
Finding a Home

As the two walked around they asked around for an inn to sleep in. However once again all the rooms in the inns they went to either were full or were already reserved by someone. As they walked and talked around they found an old abandoned church. It was near a diner called the "Hostess of Fertility" and a large mansion belonging to the Apollo famllia.

Bell looked at Domnus as if to say that they should leave this haunted place, but Domnus just knocked on the door. The first knock on the door swung it open with the hinges creaking all the way. They stepped in, Bell slightly hesitant, looking up the last bit of the sun falling over the horizon flooded the church with light.

An alter was right underneath the light, and in front of it was several rows of long seats. They at first thought about sleeping on the seats, but they were in a heavily damaged state.

"Check around while we can still see, find a good place to rest," Domnus said to Bell as they looked around the old church.

"You might want to come look at this," Bell called after a small amount of time searching.

Domnus quickly headed over to Bell to see what the commotion was, to see a trap door to the right of the alter.

"Well, you found it you open it" Domnus said pointing a Bell.

Tugging at the door it refused to budge at first, but with some extra effort Bell managed to pull it open. When it opened Bell tumbled back a bit then got up to see what they had found.

It was a set of stairs leading down to something. There seemed to be torches on the wall, but they had long since been extinguished. Pulling out a closed lantern. As Domnus slightly opened it up the lantern threw out a bright white light over the stairwell. As Bell's eyes adjusted to the new light level he noticed that all the light coming from the lantern was from a single kite shaped stone.

"Come on now, we have something to look at," Domnus said beginning to walk down the stairs with Bell following. Coming to a large opening Domnus open the lantern a little more to see what they were dealing with.

In front of them was an old couch with an older table in front of it. To their left there was a closet and what looked to be a fire place. There was a small hall leading to a bedroom on the left as well. As Domnus and Bell walked in Domnus pushed his hand into the bed. As he did this dust flew up from the bed. To Domnus's surprise the bed had some spring in it and was pretty comfy.

Getting annoyed at the only light being from him, Domnus started to light the lanterns with some steel and flint from his bag. With the rooms fully lit up it had its own charm in old type of way.

"Do you want the bed?" Domnus asked Bell to his surprise.

"Are you thinking about staying here?" Bell exclaimed, "What if someone lives here," asked Bell.

"Bell," Domnus said wrapping his arm around Bells shoulder, "There is so much dust here that the only way someone could live here is if they could fly," Domnus then left the bed room to return to the living room to set down his bag.

"Oh yeah," Domnus added, "You can have the bed, I'll take the couch," this left Bell with uncertainty in his head but with not much else to do he began poking around.


"You want to head out?" asked Domnus.

"To where?" Bell responded confused on where they could go.

"The Hostess of Fertility of course!" Domnus said with a smile, "Passed it on the way here remember?"

"I don't have enough money to pay for that," Bell said saddened by his light wallet.

"Dinner is on me," Domnus responded noticing that Bell hadn't eaten well in at least a few days.

"Thank you so much," Bell responded, bowing up and down, "I will repay you someday I promise,"


As the two walked through the doors a violinist could be heard playing feverishly. The whole place felt alive with people from every place came to have a drink and sit down. Finding a place at the front tables, Bell and Domnus looked at the special menu to try to save money.

"Spouting the beef special sound good to you?" Bell asked Domnus.

"Greatest amount of meat on the menu for the cheapest price," Domnus commented, "Your a smart one," Domnus said. Then the waiter came to the table.

"Nya My name is Anya Nya I will by your Nya waiter for today!" The waiter said excitedly while Bell was confused on what she said, "Nya what would you Nya like to order to Nya!" Anya asked the two.

"We will be having the beef special and two waters please and thank you," Domnus replied with Anya getting the order and leaving while Bell started to price together what Anya said.

"How did you understand what she said?" Bell asked Domnus when Anya left.

"How did you not?" Domnus asked. While a bit hard to follow the 'Nyas' were more annoying than anything. With that the two began to talk some more.

"So you want to become an adventurer huh," Domnus asked Bell while they were waiting.

"Yeah" Bell responded, "I want to save people while being as powerful as I can be," Bell said looking up thinking about his grandfather.

"Oh you don't just want to be an adventurer," Domnus said with a smile, "You want to be a storybook hero don't you," Domnus said teasing Bell.

Bells gash flushed red with embarrassment, then it was switch to surprise when a large dish and two mugs landed in front of them.

"Here you go!" a large woman said, "One beef special and two waters, five hundred twenty valis!" The woman then laughed as she went back to cook.

"Well?" Domnus asked Bell, "Are you going to dig in?"

With an affirmative nod both Bell and Domnus began to dig in talking about what they wish to be while doing so. After paying, the two left back to the church, and went to bed. Bell on the bed and Domnus on the couch. Both happy they found a place to sleep and a friend.