
D.P.S In Marvel!!!

A typical Otaku reading countless manga, anime, novels and the rest of the culture... One day as he was on the big screen watching the Avengers EndGame, he started seeing things... On the trip to New York in 2012... He saw the Infinity Stone Of Space - Infinity Stone Of Mind - Infinity Stone Of Time... On the trip to Asgard in 2013... He saw the Infinity Stone Of Reality... On the trip to Morag in 2014... He saw the Infinity Stone Of Power... On the trip to Vormir... He saw the Infinity Stone Of Soul... At the first appearance of the first stone, he thought it was a special effect but as soon as the others appeared he noticed that everyone was quite... He moved his head left and right and the stones followed him shocking him a great deal... As an Otaku freak his mind span at hundred times faster before he stood up and walked forward... The scene had reached the point where Tony took the stones and said everyone's favourite Slogan... With his words and with no one realising he got up his body touched all the Stones as he vanished from the world... Ps. The Cover was found through google!!! If needs be i can put it down!!!

Seion · 漫画同人
25 Chs

Chapter 8 : The Amazing Suit!!

Tony had the case open revealing the content to Seion...

"If this works perhaps energy-wise, we will be a moving universe..." Seion said...

"Nah, but we will have unlimited energy..." Tony shot him down immediately...

After Tony answered him, Seion watched as the content of the case started breaking from small round or triangle parts into glass sand grain...

In other words, they breaked down so much resembling sand as watched as all the glowing sand started fusing with the suit with each nanotech...

Tony didn't want to be careless and started showering the suit with cold liquid to lower the energy levels that being dissipated right now at an alarming rate...

He didn't care much for the energy but he cared more for the sand he had created from Arc-Reactors possessing his core element...

What he was trying to do was fuse directly with the nano liquid 70 elemental crystals that had turned into sand...

However, the liquid making the armour suit was too low...

Therefore, he inputs commands from inside the suit and soon another case came and when it was opened more grey liquid was inside...

He started slowly dropping the liquid in the suit assimilating it and changing it completely...

Hours passed and Seion watched as the suit had changed dramatically, from the golden-red colour it had, now it had traces of red, golden, white and grey...

Although the new addition of nanotech could be programmed to be painted later on, right now tony continued with his adjustment...

Seion decided to fall asleep as he waited for Tony to finish...

After a few more hours, Tony's communicator in the lab started ringing and F.R.I.D.A.Y notified Tony...

Tony, however, was busy and told F.R.I.D.A.Y to answer in his place...

It turns out that it was Captain and wanted to hand over the stones, which made Tony smile as he had finished the major updates so far to the suit...

"Hey, Seion!!!" Tony spoke up...

"Hmmn?? W-what... Yaawwnnn..." Seion answered him with half sleepy eyes...

"Captain is waiting outside with the case of the Stones, i'll guide him through here so get ready to see the new and improve suit..." Tony said...

"That fast??" Seion answered in excitement...

"What do you mean that fast?? Its been almost a day and i've been working non-stop..." Tony said...

"I see... Then lets see what kind of sui....t.... did... you... ma....ke..." Seion nodded and asked about the suit as he started eating his words...

Seion was left speechless when he saw the final product in front of him...

The suit features classic gold, red, and light blue colour scheme with gold parts being: thighs, upper arms, stomach, face and shoulder plates with red accents.

The previous silver exo-structure is exposed throughout the armour had now turned into light blue that formed few a cylinders notable in the eye as it formed a complex network and also connecting separate armour pieces.

In this suit, there was 15 Arc-Reactor's in total from the previous model which was, 14 Micro-Arc-Reactor's throughout the upper part of the armour and main heart Shaped one in the chest.

However now it had 6 main ones for a total of 20 Arc-Reactor's, they were placed as the following...

Two of them in the back shoulders...

Two of them in the side of his thighs...

One of them in the front area where one layed on his chest...

One of them in the front area where one layed on his six-packs...

Similarly, the 14 Micro-Arc-Reactor's were now spread out in every part of the iron body making them more notable than before but Seion had a feeling they were more deadly...

Two of them were on the left and right side of his chest Arc-Reactor's...

Six of them were on the left and right side of his six-packs and in you could connected them with a line you would see that it formed a perfect circle...

Two of them were positioned on the back of his palms in his hands...

Two of them were positioned on both knees...

And finally, the last two were positioned on his legs in the front side...

Tony created a freaking network based on his own element and changed it into bulky Arc-Reactors capable of taking a stone inside...

"Tony, nice work, but i have a few questions..." Seion asked...

"Like what??" Tony nodded to him ready to answer the toughest question...

"Why is it bulky like the one you used in the age of Ultron??" However, Seion had a simple question...

"Oh, that... I added more Nano to the suit so that i can finish the overall structure..." Tony answered easily...

"Then what about me carrying it around??" Seion asked again...

"That won't be a problem actually... Look..." While Tony proceeded in showing him how it works...

Seion saw the suit started morphing and morphing until it eventually turned into a police vest with two guns forming left and right along with their cases...

The vest locked itself through its chest and a belt with both being two of the mains Arc Reactors...

The other four turned into the two handguns and the cases for them...

"Is that the police custom belt that detectives mostly used from within their jacket???" Seion asked...

"Yeah... Although i couldn't compress it more because now the Arc-Reactors are not flat i did manage to mask the whole suit and stones..."

"Quickly come here and put it on..." Tony explained and urged him to put it on...

Seion nodded to him and walked forward towards the platform and the two Arc-Reactors unlocked themselves waiting for Seion to extend his hand and wear it before it fully matches his body...

"How do i, operated it??" Seion asked...

"You can tap the lower part of the chest Arc Reactor as i moved slightly the touch area so that it can't interfere with the stone there..." Tony explained...

Seion did exactly that, and from the cased with the guns, liquid started sprouting out from there along with his belt and chest and slowly engulfing him to form the whole suit...

<Welcome Boss!!>

"Hello, E.D.I.T.H..." Seion said...

"Since i absorbed the glasses earlier i added as secondary support and now you are the primary holder of it..."

"I did it because i thought, you would need assistance for when you are bound with others Souls and i am in your space unable to help you..." Tony explained earning Seion's approval...

"You've done a wonderful job, Tony... Now i hope it works and i won't die..." Seion said...

"I also hope that both of you, don't die... For real this time..." Cap's vice drifted in their ears...

Seion turned his head and saw Captain standing there with his hammer and the case of the stones as he was sizing him up one final time...

"We only have one way to find out..." Seion said...

"Before that, i have a few questions..." Cap told them while they both shrugged in the suit...

"Again..." Seion and Tony said...

"Don't worry i want to know the aftermath of creating the stones..."

"What will happen to them?? Will you take them with you?? Or can you help us by giving us three or four of them...??" Cap asked them...

"You wish to know if you can bring Vision back with the mind stone right?? At the same time, you wish for the Time Stones and perhaps if i can use the Soul Stone to bring Natasha back right..." Seion said as he guessed his intentions...

"Yeah... I was also wondering about the Space Stone, but since you bypass it i won't ask you about it..." Cap nodded as he spoke up...

Seion shook his head, and Captain thought that he wouldn't lend them to them as he sighed, however contrary to his failed expectations Seion started speaking solving many of his problems...

"The Time stone will go to Dr. Strange temporarily so that all of you could have a weapon to fight..."

"Unfortunately i can't trade the Soul Stone for the Soul of Natasha, but i can try that as i'm not sure as well..."

"But for the matter of Vision, it would be best to tell Shuri to connect his circuits as she did before..."

"Thanos only took the stone and crashed his skull around it, as his body is a mix of biotech there should be a hard disk somewhere in his body acting as a backup..."

"Right now, his body is damaged especially his chest and his skull fix those, connect all the nodes as it was planned previously and then powered it up yet again..." Seion explained all cases that Cap wanted to know...

"Cap, almost all parts of his body is like a computer, therefore, there are small microchips..." Tony said...

"I see, then that would be enough..."

"Here is the case and lets hope for the best..."

"Honestly i had enough of magical Stones..." Cap agreed and passed the case as he shrugged in tiredness...

"Don't worry i will take care of everything as we get out..." Seion said...

"Don't you want to put the stones where they are??" Tony interrupted him as he nodded...

"Yeah, lets do that..." Seion said...

Captain walked forward and placed the case in the platform and opened it revealing the stones in two rows of three...

Seion then stepped forward and extended his hands before the Arc-Reactors extended themselves with the help of Nano and got closer to the case...

Soon all reacted with whip-like extensions were right above their respective stones...


A lid opened from the reactors and swallowed the stones directly from the case before closing and retracting back to their original place...

When every last of them returned to their positions, his light blue cylinder pipes started blazing with rainbow-like colours and circulate around the suit and his Mini-Reactors...

Captain was already holding his shield ready for anything but noticed something and at that exact moment, two laughers were heard in the room...

"Hahahahahahaha, we did it!!! We did it!!!" Tony started laughing as Seion interrupted him...

"No, you did it, Tony!!! No leakage at all!!!" Seon said...

"The Gamma Rays that were released now are contained in the Badassium network constantly rotating around the suit..."

"Great... Now we need to execute our plan... There is no need to go into space since we can contain it..."

"But we should call all the others and let them watch and that because i don't want anyone to doubt us..." Tony spoke up while Seion nodded...

"Then Captain can you call them??" Seion said...

"No need Seion since they are all waiting outside none left the perimeter as they all wanted to see what will you do and come up with Tony..." Cap said as it was not needed...

"I see... Then lets go..." Seion said...

Seion proceeded and grabbed Captain from his back as his hand turned into a ring enclosing him, then he gave orders to F.R.I.D.A.Y to open the hatch above them and they flew towards the surface...

Sure enough, countless clacks were heard and moving sounds...

The moment all hatches were opened up till the last one, F.R.I.D.A.Y notify them and then Seion with Tony and E.D.I.T.H flew upwards carrying the Captain with them...


"What the!!!!!!!"

A scream was heard while Seion and Captain had their eyes popped out especially the latter from the sheer speed...


Suddenly the Captain found himself in the lake and hurriedly took a deep breath but alas it was too late as a bursting sound was heard and soon he could feel the wind around him...


The others on the land, only saw something flying at the speed of light from the lake while the ones flying suddenly stopped in the air and looked closely to where they were...

Captain found it incredibly difficult to breathe and his whole body shivering indicating that they were really high...

They found themselves in the Thermosphere 100km above ground making them shocked...

"Tony..." Seion spoke...

"Yes??" Tony answered him...

"Did we broke a new record??" Seion asked...

"Yeah... The record is 2 Minutes with shuttles..." Tony answered his as the helmet flashed with numbers...

"Cool, and we did it in like 20 seconds...??"

"So 100km in 20seconds..." Seion muttered before yelling...

"Holy SHIT!!!"

"We can look it up later Seion, i don't think Cap will hold on to his life much longer..." Tony said as they both looked at Cap...

"Oh, right!!"


Seion leaned his body downwards and then with the help of Tony and E.D.I.T.H adjusting the energy they flew downwards and close to a minute they reached the lake yet again as everyone looked stupefied by the new suit...

"Cough, cough... Cough, cough..." Cap tried to catch his breath...

"Ugh... Sorry about that Captain... It still needs a bit of fine-tuning..." Tony said...

"Wanda, warm him up with your ability..." Tony asked but was stopped...

"No, don't!!! His body has been too soft lately and he needs to adjust to extreme conditions for him to power up..." Seion said...

"Cough, cough, it's fine... Luckily we didn't stay that long up there for training..." Cap said as he caught his breath back...

"Tony, what the hell is that!!!" While Banner exclaimed loudly...

"Like it Banner...??? A counter-suit that specialised in containing Gamma Rays from the stones..." Tony proudly declared...

Hey, there mates!!!

I'm really sorry for not uploading anything in this novel for 12-3 days...

First of all this Novel was supposed to have one Chap per week and if you count from the first release date i think i'm covered...

Second, i had warned people that the next chapter will be unknown so don't curse me to death...


Seioncreators' thoughts