
Danmachi/Sin Of Pride

A somewhat socially awkward man, who was isolated from society due to his absurd amount of frankness and the fact that he rarely chooses not to voice up his thought when annoyed, finds himself in a world of Gods and adventure.

HolierThanThou515 · 漫画同人
17 Chs

Not So Honored Situation 2


Seems like y'all could use a moment to learn the power system in Danmachi, let me teach you about it in this chapter. Don't worry it's totally free.


Those words didn't escape Noctis's attention as he used that moment where they weren't paying enough attention to him in the corner to ridden himself from the weights that were holding him down.

"Noctis..." Mikoto muttered as he quickly made his way before the group, separating them from the enemies.

"Ho, would you look at that?" The boss found this situation interesting, interesting yet annoying, couldn't he just let it go as he wanted? Did he really want to die or something?

"But, are you sure that you want to do what you are planning to? This could end pretty badly you know?" He seemed to be kind-hearted and willing to give some advice.

"..." Noctis didn't answer he just looked at the others who were going to attack them at a moment of notice.

"Well, I say that I say nothing, please go on." The guy seemingly wasn't going to intervene if Noctis were to retaliate.

"Boy, you should listen to him you know? He is giving you some great advice her..e?" One of his underlings talked as he got closer trying to Kick Noctis in the guts, but found himself surprised when his foot was stopped and held by Noctis.

"You talk too much." Noctis pulled his foot as he turned around and sent him flying toward the guy who previously tried to attack him when he was down. Knocking the two of them out.

That feat surprised them all as their eyes widened in surprise, except a second later the boss's surprise went away and was replaced by a somewhat deranged smile.

"Ho this will be fun." He spoke as he rotated his hand back as if stretching.

"Ouka." Noctis addressed the man directly behind him.

"Take the others and hurry outside. I will be holding them back." His words were well heard by his teammate but fleeing and letting Noctis to his death... Was that really the right thing to do?

"But-" Ouka was quickly cut off.

"Be rational, you should have already understood the situation."

Right, Noctis was right, this current situation... those guys and even more this guy called Boss. They couldn't handle it.

"No, even then, we won't do no such thing." Mikoto flatly refused, she wouldn't do something so dishonorable.

"She is right, I refuse to flee let you to yourself here." Asuka wasn't going to do it. Never.

"Right!" Chisuga too.

"What a tearing scene, it almost made me sad... Now I feel like killing at least one of you." The boss said after letting them speak between themself.

"Tell me when you are done so we can get to business." He spoke as if he wasn't in hurry.

"Don't worry about the monsters, I got that taken care of already, take your time."

Now they knew that they had more people than those present here, making the situation even direr.

"See? All that bravado is good but it's useless in this situation, do as I say." Noctis spoke as his eyes could clearly make out more people ahead getting rid of monsters that were being created by the dungeon.

"Ouka, I am counting on you." Noctis said as he drew his sword, going into a fighting stance and maximizing his senses and perception.

"We said that.-" Mikoto was interrupted as should suddenly be raised and placed on Ouka's shoulder. Not only her but also Asuka.

"Understood." Ouka spoke resolutely and consciously. This was not what he wanted but it was what he needed to do.

"Chigusa, follow behind..." He turned around and started running toward the surface.

Chigusa hesitated for while... She didn't want to abandon her friend but she also knew that's what he himself wanted. What should she do?

She decided to do as he said and ran after Ouka. They were going to ask for help, they were going to come back and they were going to save Noctis.

"Boss, shouldn't we stop them from running?" One of the underlings asked, pretty skeptical of the situation.

"Nah let them go, I had a better idea." The boss spoke not even bothering to stop them even though they could.

"This moment was so emotional..." The boss spoke, seemingly touched by the scene.

"Yes, yes... I did well to let them go, what a tragedy when they come back and find that their dear friend they previously abandoned is no longer alive." He spoke with emotion.

"Won't that be magnific? Won't that be theatrical?" He almost shouted as he spoke.

His underling started to get uncomfortable in that situation but they didn't dare to speak out.

"Anyway, with them gone, you will have to suffer as much as all of them combined, can you do it?" His voice came back to normal as he worriedly asked while looking at Noctis.

"..." No answer was given.

"Now you are also getting boring... and I don't like boring people." He dropped all pretense.

"At least, I hope you can entertain me for a while before-oops" Just as he was finishing talking he tilted his head to dodge Noctis's sword.

"Now that's what I am talking about." He shifted to the side and punched Noctis's side, well at least he tried as it was dodged.

"Great keep dodging. And the rest of you, stay back and don't intervene." Not that they were going to do that anyway, they knew what would happen if they did.

Proceeded to happen what could be called a fight with an already predetermined result.

Why? It was simple really, it was all about how the falna system worked in its entirety.

You see, normally an adventurer with 600 in agility will be always faster than one with 500, and the same applies to strength, agility, endurance, and so on.

Now that didn't mean that the one with a lower stat couldn't win, since the fighting experience, inherent advantage and so on all played an important role in a fight.

And so did Skills and Magics.

And just as a difference in stats mattered so did the difference in level.

A level 2 is supposedly always stronger than a level in a normal scenario. The reason was because of the large stats gap between the two levels.

When an adventurer's level increases, a great boost will be applied to the overall stats of said adventurer, that was also why many would prefer to level up whenever they met the requirement to do so instead of opting to increase one stat the most possible.

The boost was such that no normal level 1 no matter if they had A or S in stats could hope to match a level 2 in overall prowess. Even with SS or SSS, it would be almost impossible without skill or at least something of great consequence to fill the gap.

And Noctis was no exception to that. The six eyes may help him and make him hold on for a while but even that would fall short after some time.

So as to say, currently, Noctis had no way, no hope of winning.

The question was did he know that when he choose to fight? Yes, he did. But he still chooses to do so. The reason being he was the strongest of the group and it was his responsibility to make sure they would go back safe.

It was a promise he made to their God, and his pride wouldn't allow him to break it, even if for it he had to die.

That was the way of life he choose to pursue, he will have to abide by it.

And so Noctis and the Level 2 guy named boss fought, no more like Noctis tried his best to buy as much time as he could, so that his people could make it back to the surface.

"What, already getting tired?" Noctis has been knocked to the wall once again.

Did he hurt his pride to be treated like that? Ridiculed, and beaten down while others watched? Yes, it did. Enormely so, but he still had his role to play so he held on.

"You gotta do better than that man, don't let me down." He was swept off his feet.

Did he know that he would probably meet his end there? Yes, he did but he still was going to put up a fight.

"If you can survive five more minutes I will consider not killing you." He said after breaking Noctis's Hand.

"Argghhhh." That fucking hurt, it hurt so much.

Did he know he was going to suffer as such? Yes, he did, but he was still going to bear with it.

And he did, even though his body was full of bruises, even though his two arms were broken, even though his two legs were in shambles, even thoughts his ribs were broken.

Even though his thoughts were in disarray and he was having nausea from overusing his eyes.

His vision was blurry and he was in the blink of unconsciousness. His body couldn't even respond to him, he was just lying on the ground incapable of moving a single finger.

"Yo boss, five minutes is up."

"Ah? Already? Well, I guess it is his luck."

"Luck? Boss, you are really cruel."

"How come? I am letting him live after all."

"Yeah, he would probably die here, incapable of making it back and killed by a monster."

"I did say I wouldn't kill him, if a random monster happens to do it, then it has nothing to do with me."

"That's true."

"Happy to see that you understand."


"And I don't like having to explain myself."

"Understood boss."

"Then let's go, we are done here."

As he somehow heard the sound of their steps getting farther and farther away from him.

Noctis tried his best to not let go of his consciousness as that would mean his certain death.

But the more he tried, the more he wondered if it was really worth it.

He came to this world just a month or so ago, popping out of nowhere.

He has some people he could call friends but that was all, just his familia members.

They would probably be sad if he died and would cry for a while but then life would go on and everything would go back to normal.

His presence in this world, wouldn't have been that consequent, and the effect of his death wouldn't have been that consequent as well...

So wouldn't it just be better to let go of everything, forgoes the pain and suffering he had been through until now?

As he thought his barely opened eyes because of his bruised face slowly closed as his consciousness started to vanish along with his life.

As he did, monsters that were previously being taken care of, started approaching him.





'Not me!'

Such Cowardly Thoughts are UNWORTHY of me!

'I am going to die? Who decided that?'

Noctis abruptly opened his eyes.

'My life was inconsequent? Who decided that?'

He gritted his teeth.

'My body can't move? Who decided that?'

A miracle was the only way this could be described, as in one way or another, Noctis managed to move his broken and unresponding hands.

'I can't make it back? Who decided that?'

He took out the only high-grade potion in his procession from his inventory and managed to sit down before gulping it down.

Even though that would normally never be enough in his current situation as the effect was not instant, Noctis managed to stand up, awkwardly and almost falling on the ground, yes but he stood up.

"Come monsters, come, and as always, let's dance together." He spoke as he took his short sword, if his hands couldn't hold them, then he shall do it with his teeth.

This scene was indeed a strange one.

A man to his lonesome, abandoned by the world with a body injured beyond belief.

Arms hanging, sword in mouth, eyes shining bright.

Monsters approaching from all around.



Also a little something more. Some are like 'It's a bit forced.' 'It comes from nowhere.' 'there was no build-up.'

There was, it was not flagrant but there was. And if you didn't notice it, that's it for you.

And even if there was none so what? Not everything has to be built up, there are just some times in life when problems/trouble befall you without notice. It happens.

Did those that have been struck by lighting expect it?

Did those that have been killed and robbed expect it? Was there a build-up?

None of you expect to randomly die tomorrow, but it could very much happen.

Sometimes shit. just happen, and you have to learn to live with it.

All of that to say: I am still cooking, give it three more chapters or so...