
Chapter 199: Fake Dad

Later after breakfast, aunty Paula asked mom when they will have to go to our house to get some of our belongings, but mom said no to her.

"Thank dear, but not now, we won't go there until Matt comes, he will be the one to take us there, and he will be in the front, hahahah..."

Mom said and both ladies laughed. Mr. Bright who was also listening to them shook his head and smiled as he said.

"Oh... Just now I got it, so the poor man is good to die, women..."

Well, not too long later, the long-awaited man came. He came by the help of mom's address. Mom had all along been communicating with him tell him places to follow that will lead to our street, this when on till he got to the gate. Even when he got to the gate of the street, he had to give the security men the phone to talk to mom else they won't let him in because his face was rather in familiar.

As he got to the house, Cynthia was asked to go open the gate for him which he did. Cynthia kept wondering what kind of man he would be, if he was really the water king as her mom told her, st first she refused to go because she was scared the man could attack her if he happens to be the sea king, but the mom had to give her a threatening look which sent he running to the gate. When the man came down from his car and followed Cynthia into the house, I was actually shocked, Mr. Bright knew the man, he was quite a popular and intellectual man, he is the CEO of one of the most influential private companies in Abuja. Mr. Bright quickly recognized him and called him by his name almost too quickly as he walked in.


He said pointing at the man and making a surprised look.

"You... Mr. Matthew Ohakwe of MTE? The CEO of MTE?"

He said looking so dumbfounded

"Juliet, is this that same Matthew you were talking of?"

He asked mom this time, even mom was surprised to know that Mr. Matt had achieved such a level of importance, yeah she knows that he was from a very wealthy home, but she never knew that he will become a CEO of a very popular company like that. According to Mr. Bright, there was a deal which his company had been pursuing and all they ever needed was the signature of the CEO of MTE for the deal to be theirs, but it was almost impossible to have him sign out the contract to his company. After all, formality had been made, Mr. Matt had his shoulder up high like one king because he had been praised by Mr. Bright thinking he will impress me or mom, little did he know that I am only using him, my father is the King of the entire Atlantis, so, how much could he possibly have that my dad won't have, so I thought. 

So, the three of them went to our house to get our belongings Mom, Mr. Matt, and aunty Paula, they were the three that went to get our belongings, before then he had tried to establish some conversation with me, but I was really in the mood for anything for foe, mom quickly noticed and asked him to take it slow on me, according to her, we will start up the formalities when we got to his place, little did she know that he won't even have enough time to spend with his fake son.

So, three of them went to get the stuff, I wanted to go along, but mom insisted tag I stay behind, she just did not trust me with going there, the atmosphere of the place could arouse some powers in me and cause me to expose myself too soon, I knew that was what she thought in her mind even without reading it. The man wanted me to go with them but mom insisted that I should stay back, he doesn't actually seem like a bad person to me, it's just that I saw him as a rival to dad, and he had hurt my mom in the past, so that was my reason for hating him, but just this minutest I have spent around him, I see how much he wanted to know me, who couldn't wait to give me the life that I have dreamt recently, it was almost as if we both needed the same thing. He always smiled at me every time our eyes met, it was even more like he had always had his eyes on me waiting for me to look back at him, I might not be a good judge of character, but I certainly think that this man genuinely loves me, but I know that that he felt that way because he thinks I was his son, he really will make a good dad. 

This impression that I also got from him the first thirty minutes we met made me believe that all dads in Abuja are very caring, unlike the ones I knew in my formal place, who cared less of their family, selfish adulterous fathers who will even beat up their wives in the presence of her children. But the fee dads I gave seen here are actually different. 

When they got to our house, Mr. Matt was very shocked to see how bad everywhere looked due to the scattering of those who were after me. He was dumbfounded, he asked mom what the police were doing about it, mom told her that they said that they are still running investigations, he was just not satisfied with that, he was also not the type that believes in the police, just like me, he believes that they are just good for bribery and nothing else, but I have come to notice that there are many good and competent police officers in the Nigerian police force.