
DBZ: The strongest son

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Gohan. The son of the great Son Goku. Born with one the highest potential in the entire series. Became nothing more than a secondary character I won't make his mistakes I'll Become the strongest son!

4 標籤
Chapter 1The Son Family

Saiyans, a proud warrior race. The Saiyans are a fighting race who, since ancient times, have lived a violent and inhumane lifestyle, where they attack numerous planets to build up wealth and goods.

During age 550, after seeking refuge after their previous homeworld was rendered uninhabitable following a destructive civil war, They came across a harsh desert world with a yellow/red sky which was called Planet Plant. Believing that the planet wasn't inhabited, they decided to migrate to the planet. Making it their new home.

But soon they would realize that they weren't alone as soon, they would make contact with the Tuffles. Planet Plant was now home to two races: the Tuffles and the Saiyans. The Tuffles were a diminutive race, native to Planet Plant, who lacked physical strength and toughness, but were very intelligent and skilled with technology. By contrast, the Saiyans were average-sized but very strong and fierce. Despite their incredible powers, the Saiyans were primitive and backward and lived in small clans scattered across the deserts of the Planet.

And they both coexisted in peace and harmony...

Or so the Tuffles were led to believe as around Age 720, the Saiyans launched a full-scale war against the Tuffles. Vowing to conquer the Tuffle's great cities and extinguish the race. Thus sparking a ten-year-long war. The Saiyan Army tried many times to overthrow the Tuffles but was unsuccessful. Although the Saiyans were bigger in size and physically far superior, they were fewer in number compared to the Tuffles and had a trump card in the form of their technology to read the power levels of the Saiyans and advanced weaponry such as blasters to hold them off.

But eventually, the Tuffle's fate was sealed as around Age 730, the Saiyans were able to transform into Great Apes thanks to the full moon that only appeared once every 100 years on the planet; with this, they finally annihilated the Tuffles and renamed the planet Planet Vegeta after their commanding hero, King Vegeta.

Shortly after their victory over the Tuffles, the Saiyans were approached by the Arcosians. These aliens had money and technology, but their planet was unsuitable, so they hired a group of Saiyans to take over a planet for them; in return, they would share their technology with them. So the Saiyan's life quickly flourished. Essentially becoming Mercenaries for hire. They even learned how to use the Tuffles' advanced equipment and became smarter and less barbaric, although they still lusted for fighting and destruction.

But luck is a fickle thing and soon, their luck would run out.

Around Age 731, about a year following the Saiyan victory over the Tuffles, the planet was conquered or annexed by the mad tyrant Frieza and his empire. And eventually, like many other races, they were drafted to serve as soldiers in Frieza's military. Due to the Saiyans' innate strength and penchant for violence, they were considered to be useful and assisted in the conquering of many planets, or if assignment called for, the eradication of a planet's population. Even Saiyan children were considered powerful enough to conquer some of the weaker planets

During age 734 however. A child of two-low class Saiyans was born. The second son of Bardock and Gine.

The Fated Child of destiny, Kakarot.

Eventually, seeing how quickly some of the more gifted Saiyan warriors were gaining power through battle, around Age 737, Frieza grew concerned with the potential of the Saiyan race and thought that they would grow strong enough to face him.

For he feared the one thing that could overthrow him and his empire...

The legendary Super Sayian.

They are after all a species completely comprised of warriors. It's always best to put a sleeping beast down before it could be awakened.

Deciding to ease his worries once and for all and to prevent the Super Saiyan to come into existence, he sent an order to every Saiyan that was away to return back to planet Vegeta. Believing that it must be something important, every single Saiyan that wasn't on planet Vegeta did as they were told. This also included Kakarot's father, Bardock.

And unlike his fellow Saiyans, Bardock quickly understood the true motives behind Frieza's hidden agenda. He was scared of the legend. That one day that one among them achieve the legend and finally defeated him. So he gathered them all up in one single location.

So he could kill them all with one single finger.

So before he died, he wanted to do something good. His entire life he was constantly fighting and destroying. He liked to save something for once. Especially someone who is judged to be a lower-class warrior...

Like his Kakarot.

So when he reached home, he told everything to his wife Gine. How he believed that Frieza gathered every Saiyan so he could finish them all off. And his plan to stealthy capture a space pod to send his son to another planet. And even though his wife Gine strongly disapproved of his plan, once she heard the true motive of Frieza's intentions, She reluctantly agreed.

And so once it turned dark, Bardock initiated his plan and stole a space pod. He programmed it to head to a distant planet called earth. A planet that had a low power level and wasn't technologically advanced. Plus it wasn't a valuable world so he hoped that it wouldn't show up on the Frieza force radar. He believed that he would do well there and most importantly safe.

As much as it hurt them, they took Kakarot and the space pood far away from the prying eyes of the Frieza force and put the crying child in the pod. As much as they wanted to leave with him it would be no use since they would immediately be found with Scouters.

With sadness in their eyes, they initiated the space pod as it prepared to take off. Felling the pod humming, Kakarot pressed his hand against the glass as his pod rises up. Bardock did the same saying his final words to his son

"You absolutely have to stay alive…"

"Goodbye Kakarot"


And with their final goodbyes, the pood lifted into the air and launched into outer space. Traveling deep within the stars.

Bardock seeing his son is now long, turned his eyes to his wife. He knew this was the end. The end of him, the end of his wife, the end of people, the end of everything. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't do anything though. If he were to die, He would die fighting. As any true Saiyan would.

He gave his wife Gine one last kiss and launched into the sky. his eyes filled with rage and fury. Which was all directed toward the evil dictator...



Somewhere on a luxurious green planet, An old man was walking through a forest when he suddenly heard a massive crash coming from the distance. His body instinctively moved towards the sound where it came from. His curiosity was piqued.

And had received his answers as he took steps into the forest. Then he soon discovered a massive crater and in the middle of it, there was a big ball. His curiosity was piqued even further as dropped down into the hole. He inspected the glass and what he saw shocked him.

"A child?"

Inside the mysterious pod, the old man saw a small child who had spiky hair and was wearing what appeared as some sort of weird armor, and most surprisingly of all, he had a tail! Suddenly, the pod opened itself wide open. And in an instant, The old man slightly moved his head to the left as he dodged a punch to the face! Instantly the man was put on the defensive as the child continued to rush at him. He didn't know who was this old man nor his intentions.

Instead of counterattacking, the man just simply smiled. Being purely on the defensive as he dodged and blocked all of Kakarots attacks. Gohan could tell, even though Kakarot was putting on a tough act, he was scared.

"Well aren't you the feisty one?" Gohan smiled as he dodged a kick to the leg. Seeing this, Kakarot instinctively launched himself into the air. And for the first time, he managed to finally manage to land a punch right to his chest.

Gohan took a few steps and slightly grimace in pain. He just chuckled as he rubbed his chest "You're also strong as well. Maybe I relaxed a little too much haha"

Deciding to take this a little seriously, He got into a combat stance and waited for the child to attack. And not knowing what the old man was doing or what was that weird stance, he once again rushed at Gohan.

This time Gohan was slightly more serious than before as he once blocked, dodged, and even parried Kakarots attacks. None of his hits can pass Gohan's defense. Seeing this infuriated Kakarot as he attacked Gohan with more ferocity

From Gohan's perspective, he saw Kakarots face contort in anger as he continued attacking him. He was impressed by how fast Kakarot was improving every second. His attacks were becoming quicker and more precise, His stance was more refined, and the force of each attack was getting harder to block. In turn, making Gohan release more of his martial prowess.

"Amazing! It's only been a few minutes and yet he's improving so quickly! It's like he's been born for this! A natural prodigy!" Gohan exclaimed in his mind as he continued to watch the young warrior improving.

But Gohan knew that every battle must have its end. So deciding to end this quickly, he finally went on the offensive as the moment Kakarot tried to land another blow, it suddenly went through Gohans chest. Only for his body to fade away from existence.

"!?" Shock filled Kakarots entire body as he witnessed the old man disappear entirely. He felt a presence right behind him as he turned around to see a fist aimed right at his face! He quickly panicked and put up his guard and closed his eyes. Waiting for the impact to happen.







And yet, he didn't feel anything.

He slowly opened up his eyes and the first thing he saw was the old man simply looking at him with a smile on his face. And in an instant, Kakarot felt his forehead ache in pain as Gohan gently flicked him. Sending the child taking a few steps back before he eventually fell on his butt.

"Ohohoho! You're really strong for your age!" The old man continued to laugh as the child to continued to sit on the ground as he rubbed his head

"Now what should I do with you? I very well can't leave you here all on your own. Hmmm..."

*GRRR...* Gohans thoughts were interrupted as he heard to sounds of a stomach growling. He turned his head to see the small child rubbing his stomach. It seems he was hungry.

"Ohohoho! You must be famished! Alright then, why don't I take you back to my home and make you something to eat?" The old man said Innocently as he stretched out his hand. Waiting to see what the child would do with the option in front of him. Besides, from the way it looks, it seems the child didn't have a home to return to. If so, he would gladly take care of him. He seemed rowdy at first but he was a child after all.

Seeing the old man reach out his hand, Kakarot hesitated for a moment before he eventually accepted as he stretched out his hand as well and grabbed it. Lifting him up from the ground with ease. Kakarot was still weary but opened himself up a little. If the old man wanted to hurt him he would have done so a while ago.

Seeing that the child accepted made Gohan smile as he placed his hand on top of the child's head and gently rubbed it. That's when it occurred to him that he didn't know the child's name and thus decided to give him one

"I wonder what should I call you?"

"I know! I'll think I call you.."



And this is where the story of Goku begins!

The years passed and the child grew up to be strong and healthy. But his life would be completely changed forever as one day he would meet a girl named Bulma and joined her on a quest to find the legendary dragon balls. Seven legendary magic orbs when gathered together would call forth the dragon Shenron who would grant anybody a single wish.

Goku would meet many new friends on his travels such as the noseless best friend Krillin, the perverted turtle hermit Master Roshi, and the anthropomorphic shapeshifting pig Oolong. And he would also encounter many adversaries on his journey. Such as the gang of misfits the Pilaf gang, The merc for hire Tao Pai Pai, The dangerous there-eyed man Tien Shinhan, And the Red Ribbon Army.

Oh ya, he also meets Yamcha.

Goku would hone his skills under the tutelage of Master Roshi. Skills that were put under the test as he was forced to defend himself and his friends as he overcame any and all challenges that were put in from of him.

Goku's toughest escapade was when he finally came face to face with the terrifying Demon King Piccolo. With the help of the talking cat Korin, Goku was able to tap into mass reserves of still-hidden strength and within the final battle, the true extent of Goku's otherworldly power was revealed. And with a mighty charge, King Piccolo's conquest of world domination came crashing to a halt.

However, with King Piccolo's dying breath, he was able to hatch one final scheme. And three years later, Piccolo Jr came face to face with a now fully grown-up Goku. Looking to avenge his father and resume his evil plan's to take over the world. Another battle ensued and even though the two were almost equally matched, in the end, the new piccolo still could not withstand Goku's might.

A year has passed since that fateful day and now it's Age 757. Goku married his childhood sweetheart Chi-Chi and the two have enjoyed a nice quiet life together. Eventually, their love blossomed and Chi-Chi became pregnant and gave to a young and healthy boy.

It's been a few days since the child was born and right now the sun shone on a small house located on a hill. Even though it was far away from any other housing, It was their home nonetheless. And right now they were taking care of their baby boy.

And so the story of the son begins.


[Son Family Residence]

"He's so cute"

"Gosh look how tiny he is!"

"Of course. He's just a baby silly"

Inside the Son Family Residence, a tall man with spiky hair and his wife with a high bun were overlooking their child who was innocently sleeping away the time. The man was none other than Son Goku. The winner of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. And his wife was Chi-Chi. Princess of Fire Mountain.

They were debating what name they should give to the newborn. They have been racking their brains for a while but none of them have truly stuck.

"Dad, do you have any names that might be good?" Chi-Chi asked as she turned around to see her burly father who was standing right behind her. Overlooking the baby crib. It was none other than her father, the Ox-King.

"Well, I can't think of anything off top of my head. But I did scribble a few names down!" The large barbarian said as he turned around and reached for something inside his bag. Only to take out a large scroll.

"Ahh there! let's see here..."

"What about Ox-King Jr? Ox-Monkey? Big-Ox? Oxford? Ox in the box? Ox-Man? Johnny-Ox-Seed?..."

Chi-Chi just nervously chuckled as her father went down the list. There was no way she would give any of those names to her child. Who the hell would name their child Ox in the box anyways? "Ugh... thanks dad for the suggestions but I believe we should think of other alternatives ok?"

"I'll be darn..."

So once they all sat down in silence as they tried to think up a proper name for the newborn. In truth, Chi-Chi and Ox-King were truly the only ones thinking of a proper name as Goku just sat there thinking about what delicious foods he wanted for dinner.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the family members, the child in the crib was finally awake as he looked around his surroundings. It was completely unfamiliar to him as he searched around the room until he spotted a familiar spikey hair figure "Is that...Goku!?

He simply shook his "Nah no way. I must still be dreaming". He then proceeded to try and get up but for some reason, his body felt extremely heavy. "What? Why does my body feel so..heavy!? The child yelled out as he tried to figure out what the hell is happening.

While the child was having a crisis, all the others simply heard was the crying of a child as Chi-Chi got up and walked towards the baby crib "Ahh look who's awake? Come here you little cutie!" She then proceeded to grab the small child from his crib. Giving him a clear view of the entire room.

"No fucking way! Is this....."

"CHI-CHI!?" The child yelled out loud as forms of cries as he realized that this isn't a dream! This was actually real!

"Ok! Ok! Calm down! I got to calm down. Try to remember what you were doing previously" The child thought to himself as he tried to recap what he did previously.

As he tried to rack his brain for answers, it slowly came back to him that not too long ago, he was casually rewatching reruns of Dbz Kai on Tv until he felt tired and went to sleep on his couch. Only to wake up a few moments prior.



As the child continued to scream due to his circumstance, Chi-Chi smiled and said something that shook the baby to his core " Look at you! You must be hungry from all that screaming. Let mama give you some food!" As she undressed a part of her purple dress and bra. Revealing one of her breasts.

"NO! NO! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO! GET THAT BLASPHEMOUS THING AWAY FROM ME! I WILL NOT SUCK ON YOUR TIT YOU SK-MH!?" The boy screamed out in rebellion as he yelled at his torturer. Only for his screams to be cut short as he felt her tit enter his mouth and automatically close and began to suck. Like it was natural instinct.

Seeing that her baby's needs were being taken care of, She decided to get back to the task at hand and turned to her husband who was leaving on a chair liaising to the conversation without participating " Goku, you've been awfully quiet for a while now. Have you thought up a name yet?"

Goku, who was simply in wonderland eating all the food in the world, jolted back to action as he turned his head to his wife and gave her a confused look "Wait, were you talking to me?"

She gave him an annoyed look "Yes YOU Goku! Can you at least take this seriously and think about ONE name to give to OUR baby BOY!?"



"Just one?"

"One name. That's all I ask"




"Well sure! But can we eat first!? I'm starving!" Goku replied with a smile on his face as he scratched the back of his neck while his wife and father-in-law just looked at him with shock on their faces

"YOU'RE HUNGRY HUH!? HOW CAN YOU THINK OF FOOD WHEN YOUR SON'S LYING THERE WITHOUT A NAME!?" Chi-chi yelled out in anger as the new mother yelled at her husband for being so carefree and irresponsible.

After minutes of Chi-Chi reprimand, Goku actually decided to get serious for once and sat there thinking of a name to give his son. But after a while of thinking, he just couldn't of anything.

Just as he was about to give up hope, he suddenly saw something orange pop out of the corner of his eye. He turned him and the first thing that he immediately saw was the four-star dragon ball. Instantly remembering all the memories that he and his grandfather shared together.

Now knowing the perfect name for his son, he picked his son up from his wife's clutches, who's been done feeding a while and was now groggy, and lifted him high up in the air" What about Gohan? Like my grampa".

(Nice work brain)

(You're welcome)

"Aww, Goku. That's a wonderful name!" Chi-chi said as she instantly smiled at the name Goku suggested. Recognizing the importance the name carried. She loved the name.

"I know Gohan would be so proud if you named your son after him! Wherever he is! I guess I can wait for the next one!" The Ox-King commented as he smiled alongside his daughter. He was happy to see his friend's legacy and name be passed down the family.

"Welp Gohan that's your name!" Goku said as he lifted his up and down multiple times. Calling his new name multiple times with an innocent smile.

The now-named Gohan seeing this weakly smiled and laughed as he observed Go-his father's goofy face. He was extremely tired from drinking his mother's milk. Must be due to him being a baby

As he and everybody else was laughing and smiling, Gohan couldn't help but think in the back of his mind. This was all so sudden. One moment he was simply living his own life. And an instant, he dies in his sleep and finds he's reborn as Gohan. The son of Goku and Chi-Chi. It was all too hard to take in as of yet.

That's not even all, now he has to deal with bullshit such as the Saiyan invasion, Frieza, the Androids, Cell, That fucking Kirby rip-off that his Majin Buu, Beerus, Black, and Zamasu, and eventually the wannabe Batman Jiren and the lastly the gang-bang of power

All that Gohan could say at that moment?



MHA: More!

Transmigrated into the young body of Izuku Midoriya, he embraces his fate and decides to be the world's most amazing man! Why?! because his mom said he is, and Izuku can't make his mom lie now, can he? Facing the challenges that were ahead, he braced himself and shouted at the top of his lungs "Bring it on you bastards!" Day by day, he grew Stronger and stronger, a different Izuku with a heroic soul that screams more and more As the villains facing him kept piling up more and more in the USJ, they heard the continuous thumping of his roaring heart and felt utter fear, the heroic Aura he exuded rivaled that of All Might! 'OFA 30%' "Mighty Impact!" Add it, it's fun to write so you can be sure it's fun to read, I added passion and love into everything, plus, I have a huge reserve of chapters, don't worry about the system tag, I kept it very controllable by making the MC not care about it :) I always found the idea of Izuku secretly possessing sailor's mouth being very funny so i decided that the MC is a wild one lol Don't be fooled by the chapters number, each one holds close to 2200+ Words! some chapters have to be less though, Pacing reasons. By chapter 40 that would be close to 100k words. That's more than 100 chapters worth of content on this app/site. 4 chapters per week, Volume based. Discord: https://discord.gg/Bc7cvFBc Image by André-risso on X [Twitter] if you wish to change the cover let me know, André. I claim no ownership of MHA nor the cover picture, all credit to its creator, this is just for fun lol

Holy_Gamer · 漫画同人
39 Chs

I Stream DC on Marvel

My name is Allen Walker. I lived a quiet and uneventful life until I got into trouble with the school's ultimate bully, Flash Thomson. It was worth it because I was able to protect my friend Gwen and help out a poor guy named Peter Parker. That's right... my life was turned upside down with my school problems. I somehow ended up tangled with bullies like Flash and his rich friend Harry Osborn, and the three beauties of the school, Gwen Stacy, Felicia Hardy, and Mary Jane. I understood why Gwen was there, as she's my friend, but I couldn't understand why the other two girls were interested in me. My destiny should have been getting beaten up by the school bullies, but luckily, I received unexpected help from a miraculous entity called the "The Absolute Content Creator System". This system mainly operates based on viewers and the popularity I gain by providing great content in my world. But somehow, I'm now live-streaming in the middle of the Superman vs. Doomsday fight... yes, it sounds very dangerous and stupid. No one told me I'd be going to the DC world to livestream?! Darkseid is going to kill me!! My aunt Natasha would scream at me for the stupidity I was committing, and she would be right, I mean, I'm streaming it to my world! But I have to be here, even if it's stupid and dangerous. The reason? I have a huge debt of one million dollars because I accidentally ordered a hundred fantasy waifu sex dolls... which have come to life for some reason. Yeah, things are getting complicated!! It sounds insane, but it's real. The first doll was Wednesday Addams, who tried to stab me, and the second was 2B from Nier: Automata, who treated me like her master... I won't complain about that. A bit confusing? Let's recap: - I live in a world that the system calls Marvel... I'm not sure if I should be worried. - I was a normal teenager making YouTube videos and streams, not very popular... – I got involved with the school beauties and that earned me the hatred of the bullies... ¿why? - I was chosen by a system related to content creation. - During a stream, my chat played a prank on me, and I ended up accidentally ordering a hundred very expensive sex dolls that left me in a one-million-dollar debt. - These dolls are coming to life for some reason. - To pay off that debt, I have to use the system that sends me to DC and broadcast craziness like Batman being captured by the Joker or some villain fighting the Justice League. It's not all bad. With a system like in the manga, I become stronger the more popular I get. I gain powers that only appear in comics and anime, and many other things. But, as I said, my world is not normal, and I'll end up getting involved in dangerous things. I knew that when a one-eyed man appeared at my door and said, "Do you know about the Avengers Initiative?"... I think I should definitely be worried about that. While things are bad with all that, my chat is full of trolls and assholes. To make matters worse, my congenital bad luck leads me into stupid and dangerous situations all the time. For example: entering Harley Quinn's room and having relations with her while the Joker is nearby or kicking Darkseid in the balls... Maybe I'll get killed soon, but if not, I'll continue live-streaming the best content on social media... I just hope the system doesn't stream to strange places. If you want to read chapters in advance, be able to see the images that webnovel does not want and support me here I leave you my patreon. Patreon.com/_Aizen A/N: Hello, I hope you like this story and support it. English is not my native language, so I hope you don't mind the grammatical errors.

Mr_Aizen · 漫画同人
493 Chs
