
Darkness and Vengeance

Draven Longsword died to be brought back to life by a forbidden goddess to free her and to avenge his family and became the apostle of darkness and vengeance, will his family be avenged or would they have died in vain...

Richardmoore · 奇幻
7 Chs

Empty fulfillment

The forest is pretty dense as I keep swinging the dagger around till I come to a small clearing in the forest. There's hardly any light even though it is close to night. I better get a fire started and something to eat. I'm starving. My stomach made a weird sound like something was moving around in it. I scavenged for some dead twigs, leaves, and branches. Setting up camp was smart because as soon as I lit the fire, the night came. I sat on a rock practicing on control of my flames, and I noticed that I could control regular flames as well. Also, when I use my magic flames, I can tell that the heat is controlled by my mood. The more angry I get, the hotter the flame. Staring into the flame, I hear something scuffle around me. I stood up quickly in a defense position, drawing the blade my right hand, and then out of nowhere, a nargle hopped out. Quite bigger than a rabbit but faster, and they have two horns on their heads like a goat for defense. All of a sudden, two more jump out and keep running past the camp. I hardened myself for what was to come next because I knew what it meant for them to just run like that there being hunted! All of sudden, in a fast strike, all I could

see was a black shadow bite the back of the neck of the still nargle. It was a bone wolf. The more powerful they are, the more of an exo skeleton they have. This one, a top skull, a spine and ribs the nargle isn't dead yet, just laying in his mouth. Its screams sound like a baby being ripped apart as he stares at me. With one jaw movement, the nargle went limp in his mouth.

The bone wolf dropped the dead nargle and then started growling and showing teeth. With my free hand, I lit my black purple fire ready for the attack. The bone wolf sees the flame and stops growling and tilts his head , and sniffs the surrounding air. The bone wolf whines and sits in a hurried way and gives a small gruff. I don't know why, but I feel I could trust him like a connection was made. I sheath my dagger and put out my flame and got a little excited no one ever been able to tame a monster before. The wolf walked up to me his head reached my chest with his size alone. I would be nothing to him if I was a regular knight. The wolf nuzzles my hand. I reach over and start scratching his neck and chin. I said I'm gonna call you shadow." Then, right after I give shadow his name, I hear in my thoughts that I accept this contract in front of the apostle of darkness. Then a strange mark started to burn on his skull, and my chest pulsed. It was a warm feeling it felt good all of a sudden. I got dizzy and calapsed, and then I passed out from being tired.

I open my eyes to see the blood moon, then shadow looks over and says if you died, I would've eaten you. I sit up and notice I'm back in the meadow of the goddess she claps her hands a says congratulations on your first contract with the wolf I hope you can make a good show for me she grins. How did I get here? I'm not dead again, am I? The goddess laughs and says no Draven. I brought you here in your sleep since I gained a little bit of power. I breathe out in relief, good. I thought that I got killed. Violet said, "You almost did that contract. It took a lot of power from you he's an alpha bone wolf it takes a lot of power to contract with one." If you run out of magic, you die. The magic is what's keeping you alive. You need to spread the word that I'm back to gain more power and so I can restore the balance back to what It should be there can't be light without darkness. She floats over and sits on my lap. We stare in each other's eyes as she says the Duke of this territory has seen what you wrote above the cross he sends a message to the king now. You're my apostle, and you're strong, but you can't do it alone. I want you to find the elves in death forest they will help you with food and a place to stay for the moment. You need to make them believe that I'm back. My eyes widen and say elves. I thought they were extinct from the demi wars? Violet said they are few in number, but if they believe in me again, I will grant them boons to help them flourish once again. I'll use what little power I can to help you make them believe in me once again. She leans in and kisses my lips with passion. The warmth and softness of her lips caress mine. My heart feels like it's going to burst. I can feel power flowing into me. She pulls away from me, leaving me breathing heavily and wanting more. The goddess looks at me in a seducing smile and says by the way you can have your way with any mortal you want, but when you finally die, remember you become mine. You're my apostle, so in other words, you're my future husband for eternity. Just as fast as I came to the meadow, I left.