
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · 漫画同人
86 Chs

Chapter 3: You're finally awake [3]

[Tenka PoV]


He should've left without those unnecessary words! And I threw the nearby book placed on the side table of my bed at him.

And just what I expected, it didn't reach him as the door was promptly closed before the book could even be thrown.

What a shame.



"Tenka huh..." I softly muttered.

As I mulled over my 'own' name, I unconsciously touched my lips as I felt how it moved as I repeated to say my name again. As much as I hate to admit it...

"Tenka... Tenka... Hmph. It's not bad to say at least," with those words, I slowly felt my lips curve slightly into an arc.

...it was strangely pleasant on my ears.

"Hmph," I huffed at the sudden thought.

Am I happy about it? Perhaps, and I don't really care that much in the first place...I think.

A name, something that would define me and differentiate me from my other self, or 'Tohka'.

I then turned my head towards my 'sister' as I observed her.


Tohka was sleeping with a goofy smile on her face while making those...weird noises (snoring and mumbling nonsense to be exact). Is she dreaming? Most likely, and I wonder what the dream was to be honest which proves enough to make her smile in sleep.

As far as I can tell, 'Tohka', my other self—or rather, my 'younger sister' has been living an eventful life as soon as she met that bastard.

Earlier, I told the bastard some truths—yes, some of it. Some of them are also lies or rather, incomplete truths, an example of that was about me being only able to feel Tohka's emotions.

Tohka and I are intricately linked. In fact, rather than only knowing her feelings, I could also occasionally share her five senses as well, such as sight, hearing, and so on.

That's why I could 'see' it, living with him was all Tohka took to enjoy each second of her newly found life. I even wonder if she knows what she's doing, she was occasionally naive to a fault, but not completely stupid.

"Spending time with him, Tohka's heart was sparkling. It was enjoyable, pleasant, and truly a blessing. I like that feeling in Tohka's heart..." I paused and then put on a sour look on my face. "... however, the bastard was a fool in that situation where Tohka needed his side the most...and that's why I'm here to ensure that doesn't happen again"

'What was he thinking that time anyways?' I internally thought as I furrowed my brows.

The answer to that question of mine however could only be given by that bastard. Maybe I'll just ask him later on about that.

Anyways, setting aside the unusual 'obsession' that she currently has for that bastard, there are some things I don't understand as for why THAT specifically happened.

Tohka's personality was basically similar to mine, there are differences for sure, but being this extremely obsessive about something was a trait that neither she or I should've possess in the first place.

I then stared right up on the ceiling, heaving a sigh, I then shook my head just a little. It was boorish to say any more than that. Instead, I broke away from my usual sour look and let out a mocking smile.

"A 'handful woman' you say. Hmph. It seems that you need to fix some loose screws and look at the mirror as well to know that you are the same, bastard"

I scoffed, stroking the head of my younger sister as I approached and sat on her bed.

"Muuu...? Hehe... Zzz...." Tohka mumbled once more in sleep as she slightly turned her head to the side with a smile as I stroked her head gently. Does patting her head brings her that much comfort?

As I pondered over that trivial thought, I then proceeded to fulfill a simple task that suddenly appeared on my mind.

If I were to define it in a word, then it would be 'inspection'.

My hand soon moved to the center of her chest, the place where the core of a Spirit—their Sephira Crystal was placed. The thing that you could consider as the 'base' of why we are creatures defined as Spirits in this world.

"...As I thought," I paused as my eyes narrowed. Being the one and only 'direct' daughter of that 'woman', I know most of things that anyone couldn't involving Spirits.

"You two—no, all 'four' of us are very similar in one way or another..."

That woman, the bastard, me, and Tohka.

Yes. We definitely are, except for the fact that me and Tohka came—no, were born from that 'woman', however, that surely connects us three in the most closest definition.

The bastard however was something that is not. He has no connection to 'her', the Spirit of Origin, none at all. It was as if he was another Spirit of Origin himself, however, that would be ridiculous. Compared to that woman, he was an existence that pales before her. In battle or abilities for example, I doubt that bastard would even last long if that woman turned completely serious.

However, this speculation of mine might be inaccurate. I only based this from my experience when I fought him, and much as I hate to admit it, the battle that I lost as well.

Even so, he might have bested me in combat, but that 'woman' is on another different level. If she wanted to, with only raising one hand, that woman could defeat—no, 'kill' me within a short span of time, and I bet that goes for this bastard as well.

Either way, another speculation of mine is that if he wasn't exactly another Spirit of Origin, either he was created or born from someone else, an existence similar to 'hers', which would make him basically a child of another Spirit of Origin. If not, then another conclusion would be if he was one that was created through the same means like 'hers', the Spirit Summoning Formula, however, his difference is that he was something that was less than the existence of that 'woman'.

There are many things that I still don't know, but with the given information I have in mind, I could say that it is quite worth it, specially, for those who are curious about that 'woman'.

Nonetheless, these two conclusions that I had ended upon still leads into one intersection.

True Spirit.

A title that only befits those entity's that more or less, came from the Spirit of Origin and not from those humans that were transformed into this modern day Spirits by infusing a 'purified' Qlipha Crystal—or in other words, a Sephira Crystal, in their bodies.

As I continued to ponder....


'It' growled.

"....really now?" I complained to no one entirely but myself. I can't help but twitch in annoyance, nevermind my stomach's growl, just the fact that I would now require the sustenance of the thing called food was enough to make me somewhat troubled.

For example, what would you feel if you suddenly change one of your habits such as not drinking bitter drinks? If you are forced to drink that daily, what would you feel? Of course, obviously uncomfortable.

My case however borders with the point of necessity. In short, I don't have a choice but do it. Besides, it's not like it could kill me from doing so, right?

"Putting that aside..." I grumbled. "Tsk. What's taking that bastard too long to make... food..." I wanted to continue, but my words slowly died down.

I reminisced some events basing from some glimpses from Tohka's memories that I remember, I groaned. The bastard would always takes his time in cooking, he even stated that a half baked dish is something that he wouldn't dare serve to anybody so either wait for him to finish, or leave and eat something else rather than waiting for him.

In the end, I only let out a long sigh. "It's not like I have a choice then," I grumbled once more as I held my stomach. So besides me humiliating myself with performing that 'indecent act' with him to supply my Reiryoku, I also need to further sacrifice my own pride when it comes in craving his food?

"Tch," I clicked my tongue as I continued. "Pride huh? That means nothing in situations of dire needs"

Can my pride resupply my Reiryoku?

Can my pride feed me?

Can my pride save my life in battle?

Does my pride have all it takes to make Tohka happy?

"No, no, and no. Of course they could not," I begrudgingly uttered to myself after realizing that simple fact.

Pride alone was not enough to achieve anything, so putting it as something of a mid-priority matter for me is a small sacrifice to make.

It was then, the door clicked open. I quickly cocked my head to the side to see who was approaching, it probably wasn't the bastard since only a few minutes had passed, so then who?

Soon, the figure revealed itself, and for some reason, my eye twitched in annoyance for some reason. And that annoyance soon faded as it was replaced by entirely something else.

'Something doesn't feel right? Yes, something doesn't feel right at all,' I thought before unconsciously clenched my fists behind while facing this person before me.


[3rd PoV]

As the door clicked din the room, Tenka immediately shifted her attention to it. Much to her surprise, the figure who entered looked eerily familiar to her.

With the figure's long silver hair paired with drowsy and exhausted eyes, Tenka couldn't help but feel irritated first?


Excluding the bastard, Tenka wasn't really in the mood to accommodate somebody else, especially a stranger in account, besides her 'younger sister' in this room.

Disturbing her rest here in this place was something that she can barely tolerate. The bastard was a Spirit, just like them, so she could at least be slightly relaxed at the very least with his company. Besides, if she were to show her reluctance on it with Tohka, Tohka would be sad if she were to know. And for Tenka, Tohka's happiness and well-being was a priority before anything.

These strangers, specifically, 'humans' are the ones who Tenka feels that she should squash them up right now.

Hmph. Mere humans dare to 'lock' them up here? To observe? To analyze? Or rather, treat them as guinea pigs or subjects to satiate their own curiosity?

Even if they had helped her and Tohka, that doesn't change the fact that they are beings that once and will ever be a sign of threat to Spirits. If there was something that she and Tohka would vehemently agree on, it was the fact that humans are untrustworthy and dangerous creatures.

Sure, Tenka and Tohka may be somewhat clueless upon how the whole world works, their views however are not limited with only the shade of 'white' and 'black'. To be exact, their perspective was 'Gray' all along, they were not stupid enough to believe that all living beings besides them are 'completely' good or bad.

But the fact that humans came to them only to hunt and bring them down each and every time they manifest made their 'Gray' perspective soon turn to 'white' and 'black'.

Who could blame her and Tohka anyways? Sure, they brought destruction at their wake but it's not as if they wanted it. They were, after all, just trying to 'live' in their own way. It's not like they like to destroy and fight anything or anybody all the time.

The current state of Tohka living happily within human society just with Rei was a picture of that.

However, these things are not so easily taken by others. They have their own side to prioritize upon, to give opinion on, and so on and so forth.

As such, comes this explanation. The humans also have their own circumstances. In their eyes, Tohka and her were a symbol of destruction, a threat to their lives or so to speak. That's why the humans knowing that they were a threat decided to eliminate them was more or less logical.

In short, both sides are somewhat correct yet at the same time, they are also somewhat wrong. But that's just how it is, no matter how the world progresses, when it comes to problems like these, there is no definite answer that would make 'everyone' literally 'satisfied with no qualms'.

Getting back to the point, Tenka who noticed that she was clenching her fists soon quirked a brow at herself right after. She might not be the smartest one out there, so her best arsenal in situations like this was by instinct alone.

And that very same instinct states that this woman before her was trouble. She looks eerily familiar as stated, it was as if she was facing that 'woman' once more.

But Tenka wasn't entirely sure about this claim.


To further imply, she couldn't exactly remember the face of that 'woman'. It was already accounted for but that woman in the first place ever since she technically 'killed' Tenka once. That 'woman' probably erased some parts of her memories mainly involving 'her'.

Nevertheless, Tenka wouldn't forget the presence of that 'woman'. Even if she erased her, kill her, and even seal her, as long as Tenka still lives in the end of it, she would always recognize her presence given the right amount of distance and situation.

That's why....


....Tenka was currently conflicted.

This woman's presence felt like it was similar to that 'woman', however, Tenka was also sure both of them were also distinctly different form each other!

It was confusing!

It is very CONFUSING much to Tenka's dismay. Despite that however, if there was something Tenka was sure about, then it was the fact that she couldn't rule out the possibility of this woman having some connections towards that 'woman'.

"Nn? Mmm... I see, your condition seems to be better than I thought," The said woman—Reine Murasame noted as she cupped her chin.

She then continued as she took a glance to Tohka then back to Tenka once more. "Are you feeling uncomfortable about something?"

"Hmph," Tenka simply huffed as she lifted her finger pointing onto something before stating her words. "There is"

"....Nn?" Confused, Reine tilted her head to the side. The reason for that is that the finger of Tenka was pointing was on her to be exact. "...me?" Reine replied in a rather subdued manner.

"Yes," Tenka sternly replied as she soon stared away from her. "But nevermind that for now. State your business here, woman"

"...Nn," Reine slowly nodded. "I am here to check your conditions once more. Just a simple final checkup before you get admitted out from your medical state"

"Checkup? Medical...state?" Tenka questioned hearing those foreign terms.

"In simple terms, I am here to make sure that you are entirely okay, specifically, your body," Reine replied as she hummed. "And as I can see, you are truly ready to go out at any time you want. Tohka on the other hand is still in her sleep, yet, I conclude that she is already in sane good condition just like yours"

Reine then moved to the corner of the room, then she sat on the chair placed a few steps away from Tohka and Tenka before pulling out her device as she began typing on it soon after.

Tenka quizzically tilted her head at the woman's actions at first. If she had already confirmed that they are already okay, then why bother staying here?

'In other words, there is something more that is needed to be done,' Tenka thought internally as she suppressed the uncomfortable feeling she was having under the presence of this woman.

Reine who noticed Tenka's gaze then slightly tilted her head a she asked, "Is there something you want to inquire further about?"

"...No," Tenka answered still bearing this somewhat uncomfortable feeling with the woman before muttering words that could only be heard by Tenka herself. "....I'll make sure to keep an eye on you"

And so, time passed.

A second became ten.

Ten seconds became a minute.

A one minute then turned into ten.

And for who knows how much time had passed, Tenka could only sigh in exasperation.

There was no noticable changes in the room except for the fact that Tohka kept rolling left and right in her sleep. Surely, she was enjoying her dreams at the moment.


That was until Reine's device made an audible sound, making Tenka turn her head to her.

"...Hm. The results are already out huh. I think it is my time to leave," Reine uttered as she stood up from her seat.

Walking towards the door, Tenka was already expecting Reine not to bother her anymore. It wasn't like Reine had done something wrong, it is just the fact that Reine's presence alone to Tenka makes her pretty uncomfortable.

But alas, Reine paused one step away before opening the door as she turned to Tenka who was glaring at her back.

Tenka who saw her stop, raised a brow as she inquired, "...What? Did you perhaps you forgot something?"

"...No, that's not it but something similar," Reine said as she shook her head. "Reine Murasame"


"It's my name, Reine Murasame. Though I know it is kind of late for introductions, may I also know what's yours?" Reine asked in a rather soft tone.

Tenka blinked twice before answering her wondering what the woman was getting at.

"Tenka... Tenka Yatogami"

"Ah. I see...I am worried that you still haven't been given one but," Reine let out a faint smile. "It seems that my worries are unfounded, I'll get going then, Tenka"

With that, Reine left the room leaving Tenka and Tohka behind.

Tenka was slightly flabbergasted inside as she thought, '...Is that it? What just happened?' but she quickly set that aside. It wasn't a subject worth of attention, right?

Just as Tenka was about to go back to her own respective bed, it was then Tohka woke up from her slumber much to Tenka's surprise.

"Nu....Mmm?" Tohka mumbled as she sat up from her bed, rubbing her eyes in the process. "Uh...Me?" She called out as she let out a yawn.

"Hmph. You sure took your time sleeping huh," Tenka answered as she halted her previous action from going back to her bed.

"So? Feeling any better?"

"Eh...? I'm still dreaming...am I? Wait!" Tohka noted loudly in shock as her vision widened.

"No no, this is not a dream! You are... Ah! A mirror! Wait, then why ar— Ouch!"

Before Tohka could even finish her sentence, Tenka proceeded and flicked her forehead in the process.

"That hurt! Why did you do that!?" Tohka whined as she covered her forehead.

However, Tenka didn't care about her whining. That wasn't enough to make Tohka 'hurt' in the most literal sense.

"Hmph. Did you finally sober up from your drowsiness?" Tenka huffed as she crossed her arms under there chest.

"A-ah....you are real...."

"Well, it seems that you are already sober," Tenka noted as she nodded to herself. "And to answer your question. Then yes, this is not a dre—"

"Eh! Then I have a Sister!" Tohka exclaimed surprising Tenka who widened her eyes when she saw Tohka hug her with a bright smile on her face.

Of course, Tenka didn't reject it as she accepted it reluctantly. To be honest, she would be embarrassed if someone were to see them doing this now.

"Now that's enough! Y-you should get off me!" Tenka said in a somewhat flustered manner, which betrays the fact that her expression was none other than stern.

"Ehehe~" Tohka's delighted laugh was all the reply Tenka got as Tohka further snuggled on her.

Tenka still tried to push her from her, yet, seeing her 'younger sister's' face right now, maybe she would allow it to last longer.

It was then...

"...Am I intruding perhaps?"

...they then heard a voice coming in front of the door as it was slowly opened. The tone of the person where the voice came from was laced with relief and slight surprise as for what was unfolding right before his eyes.

Of course, the said person was none other than Rei Ainsworth himself.

"Ah! Good morning, Rei! Look look, she has the same face as me! We look very identical, but she looks somewhat more older than me, slightly I think!" Tohka enthusiastically exclaimed in joy. "We look like sisters!"

"Because we technically are! So. Now. Get. Off. Me!" Tenka said as she struggled to get from Tohka's arms.

Tohka then pouted a she let go of her 'sister'. "Ah mou... We have a lot to talk about later as an exchange for letting you go, okay?"

"...consider it well as done," Tenka replied promptly as she fixed her somewhat wrinkled clothes.

Seeing all of this happen, the third person in the room—Rei, let out a chuckle of relief.

'It seems that they are getting along well,' he mused in his mind not daring to say it out loud in front of the two.

"I see. I'm glad," Rei said as she approached them pushing a serving trolley filled with various dishes specially prepared for them.

"Well then~"

With a flick of his fingers, a table soon appeared before them with already a complete set of utensils. Steadily, he transfered each and every dish placed on the serving trolley to the table. To put it in words, the finished presentation could be described as none other than 'amazing' and 'full of variety'.

Just the view of the whole set of food placed in front of them made both Tohka and Tenka gulp in response. Both turned silent as they felt their hunger rise within their bodies.

Rei then cleared his throat as he saw the two occasionally shifted their glances towards him and the dishes he had prepared. It was sad of they were waiting for his approval to dig in, which he understood beforehand.

"Well, ladies. I think we should eat these dishes that I prepared for this occasion while it is still hot, shall we?"

All Rei received in return was their silent nods as the two said individuals reached for their own utensils, and Rei soon followed after. Rei's fatigue just soon faded away as he smiled in satisfaction towards the girls who were now enjoying eating his dishes.

If this is what he would face each time he serves his meals, then well, all he could say is that it was all worth it.

This day in conclusion...was more or less a 'satisfying' day in its entirety.


[A/N: Eyo guys, here's the chap!

I kinda realized that I kind of, dragged this chap for long. I mean, 3.97k words? It is bordering 4k jeez! Well, that might be even short for others.... for me however, it was beyond my usual chapter quota of 2.7k to 3.2k words.

Also, did you guys know? The latest news says that DAL would have an S5 already! It was already in production as the time you are reading this right now.

Well well, S4 surely is decently adapted in my opinion compared to S3. We're finally coming to the dystopian, or to put it more likely, 'darker' side of the story of DAL beginning with the end of S4!

Really, can't help but say that this is hyping me up! I just hope they stay consistent and just to the source material and I also pray that they don't rush it.

With that said guys, ciao~]