
Chapter 64

"Very good. Now that you know you were wrong, let's make up."

"In addition, Cassandra, you are also at fault. If you don't want to be punished, just make up quickly!"

Roger said, and looked at Cassandra not far away.

After being glared at by him, Cassandra shrank back, and she dared not say anything.

And in fact, Cassandra also She felt that something she had done before was wrong, so she obediently followed what Roger said and immediately stepped forward to reconcile with Daphne.

In this way, under Roger's mediation, the mother and daughter, oh No, the good sisters finally reconciled.

After this incident, Daphne calmed down and looked at Roger a little softer.

After all, if Roger had any bad intentions, he would not She would go out of her way to do such a thing.

But until now, Daphne seems not to know the name of the black-haired boy who helped her reconcile with Cassandra.~

"Roger, just call me that."

Roger seemed to have seen through what Daphne was thinking, and immediately said his name.

Then, he asked casually

"By the way, Daphne, how are you and Cassandra doing in the Apollo Familia?"

After hearing this question, Daphne bit her lip gently. After some hesitation, she still told the truth.

"It's not… very good, and Mr. Apollo… his hobbies are a bit scary, and we are always worried...."

Daphne said, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Just like not long ago, if Cassandra talked about things like precognitive dreams, she might actually encounter the kind of thing she imagined.

Although neither of them had encountered anything now, if Apollo wanted to do something to them, they would not be able to resist.

Because of this, although Daphne knew that it was somewhat irrational to say such words.

But he couldn't help it and told Roger.

This black-haired boy gave her a feeling of trust for some reason.

Maybe it's because of what happened before, or maybe it's because of this guy's charisma?

Just after Daphne finished speaking, Cassandra on the side nodded in agreement.

"Yes, those guys scolded Daphne from time to time, which was really too much!"

Roger nodded slightly.

"Well, in that case, are you coming to the Hestia Familia?"



As Roger's words fell, the two women present were completely shocked, and their faces were full of horror.

After the air was quiet for more than ten seconds, Daphne was the first to speak to break the silence.

"That…Roger, what you said…is it true?"

Daphne looked at Roger in disbelief.

Cassandra on the side, after coming back to her senses, looked at Roger with a look of joy.

"Is it really possible? However, if Daphne and I join your family together, will it cause you trouble?"

Cassandra has already started to think about Roger.

And these words made Daphne completely speechless.

"Hey, hey, Cassandra, are you crazy? If we join the Hestia Familia, we will definitely cause trouble for them."

"Do you think Lord Apollo will let us go? And he will also direct his anger towards the Hestia Familia."

After saying this, Daphne grabbed Cassandra's shoulders, shook her and reminded her


Cassandra bit her lips and said still somewhat reluctantly

"It's nothing, and Roger, aren't you afraid of bringing trouble to your family? ?"

Daphne said and looked at Roger again to remind him.

"Well, it's okay. It's just right. I think your Apollo family's house is quite nice. Roger waved his hand lightly and said.

After the words fell, Daphne was startled at first, and then suddenly thought of something. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"ah? No, no, Roger, you're not planning to… launch..."

Daphne licked her lips, then uttered a word, her face full of panic

"War Games?"

Just after she finished speaking, Cassandra on the side tilted her head, and her exposed eyes were full of confusion and curiosity.

"That Daphne, what's the war game?"[]

Facing Cassandra's question, Daphne did not explain or answer, but looked at Roger again and said extremely seriously.

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"Are you sure, Roger!"

"This is no joke, war games!"

"Once activated, there is no way out!"

Under Daphne's extremely serious gaze, Roger nodded.

"Well, of course you are serious"

"After all, it would be such a waste for you to stay in the Apollo Familia."

After hearing what Roger said, Daphne was shocked at first, then her pretty face turned slightly red, but she soon thought of something and glared at Roger.

"Up to now, are you still joking?"

Roger did not explain this, but raised his hand and handed something to Daphne.

"Well, tomorrow, give this to Apollo and tell him"

"Hestia Familia will play a war game against him at the next divine meeting!"

After leaving these words, Roger turned around and left.

After Roger walked away, Daphne couldn't help but glance at the thing in her hand.

That was the badge of their Apollo family.

Why, this badge, Luo Will Jie hold it?

Wait, I heard that several people in the group have not returned recently.

Although Daphne does not have much affection for them, it can even be said that she hates them.

But they have not come back, and they are also very curious.

Plus Yes, Apollo has been in a bad mood these past few days.

In other words...

"Now, now… Daphne, what on earth is the war game!"

Cassandra looked at Daphne with a blank look on her face, pulled the corner of her clothes, and asked again

"Haha, okay, Cassandra, you don't need to know."

After Daphne came back to her senses, she rolled her eyes at Cassandra angrily, with a slight smile on her face and a trace of expectation in her eyes.

"Cassandra, maybe we can consider changing the family members."

After hearing this, Cassandra looked confused, but she couldn't help but think of the precognitive dream.

And Daphne guessed a lot of things, although it was just a guess, but the one named Roger The young man gave her such a feeling.

If it were him, maybe he could really bring hope!

Oh no, it should be said to trigger a miracle!.