
Money Money Money

Currently Domnus's stand was not the most popular.

Adventurers were walking by, giving the scarf a glance before continuing on their way. 

Domnus was rather bored, while he was tapping on the stand to pass the time a familiar hair color appeared in the crowd of adventurers.

"Hey Bell!" Domnus called out to his friend.

Bell then turned to the noise and saw Domnus calling him, with a smile Bell headed over.

"How are sales?" Bell asked Domnus arriving at his stand.

"Not the greatest," Domnus admitted, "Now, would you like to buy the scarf," Domnus said showing the scarf off.

"That looks neat!" Bell said looking at it.

"Not just cool," Domnus said trying to sell his product, "It also reduces damage, with it being pretty small it can be used for all adventuring occasions!" Domnus told Bell.

"Oh, how much is it?" Bell wondered sold on the item.

"It'll be," Domnus then paused to think, "Fourteen thousand valis," Domnus replied.

"Fourteen thousand!" Bell remarks, "You know I don't have that kind of money,"

"Nothing I can do about it" Domnus responded.

"You sell the items," Bell pointed out.

"But I don't control the cost of food," Domnus replied.

"Well ok," Bell said, "See you at the Hephaestus's place!"

With Bell leaving Domnus was back to his usual bored activity's.

But as he was doing that he noticed a person in a guild worker uniform walking back and forth asking something, Domnus couldn't quite hear what the person was asking.

After the guild worker asked a few more questions they then made their way to Domnus.

While they were walking to him Domnus could hear them mumbling about how they wish the Astraea familia was still around.

"Excuse me," the guild working said to Domnus, "Do you have any information on an adventurer by the name of Atossa?" They asked him.

"Yes, but why?" Domnus asked the guild worker.

"I'm their guild advisor. They disappeared yesterday, but an adventurer swore that they saw her," the advisor explained.

"Well as I said I did see her, she came to my stand drew a card then she disappeared in light," Domnus told the advisor.

"Disappeared?" The advisor repeated.

"Yes," Domnus replied, "Do you need anything else?" Domnus then asked.

"What do you mean disappeared? Where did she go?" The guild advisor asked.

"I don't know," Domnus shrugged.

"Ok, what card did she draw?" The advisor asked trying to get information.

"Unfortunately I didn't get to see it," Domnus simply responded.

"Ok, can you work with me here and actually help instead of just answering questions," the guild advisor said annoyed.

"And why should I do that?" Domnus asked with a straight face.

"Because a person is missing," the advisor replied.

"And that is my problem how?" Domnus says.

"Because," the advisor then stopped to think, "You kidnapped her," the advisor concluded pointing at Domnus.

"While that is not the biggest stretch I've heard it's still untrue," he then replied.

"I bet she's hidden somewhere in your house," the advisor accused.

"My house has been under construction, I couldn't hide her," Domnus pointed out.

"You are under arrest for kidnapping," they then told Domnus.

"Can you arrest me?" Domnus asked.

"Well, no" the advisor admitted, "But I can get you arrested!" The advisor then turned and ran away presumably to go tell the guild about Domnus.

Domnus was rather interested in where this is going so did nothing to stop them.

As the guild advisor ran away there was an adventurer behind them who was looking at the scarf.

"This is an interesting scarf," the customer said, "I'm guessing it has some kind of interesting thing about it?" The customer then asked.

"A good eye you have!" Domnus replied, "It reduces all damage no matter the cause,"

"The gossip was true," the customer mumbled, "How much is it?" He then asked.

"It'll be fourteen thousand valis," Domnus replied.

"I'll take it!" The customer said slamming his money on the table, "Being in the Loki familia allows me to earn enough money to buy this," the customer said pointlessly bragging.

"The Loki familia you say?" Domnus replied, "Give me a second," Domnus says reaching into his stand.

After a second Domnus pulled out a piece of paper and a pen before writing down a message on it.

"Please give this to Loki," Domnus said giving the customer the paper folded in half.

"And why should I do that," the customer replied.

"Because I can increase my prices," Domnus said back.

"Well then I won't buy it," the customer responded taking his money back.

"Then have a good day," Domnus said calling the customer's bluff.

"Ok then," the customer said not moving.

And for a minute Domnus and the customer stared at each other waiting for the other to fold.

"Fine," the customer said putting back down his money, "I'll give Goddess Loki your message, but I'm going to tell her who sent it,"

"I'm hoping that she will know who wrote it after reading it." Domnus replied.

Domnus then handed the customer the scarf and the note.

"Have a good day!" Domnus said waving the man off as the customer left, mumbling the whole way down.


As Dartrix left the shop he was annoyed at the actions of the seller, but he still got one of those enchanted items people at the familia were talking about.

He once heard that her Goddess bought an odd emblem from him, and it actually increased the power of spells!

With this scarf he will absolutely be respected! At least, he believes so.

Tying the scarf around his neck Dartrix tried to do his best stride when walking into the home of the Loki familia.

There were many people who looked at him while he walked to Goddess Loki's office to deliver the note.

While Dartrix thought they were all looking at him with admiration, but they were just looking at the newbie with the weird scarf.

Dartrix eventually made his way to the office knocking on the door.

Ais eventually creaked opened the door.

"What do you need," she asks unemotionally.

"I have a message from a weird shopkeeper," Dartrix responds giving her the paper.

Ais then took the paper having a guess as to who wrote it.

"Thank you," she then said closing the door on Dartrix who was expecting a compliment to his scarf.

"Goddess Loki," Ais says looking at a sleep deprived Loki.

"What?" She asks tired of looking for someone who doesn't exist.

"You have a letter," Ais says giving the paper over.

Loki then took the paper from Ais's hands and immediately started to read it.

After finishing it Loki let it drop to the table.

"I'm going to bed," Loki said giving up for the day and leaving the office.

Curious Ais took a look at the letter that was written to Loki.

"Remember, you owe me Soma wine! Sincerely, you know who."