
Chapter 12

"I-I left it there. I'm sorry!" Suni hid her face, scared.

"But the map was in the bag!" He growled, but then sighed. "Whatever I'm glad you're safe."

Suni looked up at him and pulled back from the hug. "You're not gonna s-scold me?"

"I would have but- Fuck I don't wanna say it!"

"Hm?" She tilted her head, her ears drooping down.

"You're more important, dumbass!"

Her confused face broke out into a sweet smile. "You're important too."

"Whatever!" He said standing up with her. "We don't have to worry about the map. We have to keep going towards north. And then this place called Dark shadows will appear."

"I'm fine with anything." She mumbled walking ahead with him towards the north direction.

"You don't really have a choice, dumbass!" Valente snickered making her pout. "Lets go or we might get found by that bastard."

"Why is your brother your enemy?" Suni asked in a low voice.

"Because…" He sighed. "He thinks I killed mom when she gave birth to me. I tried to talk to him when I was small. But then when I was 15 he tried to kill me so, fuck him!" He growled.

She gasped, "b-but he's your brother!"

"He's not! He should've made me feel fucking safe and loved not guilty and bad whenever I was around him." He spat out angrily.

Suni nodded somewhat understanding. "But how could you kill your mom when you were just born? Was she not well?"

"Hm. She wasn't. She had high fever when she gave birth to me in rain. That time it was raining heavily." He looked at her curious and sad eyes staring back at his indifferent eyes. He didn't even know why and when the past started coming out of his mouth and started telling her. Guess he just needed to talk to someone all these years. Not giving it much thought, he continued speaking about his tragic past as they walked. "My father was the leader of the rouges and a true blood alpha which my brother inherited. He thought I was gonna be the same as them and not an alpha like mother so before my mother could die of the cold, he slit her womb open."

Suni was in tears but kept quiet and let him talk.

"But he right away regretted. I wasn't a true blood. Just a simple alpha. He regretted killing my mother himself and also not letting me die with her. They both hated me after that."

"B-But it wasn't y-y-your fault!" She exclaimed, crying and hugged him. "None o-of it was y-your fault!" She said, starling him. "Y-your mom looked such nice wolf. I-I'm sorry!"

"It's fine!" He said, rubbing her back and hugging her. His eyes welled up with tears. Just her presence was comfortable.

"Fuck! I'm fine! That was long ago."

"But you're not!"

"I am! Now lets go ahead okay?"


"Shut up, dumbass." He pulled her hand and started walking only to stop again.

"How did your dragon wings- how did they appear?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

"I- I guess I just focused and they came out and I flew!" Suni mimicked how she flew by jumping causing Valente to chuckle.

"Like that?" He laughed.

"Uh-huh!" She nodded.

"Lets race."

"W-what? H-how? Why?" She asked.

"Well the answer to why is why not? And It will help you and I improve."

"But I don't really know how to land. What if I—?"

He cut her off by closing the distance as he pulled her closer. "You trust me, don't you?"

"I do!" She answered immediately.

"Then let's practice. Come on, I wanna see your wings!" he ruffled her hair and rubbed white soft ears.

"Okay." She closed her eyes and focused on the sounds that were being produced by nature. Since her ears were sensitive, Valente's steady breathing could also be heard which was so calming with everything mixed.

Valente's eyes stared at her awestruck as the shiny, black and soft wings came in view. They were so pretty and perfect. His mesmerising eyes stared into hers as she opened them.

Stepping closer, the redhead reached his hand out to Suni who held it right away.

"They're so beautiful." He whispered, still staring deep into her eyes as he came more closer. "You're so beautiful."

Suni felt one rough hand cupping her face, holding it like it was so precious. Softly, as she heard heart beating out loud, she bit her lips, lost in his red eyes.

The moon shone on the forest, on them, highlighting the two lovely souls standing there in the middle of the forest.

Valente's red eyes trailed down to her soft pink lips. He wanted to kiss her. He just wanted to smash his lips on hers.

Meanwhile Suni was confused and flustered by what was happening, but wanted it to happen. Watching him lean down slowly, the want grew more. She stood up on her toes as Valente closed the distance between them.

He kissed her softly. Both their tummies exploded with butterflies as they moved their lips against each other. Suni didn't want it to end neither did he but he pulled out abruptly.

"Fuck! I'm sorry! You're not even my fucking mate!" He blurted out guilty and embarrassed.

"I liked it." Suni said, smiling making Valente's heart skip a beat. "What is it called?"

"Kiss." He answered with a blush on ears.

Suni eyes widened. "This is?!… C-Can we do it again?" She asked shyly.

"No! You're not my mate. Fuck I was-I was- like hypnotised by you! I am sorry! Forget what happened!" He said. He wanted his first kiss with his mate but hadn't found one yet.

"Oh…okay." That's all she said as her wings began to merge back within her.

"I'm sorry. Let's just walk." He sighed out. He felt so guilty and now it was gonna be awkward.

The black haired almost had tears in her eyes. She wanted to kiss him again, but she couldn't. All because they were not each other's mate. She didn't care at all though. She hadn't turn 18 but she wanted her mate to be Valente because she wanted to feel safe and comfy…and loved all by him.

"Uh…let's rest here?" He asked after a while of walking in awkward silence.

She just nodded, yawning cutely and sat down on the ground leaning against the tree when her stomach grumbled.

They hadn't eaten anything. Both were hungry.

"Hungry?" He asked only to get a nod from Suni.

Would it be this awkward now? "He thought" internally growling at himself.