


After the situation calmed down, everyone in the car cast judgmental looks at Daryl. He had attracted the walkers, and while it was a small horde and no one got hurt, things could have gone terribly wrong.

Dale stared at him with a disapproving expression.

Daryl: What are you looking at, old man?

Dale: Nothing... I just think you should rest.

Daryl decided to ignore the comment and went to lie down. He closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.


In Shane's car

Lori: Shane, is the place we're heading to safe?

Shane: Yeah, it's up in the mountains. No walker can get to it.

Lori: I hope so. — she said, running her fingers through Carl's hair.

After driving for a while, Shane arrived at the quarry at the top of the mountains and stopped the car.

Shane: This is it.

The other cars began parking one by one.

The place was beautiful: an open area surrounded by forest, perched on the mountain. Daryl, however, didn't think it was as safe as Shane claimed. Still, it was all they had for now.

As he surveyed the camp, Daryl's mind was already on the idea of turning a prison into an impenetrable fortress once they found one. He knew they'd need a lot: heavy weapons, helicopters, tanks, building materials to reinforce the walls... And for all of that, they'd need more people. Maybe he should go out with his brother Merle to find survivors.

Glenn: Are we there? Finally! I couldn't hold it anymore... I need to pee. — Glenn said, running towards the woods.

Merle: Watch out for the walkers! If you die with your pants down, everyone's gonna laugh instead of cry.

Glenn: Screw you, Merle! — Glenn shouted, disappearing into the trees.

T-Dog: I'll grab some wood to start a fire.

Dale: Nice spot you picked, Shane.

Shane gathered the group for a discussion. They needed to organize: there would have to be leadership, tasks, and everyone had to contribute, whether with food, chores, or security.

Shane: Our food won't last long. We need to act like a group, like a community. I want everyone to understand: everyone needs to help however they can. We'll also need capable people to protect this place.

All eyes turned to Daryl and Merle, the two who clearly had the most survival skills. Shane, Merle, and Daryl were the most experienced, and the safety of the camp would depend on them.

Daryl broke the silence:

Daryl: I want to go on supply runs.

The group fell silent. Supply runs were dangerous, but no one wanted to stop Daryl because no one else wanted to take that job.

Merle: I'll go with my little brother. Someone's gotta watch his back.

Daryl looked at Merle, surprised. Despite everything, his brother still seemed to care.

Shane: Who's going to take watch duty?

Dale and Andrea raised their hands.

Dale: From the RV, we can see everything. We'll be able to monitor the camp.

Shane: Alright. You two handle the watch.

Shane: And who's taking care of security?

T-Dog, Glenn, Morales, and Jim raised their hands. They weren't experienced fighters, but it was all they had. Shane wasn't about to ask the women to fight.

Shane: As for the women... they can help in other ways.

The women in the group glared at Shane.

Andrea: Are you saying we're useless, Shane?

Shane: That's not what I meant! I just think it's too dangerous for you.

Amy: So, women can't fight?

Shane: No, no, no! You misunderstood me!

After clarifying his words, Shane began assigning tasks to everyone—except Ed, who was notoriously useless. All Ed did was sit around complaining, refusing to contribute.

Meanwhile, Daryl explored the area and found a crystal-clear river after descending a bit down the mountain. He recognized the place: this was where Shane would give Ed a beating in the future.
