
Danmachi x Konosuba : The Legend Of Aqua Familia

After defeating the Demon King, Kazuma decides to return to Japan. However, just as Aqua is about to send him home using a magic circle, Megumin and Darkness interfere, causing them to be thrown into the DanMachi world. Witness the legend of Aqua Familia in the city of Orario.

Kasumigaseki · 漫画同人
24 Chs

Chapter 5 : Traitor

In front of an abandoned church, Kazuma pressed himself against the wall. He was with Bell and Hestia, waiting for Darkness and Megumin to receive their Falna from Aqua.

Kazuma lifted the tip of his foot slightly, then lowered it again, repeating the motion over and over while crossing his arms. He wasn't impatient because he was curious to see their status. In fact, he had no interest in seeing it at all, because no matter how high their status was, they would still remain useless members of the party.

What really made him impatient was the fact that Kazuma couldn't stand Hestia's intense stare. Ever since they left the basement earlier, Hestia had been staring at Kazuma without blinking.

Bell, noticing Kazuma's discomfort from Hestia's gaze, tried to remind her to stop.

"Hestia-sama, please stop staring at Kazuma-san like that; he's uncomfortable."

"Bell-kun, but he...."

"Uh, um, did I do something wrong?"

Kazuma finally mustered the courage to ask Hestia.

"You? What were you doing before coming to Orario? How did you get so strong?"

"Ah, actually, I...."



Before Kazuma could answer Hestia's question. Darkness's scream echoed from outside. Kazuma realized this was his chance to escape from Hestia. He quickly dashed into the basement while shouting.

Little did he know that by running away from Hestia, he was only jumping from the frying pan into the fire, as he found himself in an even worse situation.

Kazuma opened the door, acting as if he were panicking and worried about Darkness.

"Darkness, what happened!!"


Darkness suddenly screamed out loud after she saw Kazuma barging in.

Aqua, and Megumin were left speechless as they saw Kazuma barge in without knocking on the door.

Darkness's face suddenly turned red, and she quickly covered her chest, which was clearly visible to Kazuma.

"AAAAAHH, Kazuma, you idiot!!!!"

Darkness unconsciously ran toward Kazuma, covering her chest with her left hand, even though it was futile. Her right hand was ready to strike Kazuma's face.

"W-Wait, Darkness, stop!!"

But Darkness didn't listen to Kazuma and hit him with all her strength.


Kazuma was thrown onto the roof of the abandoned church by Darkness's punch. His head got stuck in the church's roof while his body dangled from below.

Usually, Darkness wouldn't do something like this. Even Darkness has experience taking a bath together with Kazuma. The worst thing is Darkness didn't wear anything and forced to wash Kazuma's back. So there is no need for Darkness to be embarassed anymore.

But you would never know what a girl in puberty is thinking, especially when she has feelings for him. You know, if there is one thing that is the most nonsensical in the world, it is a girl's way of thinking.


In a room that seemed endless, or more accurately described as a void, there was an oddly patterned black-and-white floor resembling a chessboard.

Kazuma sat in a chair, facing a white table with another chair occupied by a goddess, who was looking at him awkwardly.

Kazuma couldn't find the words to say to the goddess in front of him.

After all, she was a goddess he knew very well, and he had been through this kind of situation countless times before.

But for the first time, Kazuma noticed something strange about everything in this room. Everything looked like a damaged hologram, with waves that kept shifting back and forth endlessly.

"Kazuma-san, please be more careful from now on, especially when it comes to a woman's privacy."

"I'm sorry, it's really my fault....."



They both suddenly fell silent for a moment. Kazuma, who was still confused about suddenly dying, finally realized that he was face to face with Goddess Eris—the goddess who should be responsible for returning him to Japan.

"Eris-sama!!!! What happened to me? Why was I thrown into another world??"

"Well, it's because Megumin and Darkness suddenly entered the magic circle. The Heaven immediately sensed that there were beings who shouldn't be included in the teleportation. Because of that, The Heaven canceled the magic circle and threw everyone inside it into another world."

"Then, can you bring us back?"

Kazuma asked, hoping that Eris could help them. But reality was not so kind. Eris firmly rejected Kazuma's request.

"It's impossible; that world is beyond my reach, or more precisely, beyond the power of our heaven."

"No. Way! So what are we supposed to do?"

"Well, don't worry too much; you'll definitely find a solution. After all, you are the hero who managed to defeat the Devil King. And there's one more thing I want to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Since we cannot interfere with that world, the same rule applies in reverse: they cannot interfere with your existence. You guys are irregular existences in that world—existences that shouldn't be there at all. So, nobody would know what would happen to you."

"Hmmm, what do you mean by that?"

"Well then, we don't have a much time, see you again, Kazuma."



Fifteen minutes after Darkness accidentally killed Kazuma, she managed to bring back his body and lay him on the floor.

Hestia and Bell panicked upon seeing Darkness kill Kazuma. But they panicked even more when they noticed Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin remaining calm despite Kazuma's death.

Hestia scrambled her mind to process what she had just witnessed. Kazuma's neck was broken, his body lying motionless, yet they stood there, calm—too calm. She stared at them, bewildered, unable to comprehend the scene before her.

"Wawawawawa, why are you all so calm? You just killed a member of your familia?"

"Well, well, Hestia, you don't need to worry. This is just a regular occurrence for us," Aqua tried to reassure Hestia, but instead of calming her down, it only made Hestia more shocked.


"What? Don't tell me you often kill each other?"

Hestia asked Aqua while stepping back slightly.

"Wait, Hestia, I think there's a misunderstanding. What I meant is that Kazuma dying is a common occurrence. We've seen Kazuma die many times."

"Huh? I'm even more confused by what you're saying."

"I'm speaking as it is; we often see Kazuma die during our adventures, and in the end, I bring him back to life, like this."

"Aqua, don't tell me you can revive Kazuma?"

"That's right; I have that power."

Aqua brought her hands closer to Kazuma's body, her hands beginning to glow as she was about to use her signature power.

"Wait, Aqua, if gods or goddesses use their divine powers...."

Hestia tried to stop Aqua from using her divine power, but it was too late.


".... they will be sent back to heaven."




Kazuma finally came back to life.

Darkness and Megumin showed no reaction, as if they were used to events like this. The only difference this time was that Megumin didn't have time to write Excalibur word on Kazuma's body.

Bell, witnessing this miracle, was utterly shocked. His mouth dropped wide open, as if his lower jaw had hit the floor.

"Ka-Kazuma-san came back to life? Is this the divine power of Aqua-sama?"

But Hestia, standing next to Bell, was even more shocked. While Bell's mouth had dropped open to the point of hitting the floor, Hestia's mouth was open wide enough to break through the ground and touch the core of the dungeon.

"Aqua?? Why are you still here?"

"What do you mean? Am I supposed to go somewhere?"

Aqua tilted her head, unable to comprehend Hestia's question.

"I told you... that gods and goddesses who excessively use their divine powers in the lower world will be sent back to heaven. But why are you still here?"

"WHAT???" 2x

Kazuma suddenly heard something shocking not long after he was revived. He didn't even have time to process what he had just heard from Eris, and now he received even more shocking news.

Aqua was just as shocked as Kazuma. She quickly grabbed Hestia's hand, trying to confirm what Hestia had just said.

"Hestia, are you serious? I could go back to heaven if I use my divine power?"

"Eeeh, that's true."

"Then I don't have to hold back anymore."

Aqua quickly turned around and looked at Kazuma seriously.

"I'm sorry, Kazuma, but I'm going to heaven now."
















"Nature Beauty!"

Aqua threw a lot of blessings at Kazuma repeatedly, and finishing her last move with a blue fan that could spray water.




But nothing happened.

"Ehhh.... Ehhh.... Ehhhh?"

Aqua was confused; despite using her divine power without holding back, she hadn't returned to heaven. Hestia was even more perplexed than Aqua. Hestia was sure that Aqua had used her powers, and even when Aqua revived Kazuma, she should have already gone back to heaven.

"You traitor!!! How dare you plan to leave me here!!!"

Kazuma realized that Aqua was trying to leave him in this world, and he threw his body at Aqua in anger, like a lion chasing a rabbit.

"W-Wait, Kazuma-san, please forgive me!"

"There's no forgiveness for a traitor!"

After receiving a full blessing from Aqua, Kazuma's body was now incredibly strong; even Darkness wouldn't be able to defeat Kazuma in a physical contest.


Kazuma unleashed his skill, binding Aqua with a wire made of adamantite to stop her from running away.


Aqua was caught and unable to free herself from the incredibly strong wire bindings.

Kazuma slowly approached Aqua, who was unable to move. As he walked, he intimidated Aqua by moving his hands and fingers in a way that would make any woman feel disgusted and afraid.

"Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san, please, let's stop all of this. I'm sorry; I'm sorry for planning to leave you!"

Aqua tried to plead for Kazuma's forgiveness, but it was all in vain.

On the other hand, Darkness felt aroused seeing Kazuma do this to Aqua. In her mind, she imagined what would happen if she were in Aqua's position.


That was Darkness's scream. Kazuma did nothing; he didn't attack Darkness and hadn't even touched Aqua yet, but Darkness had already taken damage.

Darkness fell to the ground and couldn't stand up. She looked at Kazuma and Aqua, her face flushed. She tried to get up to stop Kazuma, but she couldn't manage it.

"W-Wait, Darkness-san, what happened to you?? Don't tell me Kazuma-san did something to you!"

Bell, who could only watch from the side, immediately ran to try to help Darkness.

"I'm fine, Bell-kun, but please stop Kazuma."

Darkness reassured Bell not to worry about her.


Bell quickly approached Kazuma, trying to stop him.

But with Kazuma's skill, 'Enemy Detection,' he realized someone was approaching and attempting to stop him from behind.

Kazuma evaded Bell with his 'Auto-Evade' skill, which activated automatically based on his luck. After that, Kazuma immediately launched a counterattack on Bell.

He grabbed Bell's neck and activated one of his favorite skills.

"Drain Touch."


Bell, who was a weak beginner adventurer, could only endure the effects of Kazuma's 'Drain Touch' for two seconds.

Kazuma closed one of his eyes, facing the ceiling while laughing maliciously.



Megumin and Hestia hugged each other in fear as they looked at Kazuma, who looked like a true villain.

Kazuma approached Aqua, slowly his hand touched Aqua's neck.

"Alright, all the nuisances have been dealt with. Aqua, speak up; I'll be happy to hear your explanation."

Aqua was terrified as she saw Kazuma's hand touching her neck.

"Kazuma-sama, Kazuma-sama, please forgive me; I won't do it again!"

"Drain Touch"





Generally, Drain Touch doesn't have much effect on people with high magic or vitality, but time is on Kazuma's side. As long as he uses Drain Touch for an extended period, even those with high magic or vitality will eventually be defeated.

On this day, the Goddess Hestia realized how terrifying Kazuma was and decided to be cautious around him.

(To be Continued)

A/N: This is my first time writing fanfic, I hope you can give me review and comment how you feel abou this fanfic. English is not my first language so maybe there would be some phrase that feel weird because I literally translate it to english from my native language. If you meet them please kindly tell me about that. 

Give me some power stones

Kasumigasekicreators' thoughts