
Darkest (De Pentagon)

In the aftermath of a grave Apocalyptic War, James Noble traversed a grim world, broken in grief and despair, with a curse that cloaks his world in pitch darkness, But he hadn't walked this world alone. By his side were people willing to travel to the depths of hell with him in search of the fleeting light called hope. In a world threatened by entities of the past, they became a beacon of light in a dark world.

Fortuneuchiha · 武侠
8 Chs

Writer's Note

This book is written based on some characters of my ongoing novel on Wattpad, "De pentagon (a tale of Gotham.)" It is a sequel following immediately after the book and may contain some major spoilers on De Pentagon if you are an active reader.

Although It's chronology was not particularly emphasized. Hence it is not necessary to read or finish the on going prequell before understanding this book. But if you are interested in reading the prequell (De Pentagon), I'll drop a link for the book soon.