


Since I wasn't there when you were born, I must rely on others to inform me about your significance. Our group now consists of five people after only a few months. We grew up together, sharing fears, joys, and sorrows. Over time, we all got stronger, but we knew it couldn't go on forever. Our extended family is inconsolable and in prayer. Obviously, they are wrong.

If the diagnosis were confirmed, treatment would take a long time.

They improve your odds of survival, but only slightly. You proved, by your might, how much potential a young person has. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever I can't quite put my finger on what started it all, but I think it was hearing from the doctor that you needed to leave. That she would be cursed again was a surprise to everyone. The sickness is much worse than it was before. It's possible that things could even out if no action is taken.