
Danmachi Fanfic

as a wise monke once said " she left because she a poo poo head, just remember monke loves you"

Cooldud · 漫画同人
44 Chs


walking by the streets the duo brought to themselves the attention of all the people in town, the next Hokage was walking by the streets with an unknown man, this brought a lot of interest of what may be happening but none tried to figure it out.

Reaching Ichiraku ramen Akira sat on his usual spot followed by the confused Hiruzen, sitting by his side Akira loudly said.

Akira: Hey Teuchi, food!

Teuchi: Coming!

soon enough Teuchi went out of the kitchen, with the ramen Akira always ordered and said.

Teuchi: Akira you disappeared for three days. . . Hiruzen-sama!?

Teuchi seeing Hiruzen who was with Akira exclaimed loudly before realizing what he said quickly recovered his composure.

Teuchi: sorry for my attitude Hiruzen sama, I was just surprised of seeing such a famous person in this humble restaurant.

Hiruzen: don't worry there's no problem, sorry for bringing you trouble.

Akira: Teuchi give me another bowl of ramen from my buddy . . . what was your name again?

a vein bulged on the head of Hiruzen making Teuchi nervous but either way responded.

Hiruzen: Hiruzen, my name is Hiruzen

Akira: you heard it Teuchi another bowl of ramen for my buddy Hiruzen.

Teuchi with incredulous eyes made a nod and went back to the kitchen, now alone Hiruzen looked at Akira and showing killing intent said.

Hiruzen: let me tell you something, I will not doubt even a second if you dare to harm in any way this village, do you understand?.

Akira: yes, yes I promise I will never harm the village so cool down a bit, will ya?

Akira said while patting the back of Hiruzen who flinched at that but didn't do anything.

(time skip)

Hiruzen: Akira you are my best fr- no you're my brother, *hic* I'm sorry for doubting you bro *hic*

Akira and Hiruzen stayed all day and nigh in the place, and with time Hiruzen was already crying while clinging to akira with his mouth full of ramen and his cheeks completely red showing how drunk he was, Akira was giving him little pats on the back.

Teuchi was also in the same state but he already passed out on the floor, Akira chuckle at the sight but seeing how late it was decided to end the party, taking Teuchi to his room on the second floor Akira gave Hiruzen a piggyback.

Now Akira was walking with Hiruzen clinging in his back while drooling to his house, luckily it was very late so there were almost no people on the streets, walking for a bit Akira finally reached the office of the Hokage.

entering the main door he was quickly stopped by two anbus, Akira looking at the masked ninjas said while showing Hiruzen.

Akira: sorry to interrupt, i brought my buddy who drinked a little bit too much.

the anbus were incredulous seeing how drunk Hiruzen was but as the professionals they were, with killing intent said.

Anbu: give back Hiruzen-sama, or you'll regret it.

Akira: chill man, i came just for that, instead of trying to kill me why don't you take Hiruzen off my back.

Said Akira while showing his back to the two Anbus, who quickly took Hiruzen and made a nod to Akira before dissapearing, Akira then went to his house to take a quick nap.

(??? POV)

In the village of Iwakagure, a middle aged man with big eyebrows and nose was looking by the window of his office the village, behind him was a young lady who was reporting the numbers and preparations of the village.

the middle aged man stood up from his seat and started walking out of the room, the lady following him quietly, meanwhile they were walking the middle aged man started talking with the young lady.

???: if i told you that i have a form to make this village prosper in a peaceful way, will you believe me?

the young lady was confused because od the sudden question but responded with a clear voice.

???: yes tsuchikage, i would believe you.

unfortunately it seemed that the young lady gave the man the incorrect answer, from his pocket he took a cigar and started smoking it, the man looked at the girl who now was a little. bit nervous and said.

Onoki: then you are a fool, something like that just exist on fairy tales and legends, the human being is greedy by nature so something as "peace" is nothing but a foolish dream of the people who suffer from their same race.

Onoki puffed a ring of smoke by the direction of the woman and continued talking.

Onoki: i am no god, i can not create with ideas or believes, i am a human being i create with the creation of others, that's the sad truth, that's why I'll let you know something.

Onoki closed the distance between him and the scared woman, taking her by the neck he started putting force making the girl panic, Onoki without caring about the reaction of the woman looked at her right in the eye and said.

Onoki: for the prosperity of my people, my village, will not flinch by killing innocent people, because I'll know that my actions will bring something to the people i truly care for, Iwagakure is going to war.

saying that Onoki let the woman free making her fall on her knees while coughing, Onoki looked at her coldly before coming just beside her ear and said.

Onoki: prepare yourself sweetie, because a storm is coming.

saying that Onoki left the girl in the floor and went out of the building walking by the dimly lit road, surprisingly it seemed that Iwakagure wasn't the only one preparing for this.

The Land of Lightning Kumogakure.

The Land of Water Kirigakure.

And the Land of Wind Sunagakure.

prosperity was reaching it's end, the second ninja war was coming.

(A/N: wassup beautiful people, i was thinking about making a new novel but decided towait. for this novel to reach the twenty chapter, maybe in the next chapter i'll tell you what are my ideas)