
A Promise Kept

With Domnus back in his rightful place, he thought that everything was back to normal.

Then he saw Loki with one of her familia members carrying some a jug full of something.

"I'm still not selling you the die," Domnus yelled to Loki as soon as he noticed it was her.

"I'm not here for that!" Loki yelled back.

"Then what are you here for?" Domnus asked turning his volume down.

"Here," Loki said motioning to the adventurer next to her.

The adventurer then placed the jug on Domnus's table.

"This is what I owe you," Loki said patting the jug.

"What's the catch?" Domnus wondered looking at Loki suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" Loki exclaimed, "Can't a God fulfill their promise?" Loki asked.

"So you want me to believe that the God of mischief, trickery, and deception is paying their debts," Domnus responded extremely skeptical.

"Well why not," Loki said with a smile while shooing her familia away.

"Now, I am here to tell you something," Loki said, "Usually I don't allow people to join after the joining date," Loki said putting on her best smile, "But because of your items I will allow you to join today," Loki said.

"Thank you," Domnus responded, "But I think I'm good not joining any familias," he responded.

"So you're not joining Freya's familia," Loki asked.

"No, and I don't think I ever will," Domnus replied.

"We'll just making sure," Loki said before turning around, "I hope you're selling to my familia as fair as any other," Loki said while leaving.

After Loki left Domnus was left with a large jug of wine on his table.

The pungent smell of the wine could be smelt from it before the jug was even open.

Domnus noticed that the adventurers that passed by him on the way to the dungeon would linger near him longer than usual.

Domnus wasn't a winemaker so he had no idea how the wine had that effect, but if it got him more customers he was happy to exploit it.

Yet as time passed by he noticed that adventurers weren't even looking at his stand.

Most actually had their eyes closed while sniffing the air, which did cause some collisions with other adventurers.

They were completely content to smell the fumes of the wine, and were causing a traffic issue because of the sheer abundance of people.

And the traffic was making it much more annoying for new adventures to look at Domnus's stuff.

All in all, having the wine out isn't a good idea if Domnus wants to sell things.

So Domnus put the jug of wine into his bag.

The adventurers began to sniff the air faster and taking in more air, before their eyes snapped open wondering where the smell went.

They began to talk amongst each other, all of them unaware that Domnus was the reason it was there, and the reason it was gone.

Eventually with a sad heart some of them went into the dungeon as they had originally planned, some went back home, for they had spent too much time sniffing that they missed their time to go into the dungeon.

And a few others stuck around, still searching for the smell that kept them sniffing.

Domnus was pleased with this outcome, considering that people could actually get to his stand without bumping into a bunch of people.

"Excuse me," an adventurer said approaching Domnus, "May I ask you a question," the adventurer asked.

"Of course!" Domnus replied with a smile, "Ask anything you need," Domnus said.

"I was walking around I smelt this incredible smell of wine," the adventurer explained, "Do you know where it came from?" he asked.

For a moment Domnus thought about saying yes, but then thought about what would happen if he did say yes.

Word would spread about the wine and more people would come to Domnus's stand to taste it, which was fine with Domnus, but he did not have a large amount of the wine and would most likely run out in a few days or more.

After Domnus would run out of the wine, sales would decrease immensely. Not just from running out of wine, but because of the customers view of him as the wine merchant instead of a merchant of items.

And then, to put a cherry on top, he would have to go back to where he got the wine to get more if he wanted to make money. And that person was Loki.

Domnus would not allow himself to become reliant on Loki, less he become like Hestia.

"No, sorry" Domnus responded, "However I may have some items that could interest you," Domnus shamelessly said.

"Thank you, but no thank you," the adventurer said before leaving, "I've got to find that smell," he mumbled as he left.

Domnus, saddened by the potential customer, sat wondering what he should do with the wine now in his backpack. He was probably going to just sell the whole jug to someone and get a whole lot of money for it.

"Hello" a childish voice called to Domnus while he was in thought.

Putting his head up and looking around Domnus saw no one, until he looked down and saw a little boy with a small bag of money.

"Can I please have an idem?" the kid asked holding out the bag of money.

"Of course," Domnus said, "Now why do you want an item?" Domnus asked wondering what would be right for the kid.

"I want to be a adventurer," the kid responded with a smile, "I want to be like Papa!" he said.

"Well," Domnus replied, "I think I have something for you," Domnus said putting his hand into his bag.

Domnus proceed to take out a small wooden sword out of his bag. The sword was dull and had many scratches and marks on it, but it would still hold up for years.

"Here you are!" Domnus said handing the child the sword.

"Thank you!" the kid said tossing the money onto Domnus's stand before leaving.

"Wait!" Domnus yelled out.

As the kid turned around and started to head back Domnus began to count the money that the kid had handed him.

"Here, you paid too much," Domnus said handing back some of the kid's money.

"Sorry sir," the kid said taking some of the money back before leaving.

With a smile Domnus watched the kid go. As the kid was running, he was swinging the wooden sword around with a wide smile on his face.