal human with a flick of his finger if he did not control the strength behind it. This was to keep Superman in one spot until he cooled his head then they could go inquire more from Acnologia.

Flash: Proof? There's proof?

Batman: *Nods* Gathered in this room are people that can break the sound barrier without a sweat, people that are from another planet, or lived on a magical island, or have been granted an object whose sole limitation is imagination while being powered by willpower. A member of our predecessors, the Justice Society of America, was someone who claimed to be a "Lord of Order" which is the anthesis of Klarion who belong to the "Lords of Chaos" and used magic something that most believed to be a fairy-tale. Taking all that into account makes a being with the identity of the "personification of death" a viable possibility.

Green Lantern: Bats, you have to be joking right? I mean sure we are far from normal but-

Batman: Remind me again what was your description of the "Guardians of Oa".

The members present looked at Batman as he interrupted Green Lantern.

Green Lantern: Huh?

Batman: I quote "floating blue dwarves with big heads that sometimes have it stuck up their asses for the sole reason of creating the power rings and being one of the oldest Smurfs in the universe" End quote. Those floating blue dwarves are in charge of one of the most powerful forces in the universe now if you told someone on Earth to believe between that or the "personification of death", which one would be more believable?

This left the ones that were skeptical, speechless. Now that they thought about it, they were thinking that the "personification of death" was impossible while being part of a team filled with the impossible. Batman continued before anyone could disagree.

Batman: The best and only concrete proof we have is linked to what he said to Superman. It is publicly known that his home world was destroyed but very few know the cause of that destruction, even those in here are mostly clueless about the cause. Those who know among us have not spent enough time with Acnologia to even mention that and to our knowledge, he does not possess mind-reading powers, only empathy-like powers. The fact is that he managed to destroy the tree garden without anyone noticing and learning about something he should have no knowledge of. Unless he managed to mind-control one of us, the only plausible explanation is what he said. Whether the being claims to be the "personification of death" is true is still up for debate, but we are all missing the key point.

Superman: Someone has been trapped for more than two decades in another dimension all alone and needs help.

J'onn: I can with your permission send a psychic wave to each of your minds. If there has been any alteration, I should be able to sense it.

The members of the league nodded and J'onn did what he said.

J'onn: Your minds are all unaltered.

They then started to discuss what to do to help the unknown Kryptonian but they still could not think of a way to help. Batman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter went to ask Acnologia for more details but even when he told them more details about what happened except for his talk with Atlanna, they still could not figure out what to do. Acnologia looked at Aquaman before speaking. He had told them that he talk to his mother but nothing else.

Acnologia: Orin, I won't be resurrecting Mom. I'm sorry.

Orin was sad and shocked. He was sad that he could not see his mother again, but with the help of Mera he had made peace with her death only Acnologia had not truly made peace with her passing. This meant that Acnologia had made peace with her death.

Part of Orin was happy that Acnologia could finally move on with his life as he was still a child, a powerful, deadly, and annoyingly prideful child but a child, nonetheless. He was shocked because Acnologia had apologized to him. It made sense since it was about their mother, and it was one of the very few topics where Acnologia would display some level of sociability but seeing it was still weird to him.

Orin: N-no problem. D-did she told you not to resurrect her?

Acnologia: *Melancholic smile* Yeah, she did. *Inhale and Exhale* Anyway, when is the one that is to teach me magic coming?

Batman stepped in front of Aquaman.

Batman: Due to recent news you have told us, we will need to prepare for Klarion's eventual attack thus someone else will be teaching you. His name is Kent Nelson also known as Doctor Fate.

Batman showed two images, one of an old man and the other of a man in a costume. The uniform consists of a golden helmet that covers the entirety of the host's head, excluding the ears and, occasionally hair, if it should be long enough. Fate wears a long, high-collared cape, fastened with two large buttons. Beneath is a blue shirt with a golden oval set in the chest. He also dons a large golden belt with a circle in the center, and deep blue pants with golden boots.

Acnologia looked at the second image before his right brow raised slightly.

Acnologia: Let me guess, he is some sort of Sorcerer Supreme.

Batman: In a way, he will be teaching you magic, but you will need to stay here while you learn it.

Acnologia nodded.

Batman knew that he could not keep Acnologia captive even for his own good. Acnologia being of diplomatic importance to Atlantis meant that some options were out of the window. Considering his personality, Batman threw persuading him out the window as he could feel other emotions and was not arrogant enough to fall into his ego with flattery.

He planned to let Kent Nelson teach Acnologia magic and from what Aquaman had told him on the way to see Acnologia, the Atlantean child was an eager learner when it came to magic. Acnologia always wanted to improve his skills daily and never slacked off, something that Batman could respect especially in someone so young.

Batman saw that Acnologia wanted to learn magic and thus used this as the only viable way to keep Acnologia in the Watch Tower where he would be safe until they figured out a way for this Klarion situation. He had asked Zatara to inform Kent about the child and his situation with Klarion. This would cause the suffering of two beings.

[AN: Who are those two beings? Find out on the next episode of-

Acnologia: Gyojin Karate Ōgi: *Buraikan*


Acnologia: I did not allow you to end it here.


Acnologia: Shit, the Author is dead. *Clap hands and touch the Author before leaving*

1 year later

AN: I'm alive?]

It took two days for Kent to come to the Watch Tower with the helmet of fate in his hands. When he gets a call from Zatara about an Atlantean boy who was targeted by Klarion, he inquires more about it as the public had not known about Klarion.

The league had decided to keep Klarion's apparition a secret to not cause mass panic. Knowing that a Lord of Chaos was walking this Earth would definitely cause some trouble which Klarion might even worsen for his own amusement.

When he learned that Acnologia had defeated Klarion by absorbing his magic power, he decided to bring the helmet as if the boy was being corrupted by the magic, he would save him. He had lived long enough to see what Chaos magic could do to people.

Some might be fine for a few decades and out of nowhere become serial killers or transform into hideous beasts. When he told Nabu, the true Doctor Fate, about this, he was surprised that Nabu insisted on coming along as he wanted to meet the boy. Nabu had no knowledge of the Endless as he was but a proxy to the "Lords of Order".

Kent Nelson was greeted by both Wonder Woman and Zatara as soon as he walked out of the Zeta tube. The Zeta tube was the Justice League's main way of transportation when they wanted to go to their hideout unnoticed.

They talked for a while, catching up to what everyone had been up to. Kent kept watching his watch often with a melancholic smile. His wife had left this world and he was looking forward to meeting her again, but he needed to accomplish his last duty as Doctor Fate which was to find a new host for Nabu.

Till now, he had not found someone who possessed enough magical qualities to serve as a host to Nabu and willingness to be at the mercy of Nabu. Once you put on the helmet, your body was his until he deemed it otherwise.

If Doctor Fate died, you would die while Nabu would just wait for the next meat suit to arrive. Kent could not count the number of times his wife had complained about the unfairness of being Doctor Fate.

Ironically, every time she complained about it reinforced Kent's will to be Doctor Fate as it meant he could protect her. That was the main deal between him and Nabu, it was also the reason why Nabu let Kent spend time with his wife as it would reinforce his will.

After chatting for a bit more, they decided to show Kent where Acnologia was. Acnologia usually spent his time in the Tree Garden. No one had a problem with that as most came there to remind themselves what they were fighting for.

Once Acnologia was visible, they saw him getting up and looking at the golden helmet. He walked up to them.

Acnologia: He feels like Klarion's presence but in the opposite way.

Kent: Hoh? And what does Klarion's presence feel like?

Acnologia: *Looks at Kent* His presence feels like confusion mixed with malice.

Kent: *Nods* That sounds about right. You might have heard of me but allow me to present myself. *Acnologia nods with a small smile on his face* I am Kent Nelson previously known as Doctor Fate.

He extended his hand.

Acnologia: I'm Acnologia, it is nice to meet you.

Acnologia shook Kent's hand.

Kent: It is a pleasure to meet you Acnologia. I have heard that you have absorbed Klarion's magical energy. I wanted to know if Nabu could have a look to see if you are all right.

Acnologia: I'm fine with that.

Wonder Woman: 'He feels like another person. Where's that usual pride he emits?' She thought.

Kent gave the Helmet of Fate to Acnologia, who took it before putting it on. Once he put it on the holes on the helmet shined and as the light dissipated, Acnologia was now dressed in the costume of Doctor Fate.

Kent wanted Nabu to check the condition of Acnologia. He knew that Nabu would first and foremost check the compatibility between the boy and himself, but Kent knew that Acnologia was too young and his magic powers had yet to blossom.

At worst, Nabu would put Acnologia as one of his candidates but unless Acnologia wanted to become Doctor Fate, he would be safe from Nabu. Sadly, Kent was wrong about two things, and he would learn about them soon enough.

 Kent: So? Is his body all right with the chaotic magic of Klarion inside it?

A voice emanating from the helmet spoke. It was a deep voice, the voice of Nabu, that spoke and Acnologia's voice could not be heard.

Nabu: I had my suspicions, and they appear to be correct.

Wonder Woman: Suspicions?

Nabu: Yes. This child is a Conduent and a rare one at that.

Zatara: A Conduent?

This left all three heroes confused even Kent.

Nabu: Conduent is someone who can take in any type of magic and adapt to it. As a host, they are the ones most compatible with me as they will absorb my magic and adapt to my power thus maximizing my abilities. The only downside, other than the extreme rarity of being one, is that usually, they can only absorb and adapt to one type of powerful magic in their lifetime.

Kent was relieved when he heard this as he had been with Nabu long enough to know how he thought. From Nabu's explanation, Kent knew that Nabu had not put Acnologia as a candidate for Doctor Fate but as the next Doctor Fate himself.

He was a bit afraid that Nabu would keep the child's body from hearing what Conduent was but after hearing the end he was relieved as Acnologia had absorbed Klarion's magic thus he could not be Doctor Fate.

Kent was willing to keep his promise to find a successor for Nabu but he was not going to rob the life of someone just to keep his promise. That had been the reason why he did not offer the role to Zatara once he learned about the latter's wife's death.

Zatara only had his daughter left; Kent could not bring himself to ask Zatara to become Doctor Fate. In truth, he had made his decision when he learned that Zatara had a wife and daughter. Being Doctor Fate came at the cost of not being able to have a child. Both Kent and his wife knew that if they had a child, Kent's resolve would crumble and Nabu would not let him go once he sensed that.

Kent: Oh Great Nabu, does that mean that he will be all right with Klarion's magic?

Nabu: He will be more than that as I have said that he was a rare Conduent.

Kent had a bad feeling about this.

Zatara: Rare, how?

Nabu: He is subconsciously absorbing my magic, the magic of a "Lord of Order" yet his body is still intact after having opposite magic inside his body. He is a rare Conduent because he can absorb and adapt to multiple if not all magical energy. I have decided to make him my host, he shall serve as Doctor Fate from now on.

Wonder Woman: You can't be serious!!!

Wonder Woman yelled in anger. From what she understood, Nabu wanted to take over the body of a twelve-year-old boy.

[AN: *Dial phone number* Hello! Is this "To catch a predator"? Yeah. I'm going to need to speak to Chris Hansen.]

Nabu: From what you have said, Klarion is at large and I am this boy's only hope to survive Klarion's wrath now step aside unless-HM?! HOW? WHY CAN'T I MOVE?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE KENT NELSON?!

The three heroes became confused once more.

Kent: I have done nothing.

Nabu: Do you think I would-

Acnologia: Would you shut up!? I allowed you to talk because I was busy absorbing your magic power, but you are getting on my nerves.

Acnologia crossed his arms together.

Nabu: HOW!? How can you move your body while wearing the helmet of Fate?!

Acnologia: I can because I allowed myself to do so and I heard you say something quite preposterous.

Nabu: Preposterous?!

Wonder Woman had a sense of déjà vu.

Acnologia: You said that I would serve YOU! IF that is not PREPOSTEROUS then NOTHING is. Now I will put it in simple words to clarify this for a being as small-minded as you. You will serve as a magic battery and library. You will do what I say when I say it and if and only if I am generous enough, you will gain your freedom back but that will be after you atone for the travesty you have said.


Acnologia clapped his hands together and brought them toward the Helmet of Fate. Once it touched the helmet, golden lightning flew out of the hands and molded the helmet into a golden crown that hung from the side of his head. The costume of Doctor Fate vanished but Acnologia could still absorb Nabu's magic. Acnologia looked at Kent before smiling and giving him the thumbs up.

Acnologia: Thank you for the servant, Gramps.

Acnologia walked out of the garden to go eat and left the three heroes dumbfounded. They stood they for five minutes as their brain could not believe what had happened. Kent had mixed feelings. He was a man of virtue and knew that sacrifices were sometimes necessary for the greater good but what kind of man would not hate the thing that robbed him of the chance of starting a family and loving it when it get it's just desert?

They brought themselves out of their shock and went after Acnologia as the possibility of Nabu retaliating was still there and Acnologia could be in danger. Wonder Woman taped her earbud on her left ear and started a conversation with the one at the other end.

Wonder Woman: Batman, do you know where Acnologia is?

Batman: Yes, did something happen?

Wonder Woman: Nabu tried to steal his body due to him being a rare Conduent, meaning that he could adapt to many types of magic including Chaos and Order. Turns out that Acnologia was able to control his body even while wearing the Helmet of Fate. He managed to neutralize Nabu with his magic but Nabu could still retaliate and endanger the kid. So where is he?

Batman: He is in front of Superman, Aquaman, and me, we are in Room D3.

They rushed to that Room and saw Acnologia holding a trident that was stabbing Superman's right hand. Before the new trio could say anything, Acnologia began to draw a transmutation circle on the group while Superman went to greet Wonder Woman while Zatara and Kent went to inspect what Acnologia was doing.

Wonder Woman: Kal-El! Your hand!

Superman: Oh no need to worry Acnologia needs my blood for the- we honestly don't know what he is doing. Batman wanted to see all the steps it would require Acnologia to bring the other Kryptonian here. He managed to convince Acnologia to wait until both Kent and Zatara give the go-ahead before he actually tries it.

Wonder Woman: Batman actually got through him?!

Her tone had a defeated tone which turned into an angry groan when she noticed Batman's glare which to those who knew him well enough, knew it was as close to a smug expression as Batman would give.

Superman patted her shoulder as he could hear her teeth gritting against each other. Wonder Woman had always been angry at Batman for his decision to indoctrinate Robin and had always found ways to let him know her displeasure. This was his way Batman's professional and petty way of payback.

Acnologia: ... And once I know more about dimensional magic, I can use this couple with the transmutation circle and teleport the Kryptonian here thanks to the blood of Superman.

Acnologia finished his explanation which he restarted once Kent and Zatara. The two magical had to agree that theoretically, it could work but it would depend on the magical reserves of Acnologia and the precision of the spell.

Excluding the time it would take to teach Acnologia magic of the surface world, this alone would take months of preparation before even attempting it. Batman with the consensus of everyone, Acnologia included, decided that the lesson would take place on the Watch Tower.

This would be best for everyone, Acnologia would be able to learn more about magic while the League could search for Klarion. Aquaman went to Atlantis to inform the kingdom that Acnologia would stay in the surface world to learn more about their magic. Batman informed the Sirens who believed him after Catwoman vouched for him.

This was believed by all as Acnologia was also known for his thirst for magic in the pursuit of bettering himself. Seeing as Acnologia was alive and well, few raised their voice against it, Orm in particular seemed more keen on letting Acnologia live in the surface world after he constantly asked for updates regarding Acnologia's health.

Upon living on the Watch Tower for a few weeks, the league members, Batman especially, learned a few things about Acnologia such as his ability to transmute matter into food and according to the brave test subject/victim, Flash, the taste of the transmuted food is the worst thing you can ever ate. That did not seem to have the same effect with Acnologia himself.

[AN: Decided to fix this a little bit by giving a more logical reason as to why people won't eat Acnologia's transmuted food.]

Atlanna had wanted to keep this ability a secret for Acnologia's sake and unknowingly saved countless mouths that would have been put to use during testing Acnologia's transmuted food. This ability was found out due to the camera of the Watch Tower that Acnologia had forgotten about.

Batman also found out how skilled Acnologia was during his fight with Wonder Woman. He nerfed himself by only using his physical abilities and nothing else such as his unique techniques. This was due to the bet that he and Wonder Woman had made.

The loser of the battle would be taught by the Winner. Acnologia stated himself, that he required more experience with surface combat thus he would use just that. Aquaman was not there to translate it but after a while, they understood Acnologia's meaning.

It was his way of saying that he needed more experience fighting outside of the sea. Wonder Woman suggested that he should fight with everything that he has but Acnologia countered that if he did it, then it would be with the intention of killing her.

He pointed out that their environment was not appropriate as fighting at full strength would end with the Watch Tower damaged, seeing that they were in space, it was best to refrain from arriving at that scenario.

Backed by Batman, Acnologia's reasoning could not be countered by Wonder Woman. they fought and she won but she did not come out unscathed, it took a long time and several scars to knockout Acnologia.

She did not manage to make Acnologia admit defeat but according to Acnologia, knocking him out was similar to killing him in a real-life battle thus it was her victory. Wonder Woman became Acnologia's mentor and she taught him how Amazonians fought.

Acnologia tried to teach Wonder Woman any of the six powers as he thought she could learn it but it was the same with the Atlanteans, she could not. It was not that she was not willing to but more like physically incapable of performing the move.

Acnologia had spent some time combining the Chaos's magical energy with the Order's magical energy, using his alchemy he fused them to unknowingly create arcane magical energy. Something that was at its core the raw source of every magic in existence.

Acnologia went to sleep after his day was over and surprisingly in his dream, he found himself at the front of a ruined Kingdom. In front of him was a pale man and a dark-skinned woman with short hair, glasses, and a butler's outfit.

Pale man: Anon, you are free? Have you come to rejoice after winning our bet? I am afraid I am not in the mood nor the state to share your sentiment.

Acnologia: Who is Anon? Who are you?

Acnologia's counter surprised the pale man and the dark-skinned woman.

Pale Man: ... I see, although you achieved what you sought, you lost yourself then again that might have been the exact result that you wished. To answer your second question, I am Morpheus Lord of this realm and Dream of the Endless.

Acnologia: Dream? As in Death's little brother? The one I am supposed to help and gain a favor from?

Dream's full attention was shifted to Acnologia after he mentioned his sister.

Dream: You have met Death?

Acnologia: Yeah, I met her. She said that Destiny tricked her. She helped me and I am supposed to help you which will earn me your favor which would go to her.

Dream delves deeper into his inspection of Acnologia after hearing his oldest brother's name. There he found that Acnologia possessed Arcane magical energy, something that was a tremendous power source even to beings like himself.

Arcane magical energy or Arcane Energy in its rawest form was scarce in its quantity. It could boost the abilities of many lifeforms while in Dream's case and the quantity that Acnologia possessed, it could restore some of his strength not all of it but enough to fix the mess that his kingdom was in.

Dream: You possess Arcane Energy, if you give me the energy that you currently have at this moment then you will have earned my favor and much more Anon.

Acnologia knew what Arcane Energy was due to Nabue being his unwilling library. By process of elimination, he immediately knew why he had it. He had not expected that the energy he had created was such raw and sought energy.

Acnologia: What do you plan on doing with it? Even if I am supposed to help you, I can not give you Arcane Energy without knowing your intentions with it.

Dream: Fear not Anon, I do not plan to do anything nefarious with it, I simply wish to restore my kingdom to the way it was before my... imprisonment. By restoring my Kingdom, it will alleviate the damage my absence has done to your realm. As I hope my sister has informed you, the Endless rarely meddle with the affairs of the mortals outside of our jurisdiction.

Acnologia did not know why but something inside him told him that Dream would not do nefarious acts with the Arcane Energy that he would give him. It was a strange sensation just like the mild annoyance of thinking of the name Anon. Annoyance which was absent when Dream spoke it.

Acnologia gave the Arcane Energy to Dream who disappeared after absorbing it. He spent some time with the dark-skinned woman and learned a few things. her name was Lucienne, she was the head librarian in the Dreaming, Dream's realm.

She explained the concept of the Endless in more depth to Acnologia before Dream returned with a mask, a pouch, and a red stone. He crushed the red stone and power flew into his body. He walked up to Acnologia and handed him a book that had manifested itself into Dream's hand.

Dream: Consider your debt to Death paid... old friend.

He said with a smile before everything faded into a flash of white for Acnologia. When he regained his sight, he was before an Atlantis that was at the surface, it was clearly before it sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Acnologia strangely felt one emotion when witnessing such a beautiful scene.


Upon realizing the strangeness of that emotion in him, he looked down and saw the book that Dream had given him. He spoke it while that emotion grew.

Acnologia: Anon, the nameless prince.

Acnologia woke up feeling weakened. The Arcane Energy was gone and he could not produce more of it due to not having enough Chaos magical energy. To put it in simpler terms, to have one unit of Arcane Energy, Acnologia needed to combine a hundred units of both Chaos and Order magical energies.

Time went by fast and Acnologia celebrated his thirteenth birthday at the Watch Tower, although he did go to Atlantis briefly to visit Atlanna's grave and went to say hi to the Sirens in Gotham. Batman had Acnologia promise to never reveal the existence of the Watch Tower.

The young Atlantean agreed on the condition that the promise would be voided if on occasion such as emergencies or if a league member revealed the existence of the Watcher Tower to unauthorized personnel. According to Acnologia, he should not have to constrain himself with a secret if the members themselves do not have the discipline to adhere to their own rules. Batman agreed because that was reasonable and he knew no league member would blab about their secret headquarters.

Green Arrow: *ACHOO!*

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Isekai_enjoyercreators' thoughts