
Chapter 7

~Jack Blake~

..."You're hired."

Those words followed him even after he sat on the couch in the corner of the room while nursing the Gentle Mint Tea that was brought to him after he mentioned the headache that was plaguing him. He looked longingly at Phantump, who was slumbering in his lap. He would like to pass out too.

Suppressing those urges, he sighed. To be able to emanate pressure of this level, the old guy had to be pretty strong. He was also clearly an Aura User of a rather high level and he had multiple Bonds. The Pressure he felt varied in Typing if he wasn't wrong. And he was pretty sure he got that right.

To be able to use the Suppression of a Pokémon, the Trainer had to be Bonded with it. He didn't know how many Types the old Man cycled through since he was concentrated on other things, staying alive and conscious for example, but it wasn't just two or three. He likely had at least four Bonds.

He looked over to him. The man was wearing a severe expression again while he looked through report after report. The speed at which his eyes wandered over the paper was seriously impressive. Occasionally he signed something or took an absentminded sip from whatever he had in his cup. The fierce sensation he got from him was nowhere to be seen, leaving a serious distinguished gentleman in it's place.

His ramrod straight posture seemed to be natural and the elegant way with which he used his fountain pen was mesmerising. If he didn't know better, he'd think this man was a born official. Someone who trained in bureaucracy since early childhood.

The way his office was decorated hinted more at him being of a noble bloodline, though those things were not exclusive, he mused. The floor was made from this world's version of oak, giving it a heavy and stable feel and the walls were panelled with a wood just slightly lighter than the floor. Elaborate carvings of to him unknown meaning filled them and some tasteful paintings, including a family portrait, were placed in key-positions on the walls. Those were framed intricately with gold and other precious metals interwoven.

He noticed that the Family Portrait took the centre and pulled the eyes of those who looked around, making it clear that the man was invested in those he held dear. 'Even a madman can care about family.' He mused, wisely not aloud. Still, he didn't miss the quick side-glance he got from the otherwise completely focused man. It sent his heart up his throat. The instincts of those old Monsters were always on another level so he should be more careful with what he thought.

Letting his eyes wander through the room once more, he had to admit that this fellow knew how to live. 'A real-life escritoire. Who even has one of those still in use? And it's a massive one, not one of those you put in a corner to brag. No, it's one of those truly massive centerpieces.' He was a bit jealous of that one, he admitted to himself.

He turned his mind to other things. Maybe he'd get an office where he'd place one of those too... Yeah, no. He wasn't cut out to be an office worker, at least not long-term. He noticed that he could see only some lamps in places where they were needed. The main part of the room was illuminated by the big window behind the back of the Monster in human guise. Said monster chose this moment to lay his pen to rest and turn to him with serious eyes.

"Have you rested enough or will you need a good night's sleep and some honey in your milk to overcome the trauma?"

Though the tone he used was exceedingly courteous, it was obviously a jab at him. He took it in good fun, though. He was weak in comparison. And he couldn't imagine this man talking to just anyone like this. It was most likely a privilege for those who truly entered his eyes.

"I'm fine, thank you. The tea did help and your couch is very comfortable. I'd also like to thank you for the job opportunity. Though I have to confess, I have absolutely no idea what you just hired me for."

He threw a curious gaze at the old man and received slightly crinkled corners of his eyes in return, hinting at his amusement while the rest of his face stayed impassive.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, have I. My name is Roland Richmond and you will have many duties. Among them is being my shadow for the next six months."

He frowned. There were several possibilities in his head and he couldn't really narrow it down with the amount of information he had. He knew his soon-to-be employer for not even two hours and he already found him to be a... complicated person to get along with.

'All those with decent strength have a habit or two that makes them somewhat eccentric.' He remembered all those depictions of overpowered old dudes in his past life and suddenly, he was glad that this overpowered old dude wasn't as bad as those. At least not yet. As the silence continued without further input, he decided to externalise his need for further information.

"I'll need more than that. There are several possibilities as to what you could mean by that. Each as unlikely as the other. So please elaborate if you'd be so kind?"

He was scrutinised with a rather intense gaze before he nodded and hummed, presumably to collect his thoughts. He then leaned back in his comfortable-looking chair and steepled his hands with eyes that weren't in the present anymore. He realised before Roland even started that he'd probably soon listen to an anecdote from his past.

"There are monsters in this world. Monsters who look just like you and me. Who eat, drink, and feel just like us. I had the luck to befriend some of those monsters. I myself could be categorised as one too, I suppose but if compared to the likes of them, I fall slightly short."

So he probably wasn't a Beyonder at least. It would be a bit too much of a coincidence to meet one of those this early. He paid close attention to what he was saying. It was first-hand information about powerful people after all.

"At the start, we were all somewhat equal. Rivals on the path to greatness. We were young. Full of unbound energy. We were untamable, Sammy, Gaga, Jen, and I."

He had a growing suspicion but he didn't interrupt. Gaga was an unfortunate nickname if he was right in his assumption, though.

"There was even romance! There was a Spark between Sammy and Gaga from the start, even though neither had an Affinity for the Electric Type."

He barked out a laugh at his own joke and Jack smiled a bit indulgently. It was noticed of course and he was punished for it with a hearty slap from the old man's Aura.

"Pay attention, you little shit."

He grumbled and Jack raised an eyebrow at the crass language. He hadn't expected as much from the seemingly dignified gentleman. 'Untamed indeed...' He thought while the old man continued as if the interruption never happened.

"The feelings between Jen and I took longer to enkindle but they weren't any less genuine. We continued like that for a while. Pushing each other and reaching greater heights for it. Marrying out of love instead of obligation. We lived the dream Until Fate decided to make it a nightmare instead."

There was a tragedy coming. He could feel it, even without those ominous words. The dread that pooled into his stomach made sure of that. It was akin to the feeling he got when he received the call that informed him of the untimely end of his parents and his little sister. Sure enough, there it was.

"Jen fell sick. It was sudden and it was jarring and it took the wind out of our sails. No one knew what it was. We went to different regions, called in favours and scoured the obscurest of books to possibly find a cure. It wasn't to be, however. She left us shortly before we found mentions of an exceedingly rare parasite that could only befall active Aura Users with a strong affinity for the Fire Type."

He looked defeated. It was a jarring difference to the strong front he presented before. His hunched back looked as if it bore the weight of the world and the pain that was radiating from his eyes ripped at his own barely scabbed over wounds. Phantump, as if she sensed that she was needed, woke up and blinked adorably before she sent reassurance to him that anchored him. He smiled adoringly at his little girl and returned thankfulness to her while taking her into his arms.

He returned his attention to Roland. The man had pulled himself together admirably and continued to narrate his life. Why, he wanted to ask, but that could wait until the end of it all. If someone offered up his rich experience, trauma and all, it was only polite to listen.

"It broke us all a bit but I took it the hardest and I think it is understandable. Those two managed to pull themselves together again and they went on to do fantastic things. I admit, I resented them a bit back then. I wanted them to be miserable with me. But their lives went on without her while mine stagnated. I felt listless, still do on bad days. I think I was a bit suicidal for some time before my team kicked my ass and pulled me out of that state of mind."

He smiled in reminiscence this time, though it was a weak one. Understandably so. He continued, old but potent pain lacing his voice.

"I was broken and still am. My strength didn't decline, but my motivation to reach the top was entirely gone without the love of my life to share it with. Sammy went on to become the greatest of his generation, stayed for around a year and then threw the title back in their faces to open up a Laboratory and follow his true passion. Gaga challenged the champion who took over after Sammy resigned, beat him without any mercy, just to show that she could and refused to take the title afterwards. They even had to beg her to take over the position of a member of the Elite Four."

He laughed again, a bit of spirit re-entering his voice as he talked about the ridiculousness that were the young Samuel Oak and Agatha. He didn't know her surname as no media had ever given her one.

"I took over a branch of the Jenny Clan here in Sinnoh, fleeing to the weakest region back then to escape all those memories. I silently worked for a while until I was somehow pulled in as a government goon. And now here I am. Some years ago, we, Sammy, Gaga and I, reignited our friendships and they did something truly unforgivable."

He paused for dramatic effect, going as far as leaning forward to increase the effectiveness of his menacing glare and pressuring him a bit with his Aura. He couldn't help it. He rolled his eyes at the exaggerated theatrics. He liked to think that the twitch of his moustache was a suppressed smile. Finally, he decided to finish up his statement.

"They rubbed their successful protégés under my nose."

The deadpan on his face appeared almost subconsciously, much to Roland's annoyance. He furrowed his brows and sneered at him.

"Oh do keep your opinion to yourself, you miserable whelp! Every time we meet, all I hear is how successful Red is and how his son Blue is the only one to truly rival him. I reared some outstanding students too, you know? But they simply couldn't be compared to those two monsters!"

He heaved a breath before continuing and Jack had to admit it was fun hearing him rant about the Legend like this. It was refreshing to have him presented like a jackass, which he admittedly seemed to be towards friends, instead of the spotlessly perfect guy he was presented as online.

"And then... And then! Gaga called me one evening and everything went to hell, not that that was anything new when she was involved. Because she found herself one too. Not quite as ridiculous as Red and Blue, seriously, those names are what's ridiculous. Maybe that's the secret. Your surname's Blake, right? That's close enough, I guess. Anyways. Karin! The little girl that followed her around turned out to be another prodigy!"

While Jack's left eye twitched a bit at the colour tangent of his rant, Roland's eyes were a bit bloodshot and he was glaring at Jack. He leaned forward even further, but there was no real heat in his eyes. It was just directed at him since he lacked the real target. Suddenly, his demeanour flipped and a smug smile spread across his aged face.

"But here you are, referred to me by my very own niece."

That was new information. Why the heck didn't she tell him that this guy was her uncle? Was that why he tried to squash him like a bug without lifting a finger?

"Admittedly, you still have a long way to go to be worthy of her. But the potential is there! You've got gumption! Willpower! And a singular focus to protect what's yours! Now we just need to push your strength towards Champion level at the least and I may allow you to court her. After proving yourself with some minor tasks of course."

He was speechless. What was that bastard talking about? He never even entertained the thought! Sure, he thought Hazel was gorgeous and he truly admired her for obviously putting her daughter first, but that did not equal romantic interest! Roland squinted his eyes at him.

"You better not break her heart. Otherwise I'll break yours. And I take such things way more literally."

'Well, fuck.' He sighed and pulled together his determination. The glare he sent was entirely intentional this time.

"I will not let anyone dictate my love-life, especially not an old fogey like you. If something develops between Hazel and me, it'll be because of mutual attraction and it will be our own decisions that may or may not create a relationship. If that's a deal breaker for any kind of 'job' here, then so be it."

Roland glared at him for a long moment before breaking out in laughter as he leaned back. It was unrestrained and approving. It seemed he was the type of guy who liked his disciples with a backbone, thankfully.

"Fine, boy. If you don't have at least that much push-back inside of you I'd have shot you down anyways. You start in a week. Be here in this office at 5AM. Don't be here and we are done. Permanently."

A force grabbed onto him and pushed him out of the room before he truly had the chance to react. A moment later, he was sitting outside of his office and the gate slammed into his face with enough force to shake the surroundings.

He looked up with a befuddled expression on his face and met the eyes of the receptionist from earlier, who had a stack of paperwork with her. Her eyes were filled with pity as she asked him with compassion in her voice.

"First time?"

He just nodded and sighed before cuddling Phantump, who had been pushed into his chest and held on for dear life while they were catapulted from the office. Strangely, there was a bit of a thrill and the vague question of 'Again?' Echoing through their bond as he held her. Only then did he realise.

"I still don't know what the hell my job actually is..."