
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · 漫画同人
38 Chs

The Evidence

"Show you?" Drystan asked with an amused expression.

Catwoman nodded.

"You think I just walk around with important shit like that on me? I put important things like that in a file on my computer, encrypt that file, put that file in another file, encrypt that file, I then put that file in another file, encrypt that file, then I put that file on a hard-drive, encrypt that hard-drive, take that hard-drive out of my computer, bury it, then build a fortress above it, and then I make sure someone powerful stays in that base, and incase that person is defeated it will self-destruct."

Everybody looked at Drystan like he was a crazy person.

"So... you cant get it?" Batgirl asked.

Drystan looked at her and nodded "Yeah, I'll need about five minutes with a laptop to get it all."

Batman walked up to Drystan and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and pulled him close "I. Don't. Kill."

"Thousands of people have died by affiliation, hundreds indirectly killed, Dozens accidentally killed, and one brutally beaten to death."

Drystan stared into Batman's eyes "You cant be blamed for those who were killed for being in affiliation to you, nor can you be blamed for those indirect deaths like casualties of your fights with villains. But I have proof of 39 people dying because of your direct actions."

"Lies." Batman said calmly while still glaring a Drystan.

"I'm not trying to persecute you, nor do i think that you were in the wrong for these deaths. If anything i'm just amazed that you've only killed one man considering how brutal you are."

"And that's not counting the countless number of people that you permanently damaged, nor counting the casualties inflicted by the rest of the Bat family."

"The rest? We killed people?" Robins asked, alarm creeping into his voice.

"Some of you. The original Batgirl didn't kill anyone and had lowest amount of serious wounds inflicted by her, next would be you two kids and the new girl as you are new and haven't directly killed anyone by accident or otherwise but have caused quite a few injuries."

Drystan looked over the kids that were only a couple years younger than him and said "But every other member of the Bat family, past and present, has a body count."

They looked shocked to hear him say that but Batman got angry and lifted Drystan off his feet "Don't try to trick them. They are smarter than that." he snarled.

"Bring me a laptop." he said coolly while looking Batman in the eye.

He swears that him and Batman look into each others eyes more often than lovers do at this point.

He was really going to shake the whole justice league up by showing them what he has.

He has files on almost every single hero accidentally killing someone.

Be it Superman lasering someone through a building, Martian Manhunter once caused a man to have a brain aneurism because of a physic attack.

Heck, Green Lantern once dropped a hard-light battleship on a building while fighting someone.

The only hero that hadn't killed someone was the flash. But the flash also has the highest success rate in defeating villains and also has the lowest casualty rate among innocent civilians resulting from his fights.

That's why he thinks that the Flash is the truest of heroes as central city is probably the safest city in the world.

Its either that or the Flash hops timelines every time he kills.

"Kids go home while I show the old man here what he's done." Drystan said to the Bat kids before turning to the Sirens and saying "You girls head home too, he wont hurt me."

The girls nodded and left. After the girls were gone Batman signaled Batgirl and Robin to leave.

"Alright, show me." Batman said.

Drystan just looked at Batman in silence "..."


"I still don't have a laptop."


"Go get one then."

"There isn't one here..."


"Why did you send them away then?"

"So you cant try to arrest them obviously. But when you bring me a laptop I can show you what I have."


A few minutes later Drystan is sitting in front of a laptop at the bar with Batman looking over his shoulder.

"Are you sure you want to see what I have?"

"Show me."

"Alright, you asked for it. Just remember that its the intent that matters, you didn't intend to kill anyone so your not a murderer, just a little bit of a killer." Drystan said shaking his head.

Drystan started typing on the laptop and in less than ten seconds he had his file open.

Drystan looked back over his shoulder "So, what do you want to see?"



When he clicked on a couple folders to direct him to Batman's, Batman had the chance to see the titles of some of the other folders.

They were labeled as Identities, Evil Plots, Prison Escapes, Predictions, Crimes, Bases, Finances, Organizations, Projects, and Victims.

"You have information on peoples real identities, and plots, and Bases?" Batman said uncertainly, not sure how he could have learned those things.

"I've figured out a couple identities but these folders are mostly incomplete as I am trying to figure things out. Plus a lot of these files are just past records that I recorded for easy access in the future."

The file he was on now was the Victims folder.

In there was a second folder titled BATMAN that had his victims in it.

Drystan opened a folder titled Jon Stacy that had a picture of a middle aged white guys corpse on it.

"This is John Stacy, he was 34. He was a common thug that was part of a small time gang."

"One time when you attacked this gang you used Mr. Stacy as a human shield causing him to get shot 26 times. He died in seconds."

He then opened another folder "This is..."

Drystan continued to open files of people that Batman didn't kill, but played a major role in their death.

The more names he read out the paler Batman's face got.

"And finally Jared Terronson."

Drystan looked Batman in the eye "You beat him to death."


Sorry for not uploading a chapter yesterday I started watching One Piece and the next thing I knew it was like 10pm.

Anyways thanks for reading.