
Him. Again.

"Do you guys want to go shopping." Lou Qing asked. I was kind of tired, but I did need an outfit for tomorrow. I glanced towards Qing Han, hoping for a answer but instead she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'll go" I say, "Are you two coming?" I asked.

Lin Xing shakes her head "No, I'm going back to my parents." I look towards Qing Han "Eh, why not." she says.

"Okay, let's head out." Lou Qing says. Qing Han and I stand up from our beds and start walking towards to the door where Lou Qing is.

We get into Lou Qing's car. As soon as we're all in and ready, Lou Qing starts driving. The drive wasn't long to the mall only about 15 minutes.

We arrived at Kingston mall and got out of the car.

We were walking around the mall and I still haven't found a dress. "Hey let's go into that store." Lou Qing said, for which seemed to be the 100th time.

I was tired and hungry, "This is the last one." I said.

Lou Qing laughed, "Okay last one, I promise." I sighed.

We went into the store and a dress immediately caught my eyes, I walked up to the dress. The dress was perfect, it was simple yet elegant, just the way I liked it.

Qing Han laughed at the look on my face. "You should try it on." She said.

"mhm. I will"

I walked into a dressing room and tried on the dress, once I was done trying it on, I walked out. "Hanny, how do I look?" I asked.

Qing Han's jaw dropped. "You look drop. dead. gorgeous." I laughed and twirled in the dress. Lou Qing soon walked up to us and her jaw dropped immediately "Girly you look amazing." I giggled at her comment.

I went back into the dressing room and changed back into my clothing. When I was done, I went up to the counter to pay.

"Okay can we go eat now?" I say.

They both nod their head and start leading the way to a cafe. I followed after as I have never been here before.

Qing Han found us a table and Lou Qing went to order.

We all sat down and started chatting. When our food was served, we started eating.

"Mhmm, this cake is so yummy." Im definitely coming back here to eat. Qing Han grinned, "I agree"

We ordered drinks and continued chatting and laughing.

After a couple of minutes I felt a piercing gaze on me and turned around. My smile immediately left, my heart started pounding, my hands started shaking.

There he was and----and with a girl.

I quickly stood up, grabbed Qing Han. "Let's go." my voice cracked and I hated it, hated how he can make me feel and how much he affected me.

Qing Han turned towards me, her eyes full of worry. "Whats wrong?"

Lu Feng started walking towards me. "Hurry, hurry lets go." I say. He was coming closer, I don't want to see him, why do I keep running into him.

Lou Qing stood up "Is there a problem?" she asks. I look at her "I'll explain later." He's almost here.

"Come on, come on, lets go." I urged.

Then he reached us.


I hesitantly looked up. Lou Qing looked shocked at who I was trying to run away from.

"Let's go" I say. trying to get them to move. Lou Qing was frozen and in awe.
