
Chapter 95 He Guangxun

The sky had not yet brightened.

Large numbers of government officials on horseback came from City West and arrived in the South City District, surrounding the residence of He Mingxuan so tightly that not even water could leak through.

In the courtyard, the body of He Mingxuan had been taken down from the wall. The broad knife that had pierced through his chest was placed beside him. The crimson blood stains on it had dried up and a faint scorch could be seen.

Standing next to the body of He Mingxuan was the Chief Constable from the West City District, He Guangzong; he was the first to arrive at the news and simply stood there, his face gloomy and silent without uttering a word.

Time seemed indeterminate.

As the sky began to lighten slightly.

Another large group of men arrived from the Inner City, enclosing the courtyard completely.