
Daybreak (A Twilight Saga Fanfiction)

In the little town of Forks, Fayette Swan lives with her father. She had little to no contact with her twin sister Isabella Swan or her mother for the past five years and now, Bella is coming to live with them permanently. Though, that is the least of Faye's worries when she and her sister catch the unfathomable eyes of Zain and Edward Cullen, two mysterious students at their school.

BrittanyPaige · 作品衍生
11 Chs


BLOOD DIDN'T BOTHER ME. It was something the human body needed to maintain its oxygen and glucose. Fifth-grade Biology did me little justice, thankfully Freshman Biology exceeded my knowledge. Forks High School's annual Blood Drive returned. The student council had placed Red Cross posters all over the school, encouraging other students, and even teachers, to drink water and eat healthy if they wished to donate blood.

Today, biology teachers and even some Heath ED teachers would give out the dreaded blood testing strips. One prick on the fingertip and you would know your blood type. I knew my blood type, and so did my teachers, thanks to my dad. I'd donated before, and I would be expected to donate again. O-Negative was highly rare and coveted, so yeah, many people expected me to donate again. I'd have to give it some thought. The pressure felt so burdensome, not many of my fellow classmates understood that, but I suppose everyone in the school is being pressured to try and donate.

Passing by a couple of corkboards littered with many posters of colorful variations, I entered Mrs. Hammond's office. The clinical smell nearly nauseated me. The white made me light-headed, but thankfully enough, I kept my footing.

Mrs. Hammond was nowhere in sight, her desk empty, the chair mindlessly rolled away, barely touching the filing cabinets behind it. I bit my lip. Where was she? Was another student sick from being pricked?

I scanned around the office, only to be baffled to find Zain slouching on one of the beds. His hands were clasped together while he stared intensely at the floor.

"Are you skipping?"

He didn't seem fazed by my sudden question, nor was he unaware of my presence. Just barely hidden by the privacy curtain, he lifted his head and made a face, sheepishly grinning. He'd been caught, and now he was playing innocent. Or that's what it's beginning to feel like.

"I am," he admitted. "There's blood testing going on in my biology class next period."

I eyed him. "You're squeamish?"

He chuckled. "I suppose I am. The sight of blood disturbs me."

I nodded, understanding. A lot of people got sick at the sight of blood. I remember Bella practically fainted when she scraped her knee as a kid. And Mike, he...well, for as long as I knew him, he always had a weak stomach. And then there was Eric, though he wasn't really affected by blood. Anais did alright too.

"You too?" I found myself asking.

One of his thick brows shot up. "Are you also squeamish?"

I was puzzled. My mind had gone blank the moment I noticed Zain in the room. Surely, I had come in for a reason. Ah! I came from Mr. Banner's class. Yes, more band-aids. No one in my class was really finicky about blood, so there were no sudden trips to the school's ER.

"I came in search of Band-Aids," I finally say. "Where's Mrs. Hammond?"

"A student fainted, and they have to be wheeled back." His handsome face was amused.

I resist the urge to laugh. Though it was serious for students to faint, I found it somewhat hilarious when the medics came rushing when there was someone feeling the slightest bit of faint.

"You seem to be doing alright." I mentioned, noticing how healthy and not clammy his being was.

"It's the smell more than anything."

Nodding, I pursed my lips and looked everywhere but at him. It seemed rude to just stare at him until the nurse returned.

"You can wait here until she gets back. I won't mind the company." Zain suggested.

My heart took off with a thousand flutters, and I felt my face go red. Nodding, I shuffled toward one of the plastic folding chairs lined against the wall adjacent to the beds, sinking carefully onto the middle one. Quiet filled the air once again. Dammit, Faye! Say something, I urged myself pathetically.

"So..." I pursed my lips, doing my utmost best to make a conversation. "If you were skipping, wouldn't you go someplace besides the nurse's office?"

Zain perked, a small grin blossoming on his beautiful face. "I did try. Miss Abello caught me."

"Miss Abello, huh? Surprised you still have your hearing." I joked lightly.

The Spanish teacher truly was a terrifying woman, striking fear in the hearts of her students with just a single look or word in her mother tongue. As much as she was terrifying, she helped her students with proper pronunciation and education. She's quite an effective teacher.

"I happened to be quick with my escape, and I hid out in here."

"Who do you have for Biology?" I quipped, tucking my feet under my chair, averting my eyes to the laminated, tiled floor.

"Mrs. Dias," he answered, and then gazed over at me. "How are your wrist and head?"

I returned my gaze to Zain. His golden eyes were on me, melting me. They were the most beautiful shade of gold. Maybe the most perfect shade of gold I'd ever seen. Like Egyptian gold, they shone brightly. I found myself lost in them, drowning in their magnetism.


"Yeah?" I flushed, blinking from my trance.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh, yes, I'm fine," I fidget in my seat, tucking my hair behind my ear with my non-braced hand. "Sorry, you just...you've got beautiful eyes."

"I do?" He smiled shyly. "No one has ever told me that, or at least no one brave."

"Well, they should."

"You have beautiful eyes as well."

"Thank you." I meekly dropped my head to look at my sneakers while I kicked out my feet. My eyes were pretty to him. My heart skipped another couple of beats. Brown was a plain color, in my opinion, and my eyes seemed to be the plainest of the plain. Though brown was plain, I didn't think it was a hideous color. In fact, it's one of the most natural colors of the earth. Soils, sturdy and protective bark of the trees in the forests around Forks.

"I am sure you have been asked quite a bit," Zain began after a moment of silence. "I'm curious to know if you are attending the dance."

"I am."

"Who with?"

"Anais," I answered. "She's really excited about it."


"Yep," I nodded animatedly. "She's dyeing her for it; blonde. Kudos to Alice for giving her the confidence."

"Alice has always had her way with words, and colors," Zain tilted his head slightly. "So, are you two...?"

"We're friends?" I assumed he was speaking about Anais. Though his question appeared harmless, it seemed he was hinting at something more...well, suggestive. Whatever it was, I didn't have the mental capacity to comprehend it.

He wiped his mouth and nodded. Before he seemed tense, now, he relaxed. I watched him have inner turmoil for a moment. His inky brows creased together, lips pressing thinly under his fingers.

I grinned, feeling a bit smug, I leaned forward in my seat. "Are you hoping I'd ask you to the dance?"

"Hope would be an understatement," he admitted. "However, I will not coerce you."

"How polite of you," I sat back, crossing my legs. "I wouldn't say the question has been floating around me. You'd be asking the wrong sister."

"I do not wish to ask Bella," he was calm about it, unfazed by my joke. "You interest me more."

"I feel special," I placed my right hand over my heart. "If I did ask you, would you think about going?"

His smile broadens a bit. "I suppose I would."

"Then, would you like to go to the dance with me?" I make out finally. "And Anais? You'll be like our third wheel. You'll have to wear steel-toed shoes and share your arms with us."

He laughed lightly. "It would be an honor to escort you and your friend."

I opened my mouth to reply, and the office door cut me off, swinging open as a wheelchair holding an unconscious student rolled inside. Mrs. Hammond was red from the pushing and most likely from having to hoist the student's body into the chair.

"Oh!" She was startled seeing Zain and me. "Hello, dears. Are you also feeling sick?"

"Actually, I came for band-aids. Mr. Banner sent me." I wiped my right palm on my jeans and stood.

"Of course, Faye," she wheeled the student over to one of the beds. "How's your sister doing?"

"My sister?" I questioned curiously. "I think she's okay. Why do you ask?"

Zain got to his feet and strode to Mrs. Hammond before she had the chance to try and left the unconscious boy. "Allow me, Mrs. Hammond."

"Why, thank you, young man!" She flushed, watching him as he carefully, and seemingly effortlessly lifted the boy from the wheelchair and gently set him on the bed next to where he hid behind the privacy curtain. "You certainly are a strong one, aren't you?"

"It is no trouble." Zain smiled down at the exhausted school nurse.

"You are a good boy, Mr. Cullen." And she turned to me with a soft smile. "Your sister came in earlier - poor thing as pale as can be! Edward Cullen offered to take her home, say about the fifth period." She went to the filing cabinets behind her desk, opened the middle drawer, and grabbed out a box of elastic band-aids.

"She left?" A flurry of curses came to my tongue. Of course! I should've known. She had a biology class too! A groan left me. "Great, thank you."

I took the box from Mrs. Hammond, waved shortly at Zain, and trudged to the door. Now mood worsened. With Bella gone, the truck would surely be gone too. I had no way home now - no truck, no Anais, either. Having caught a cold a day before, she'd been battling vomit and fevers for a while and could keep her head up without feeling dizzy. Alternative transportation options came to my mind. I could take the bus, but it was so full of lower-classmen with no manners whatsoever. There was also the option of walking home, though I had no umbrella, nor was I wearing the right shoes for walking in the rain.

"Wait, Faye," a hand caught the door before it shut. I blinked; Zain stood there, wedged within the metal doorframe and leaning into the hall. When did he there? How did he get there? And how was he so fast to get there? "Do you need a ride?"

"What?" I twisted around to face him, bewildered.

"Well, I'm merely asking if you need a ride. I hadn't seen your friend today."

"Anais caught a cold. I'll just...I guess I'll call my dad or walk home.'

"I brought my car today," he suggested. "Rosalie is not the most pleasant female to be around when she is irate. It is not healthy to walk in the rain, not without an umbrella."

"I... I wouldn't be bothering you, would I?" I nervously looked up at him.

He chuckled. "You wouldn't."

That was relieving. And also, heart pacing. He invited me to ride with him, or more so, asked to drive me home. My nerves were all jumbled up as I tried to catch myself from becoming a stuttering mess in front of him. I was glad to know that he wasn't bothered by my presence; that may be my denial roaming free. It was mind-boggling that Zain had an interest in me, although he could've meant a number of things. Maybe he wished to be my friend, or maybe he had a romantic interest in Anais, though that one stung me bitterly, or maybe just stung me. My friend didn't deserve any bitterness from me, and I did not like the feeling baring inside me. I shake it off immediately.

I smiled up at him. "Thank you."

After school let out, I wished that Anais hadn't caught that cold. My knees were weak and ready to give out. I wanted her to slap me and tell me to woman up, and that I had this. There was no reason to be nervous about this.

Outside, it rained. More of a drizzle than anything, soon to become a heavier downpour. Bella's truck hadn't been sitting in the parking lot, much to my dismay of wishful thinking that would be easy. I suppose it was a good thing I took Zain up on his offer. Nervously, I began toward the Cullen's usual parking spots, spying an especially tall, gray Jeep and a smaller car next to it.

"Hello, Faye!" Alice beamed the moment she spotted me approaching their Jeep and an incredibly sleek and well-taken care of Chevrolet Impala. My jaw dropped to the pavement in awe of the beautiful vintage car. "It's nice to see you again."

"Hi, Alice." I found myself feeling small in front of the more...intimidating Cullens: Rosalie and Emmett. Rosalie was this beautiful, no, gorgeous girl with hair of golden silk. Slender and Junoesque, vast curves and grace. Perhaps, if she wanted, she could leave this place and take up modeling with any desired modeling company and become the face of America. And then there was Emmett. Whew. What wasn't intimidating about this guy? He was beefed up and athletic looking with boyish dark brown curls. I wouldn't be surprised if the Army ROTC tried to recruit him at one point, or two. He looked more than fit to be in the army and could probably do it easily.

I was hyper-aware that four pairs amber of eyes were on me, studying me. Subconsciously, I straightened my posture to appear taller and more approachable. Or something like that. They already saw me slouch a lot, it most likely wouldn't matter to try and be ready with them.

Rosalie's eyes flickered up and down, silently judging me with her thoughts. Emmett seemed to be indifferent as if he were waiting for the others to react to me. The blonde studied me for another moment and then huffed haughtily.

"I don't see what the big deal is," she narrowed her pretty amber eyes at me and crossed her arms over her ample chest. "Mediocre."

I felt taken aback, a fury arising in me. "Excuse you?"

"No, excuse you." She glared at me and turned to climb up into the Jeep.

What the hell was her deal? Acting all high and mighty for whatever reason. Had I done something to her to make her suddenly be rude to me? I guess not only was she beautiful, but she was also a - deep, calming breaths, Faye. Deep, calming breaths. She sure had a nasty attitude about her. Conceited?

"Fun, isn't she?"

"Jimney!" I jumped, startled as Zain appeared beside me with a light smile. "How'd you -?"

"Are you ready to go?" His golden eyes met my brown ones.

"I - I guess so." He swiftly glided around me, to the passenger side of the Impala, opening the door for me.

"Aw," Alice pouted. "Do you have to leave now? I wanted to spend a bit more time with Faye!"

"We should get going before it begins to rain again."

"Oh, pooey!" Alice pouted more, but then looked at me, winking. "Drive safely."

"See you, Alice." I smiled at her and trekked for the Impala.

During the ride home, the rain got a bit heavier, as predicted. Light and heavy droplets cascaded down, pelting the windshield only for them to be wiped away by the wipers. The soft hum of the surprisingly sturdy engine was strong and easily much more appealing than our bulky red truck. Its soft humming and rumbles were enough to nearly soothe me into a nap, or it would if I weren't so nervous.

From the corner of my eye, Zain kept his focus on the slippery roads ahead. He seemed as tense as I was. Could it be he was nervous too? So many possible conversation scenarios played through my head. I know we talked earlier in Mrs. Hammond's office, but what would I say to him now?

"I can feel you staring."

My bones took a jolt as Zain's voice rang out, overwhelming the soft pop rock that hummed from the speakers.

"I'm not staring." I denied.

"Then, I can feel your side staring."

Damn. I was so predictable, it hurt.

"Sorry." I ducked my head in shame.

A velvety chuckle left him. "It is alright. I can sense you want to ask something."

"Not exactly..." I trailed awkwardly. "I'm not even sure what to talk about."

"Perhaps, you should speak of what is on your mind the most." He suggested gently.

What was on my mind the most...hmm. I couldn't say I had a lot on my mind, however...

"So... after the accident," I see him stiffen. "I heard that Edward pushed me out of the way of certain doom."

"It seems that way." His knuckles tightened around the steering wheel.

Oh, he didn't like that. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it all. He probably already knew that Anais and I accidentally eavesdropped on his and Edward's conversation at the hospital. I looked away from him, finding the dashboard worth my interest.

"It's...odd. He was nowhere near us, and Bella told me she saw him across the lot with you and your family."

"It's best to not dwell on the accident, Faye," he glanced at me for a moment. "You've already injured your head once."

I furrowed my brows. That didn't sound suspicious. A part of me, somewhere deep down, told me to leave it at that, knowing Zain wouldn't speak any more of it. I recalled at the hospital; he was pissed. Possibly more than just pissed. I remember his hushed and strained anger as he spoke with Edward. I couldn't understand why he felt the need to bark for my defense so quickly.

As strange as it was, we've gotten...eh, maybe a little closer. We hung out more during school hours, sometimes we sat with each other at lunch, and he was friendly with Anais, and dotted on her and her ideas. If anything, he'd been more than gracious and kind to me and her. He reminded me of a loyal and protective dog. Happy and good one moment, and the next, he's on the defense.

Anais had brought it to my attention a couple of times after the accident, though I brushed her off, not seeing what she saw. Spending time with Zain opened my eyes a little. I saw it now. He was doing it again.

"You seem more traumatized by what happened than me." I mentioned, not daring to look at him.

The silence could've killed me. What was he thinking? What was he going to do? What expression was he making? Was he making any expression? Surely, he found my constant questions and prying irritating. His silence seemed heavy on my shoulders.

"It is...complicated." He finally spoke, his voice was so gentle, I almost couldn't hear him.

"How is it complicated? I hit my head and injured my hand, but you - "


His pleading voice interrupted me, causing me to look at him. He focused on the road, refusing to make eye contact, even for just a second. His jaw was clenched, if, of anger or aggravation, there was no telling.

"Let us just... continue this ride in silence, if you don't mind."

I bit my lip and returned my focus to the road, dejected that he put me down. "Okay."