
If You Hear The Bells... Run. They're Coming.

It all began earlier this year... or maybe last year. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I was home alone, waiting for my family's return. I watched the gentle fog pass by my house, the full moon was bright enough that I could see pretty far down our country road.

Ching Ching!

The sound of bells... a certain kind, almost like the ones you'd expect to hear when Santa flew overhead on a late Christmas Eve night. It was getting louder and louder, and I was beginning to think my parents rented a sled, but for what occasion? There was no snow outside yet.

The animals chirped, howled and yelled outside, only becoming silent when the bell rang out.

I had just turned around when I heard a knock on the door. A quick slam. Then a banging noise. I rushed and locked the door, looking through the window I could see a heavily dressed man standing outside the door. He must have heard me breathing somehow because he quickly turned and stared at me through the window.

His gaze wasn't natural. He had dark eyes, and a freckled face, bags under his eyes, and grayish black stubble. His stare went on until I rushed toward the back door to lock it. When I returned to the front door's window, he was gone. I looked in the back as well, but he was not at the back door.

I almost thought he may have left until I found the bathroom window shattered, the door wide open, and wet footprints leading away on the carpet. I froze in place. Terrified. Out of nowhere, he appeared behind me and held something against my face. I couldn't resist for long before passing out from it.

Day 1:

I don't know how long it has been since I'd gotten here, but this was the first full day I had been awake. I woke up in a meat processing room, where large hooks resided on the ceiling, covered in rust and blood. I attempted the door, only to find it locked with various padlocks on the outside. I remember banging on the door while screaming for help, the door swung open, and I was hit by it. The man from before came in with a tray of food and placed it down. After waiting some time, just to be sure I was alright to eat, I ate. It was questionable. The man had left after he placed the food down, and I had just decided to eat it, as I was very hungry, and had no time to question it.

The food was not poisoned, luckily, since I had not even considered that. I couldn't see in the dark room, and so I felt around for the plate, even reaching around for a light switch, which I could not find.

Time would pass before the bells would ring again, vanishing into the distance.

Day 2:

I didn't hear bells at all, but I could tell it was a new day, as light shone from under the door. I seemed to be in a shed instead of a house. The light shining led my eyes to a corner filled with blood. I could see something swinging back and forth, but I could not tell what it was. The first day I was here, when it was brighter in here, I did not see anything in that corner, other than a meat hook.

I reached over and grabbed hold of the thing, and began lightly pulling on it. The door opened, and a woman stepped inside the room. The light shone in the room and I could see trees in the distance, a storm approaching in the sky.

The thing I was tugging on was my mother, hung by her shoulder on a meat hook, her face was blank and pale, blood splattered on her neck and clothing.

I scooted back and felt my heart shrivel. My mother was dead, and I was probably next.

But that wasn't all. My father and sister were also in that room, dead.

The woman approached and placed down a plate of veggies and eggs. I felt scared, and I didn't have an appetite anymore. I only felt alone and hurt. My family was gone, and I wanted to be with them, not here with these creeps.

Day 3:

While I was asleep, they must have taken my parent's and sister's bodies inside their house or into the forest. I felt around for my phone since it wasn't on me, and I ended up finding it on the ground, shattered and stabbed. I felt my hope for escaping vanish, and I threw the phone at the wall of the shed. For a second, it shook the walls, and suddenly moaning began from all around me, outside my shed people begged to be killed, begged to be set free. Some made only growling noises, and I suddenly realized there was other people with me here.

Day 4:

I felt strange... my body was reacting to the meat they began giving me. My nails seemed to be growing longer and my speech patterns seemed to be screwed up. I began thinking about world peace... and having friends. To be friends with people. I stopped eating, and this feeling began to vanish.

Day 5:

The woman dropped some kind of phone in my shed. I began using it to try to contact the police, but the phone just rang and rang. The police were not picking up.

Day 6:

I have no choice but to try to publish my story and hope for help.

Day 7:

I'm starving... but it's better than eating whatever that meat was.

Day 8:

Please... help me.

Day 20:

I've been taking scraps of food, ignoring the meat. I feel sick... I want to go home. I don't want to be like the others.

Day 30:

The lady spoke for the first time, her husband followed... they talked about being friends while smiling. A boy was behind them... he was speaking to some girl. She claimed to be Emily.

Day 31:

The boy wants to be friends. He wants me to join his... "march."

Day 32:

He promised me freedom.