‘Gray is a normal young man who was just kicked out of school. Again. He keeps receiving nightmares, showing him, a dark place with a dreamy woman in danger. These bad dreams bring him to a small town where everyone know each other and where he knows absolutely nothing. Including cursed mysteries surrounding this place. Gray encounters the woman from his dreams and vows to protect her at all cost. Except, she’s not human… She’s a dark, fallen angel. It is only a matter of time before sinister forces come after the both of them. It is also only a matter of time before Gray falls in love with his fallen angel.’
Chapter 39: The Coming Of A New Day
The morning sunlight came in.
People began waking up… Slowly, but surely…
Coffee was getting brewed. People began walking in the streets. It was only a matter of time before people saw them, as they were still hanging out together on top of the rooftop of her place.
"Don't you think we should get down now or something?"
"No… Not yet… The sun isn't done rising just yet…" Miss. Ravana replied to him as she was still sitting on the edge of the rooftop, her legs hanging off the edge. She was casually moving her legs up and down. Having fun.
Meanwhile, her new partner was standing right next to her, hoping they could perhaps get down sometime soon, as none of them were properly dressed up and people would definitely see them soon. Hell!
Ravana was only wearing a thin nightgown with an open cut in the middle, which would allow people to see some of her inner side-boobs a lot. At least, she currently was in her human form, so if someone ever saw her, they wouldn't see the dark angel during the day. That was something good, at least. Still, Gray had to get her down, somehow. She wasn't listening to him, at all, though, which was perfectly understandable. She didn't have to listen to him all the time. Or even often. Only when it mattered, perhaps? And the young man personally thought that it mattered right now. Simply because the two of them were vastly under-dressed, and she was still covered in his thick cum. This could definitely come across as awkward and weird for someone that was just walking down the street.
The morning sunlight was making Ravana look even more beautiful once she was hit by it. For a woman that was constantly shrouded in total darkness, this must feel great for her to be under the light for once. She was finally coming out of darkness, and the one who helped her achieve that was no other than this boy from out of town. If she hadn't met him, she wouldn't be here, standing on top of her own rooftop at dawn. She wasn't afraid of light before, but she was a lot more used to staying hidden in darkness. Now, she was smiling as she looked down at this little town…
"Are you enjoying yourself?" The young boy asked her after finally stopping to pull her away from the rooftop.
"I am. This is so much fun to be hanging out with you. Doing nothing. Simply enjoying ourselves over there. Relaxing."
"I imagine that since we have defeated so many monsters lately, the town should be good for now. I guess we can take a break. But not for too long, okay? Just in case something bad happens again. We have to be on the lookout. Know what I mean?" He asked her as he folded his arms together. Still categorically refusing to sit down next to her. Refusing to relax. Even if it was for one, little second.
Gray was almost paranoid. But that was fine. Ravana loved him that way. Nothing could change the fact that she was in love with him. Even though it had only been a few days since the two of them had, even better together, she felt like it had been much longer than that.
"Can you take it easy for a second, Gray?" Ravana casually confronted him. "Come on. We're having fun, right?"
"We are…" He eventually admitted to her. Nodding.
"Come over here…" He pulled him toward her and hugged him tight. A few people down in the street looked up and finally noticed that the two of them were up there. People began seeing them as they hugged. Everyone saw how Miss. Ravana looked sexy in that nightgown on this plain day. The sunlight was bountifully showcasing her. Soon, everyone could see her. Soon, everyone could see her kissing Gray right on the mouth. Then, she seductively inserted her tongue inside of his mouth. Filling it up. French-kissing him.
"Do you like it when I kiss you like that, Gray?"
"I do… It feels amazing, actually…" He admitted to her.
"Hey, do you want to go somewhere in the woods and have more sex before we eventually go to bed? Um? I just realized that we haven't slept all night. That might be a problem at some point. We might need to get some rest, but honestly, I feel like I can still stay up a lot longer. So, if you want… We can have even more fun. What do you say?" Ravana offered to him. She was offering him more sex? Was he going to decline her offer? No. There wasn't a chance that he was ever going to turn her down for sex. Not with Ravana. This was never something that was going to happen, anytime soon. The boy smiled when she made her big offer to him. He wasn't expecting that…
"So, what is it going to be, Gray?" She asked him again.
"I wouldn't mind that…" He accepted her offer. Nodding.
"Then, what would you prefer…" She paused half-way through her sentence and proceeded to pull Gray's big and hardening cock out of his pants again. She held it. Stroke it a lot, as well. All the people looking up in the street also saw what she was doing to this young man. They saw his dick. They saw her jerking him off.
"... What would I prefer…?" He asked her as she still had to finish her sentence. Something he hoped she did sooner rather than later, since he was pretty interested in what she had to offer to him.
Instead of answering him right away and telling him everything, she proceeded to stroke his cock more and more… Pleasuring him as much as possible by rubbing his dick before moving on to the next thing and caressing his big balls, as well. He liked that part a lot because there was nothing better than Miss. Ravana petted his balls.
"... Would you prefer to do it in my human form or in my angel form…?"
He had to decide.