
D.P.S In Marvel!!!

A typical Otaku reading countless manga, anime, novels and the rest of the culture... One day as he was on the big screen watching the Avengers EndGame, he started seeing things... On the trip to New York in 2012... He saw the Infinity Stone Of Space - Infinity Stone Of Mind - Infinity Stone Of Time... On the trip to Asgard in 2013... He saw the Infinity Stone Of Reality... On the trip to Morag in 2014... He saw the Infinity Stone Of Power... On the trip to Vormir... He saw the Infinity Stone Of Soul... At the first appearance of the first stone, he thought it was a special effect but as soon as the others appeared he noticed that everyone was quite... He moved his head left and right and the stones followed him shocking him a great deal... As an Otaku freak his mind span at hundred times faster before he stood up and walked forward... The scene had reached the point where Tony took the stones and said everyone's favourite Slogan... With his words and with no one realising he got up his body touched all the Stones as he vanished from the world... Ps. The Cover was found through google!!! If needs be i can put it down!!!

Seion · 漫画同人
25 Chs

Chapter 2 : Tony Stark!!!

As Tony roared when he appeared here, Mc was stunned as he was the same as in the movie he was watching...

Well without the wounds and the suit i think... Or does he has the suit with him??

That would be freaking cool!!! I wanna see it up close...

As he was lost in his own thoughts, Tony finally realised that this place was an endless complete white room or something...

At first, he thought the most realistic answer in his mind that anyone would think... And that was that this was a dream...

However, as he looked around and eventually turned behind him he saw a young man looking at him with stars in his eyes...

He frowned as he recognised those stars...

They were the most annoying of annoying of annoying of annoying of annoying of the most annoying fan-based girls in his whole life...

But he clearly is a boy and he definitely doesn't swing a fan-base towards boys...

The moment he thought of that his whole body shivered thinking along those lines and started walking towards him...

"Hey!!! Hey!! Kid!!" Tony called out...

He called out to him 3 times but as our mc was lost in his thought he didn't register the calling of the great Tony Stark...

This made Tony frown even more from all this situation as he knew he is in his own fan-fiction brain world debating with his inner self if he would like to talk to his idol and what to say...

Deciding to try something, he tapped his chest twice and sounds of water flowing through his body were heard making Mc snap back to reality...

When he finally noticed the area in front of him he was shocked and fell backwards seeing a RED WARRIOR with golden or platinum painted parts...

"Holy!!! SHIT!!! IRON MAN IN FREAKING FLESH AND BLOOD!!!" The Mc screamed...

"Of course i'm Iron Man Kid... Now, who are you??" Tony answered with an obvious tone...

"Oh, right i'm sorry!!! My name is Seion... Seion Emeth... Yeah, that seems right..." Seion apologised as he introduced himself...

"Why do i think that that's not your true name?? But i'm a kind-hearted person i'll say i believe you..." Tony said doubtfully...

Tony looked Seion and scanned him from top to bottom and bottom to tom comparing him to the database he had on F.R.I.D.A.Y...

However, at that moment he realised that there was no answer through his AI which caused him to frown even more than before...

Could this place interfering with his system?? How should he know that only his suit came with him as it was his symbol??

In fact, even Seion who looked at Tony in his suit thought of something and then realised why he was kept silence...

Thinking about it he found out the reason but unless Tony asks him he wouldn't say anything...

Leaving behind the aspect of his system being blocked, Tony now had to manually operate the suit, he tapped a hidden button formed by nanotech and the suit reverted back to his chest hidden inside his clothes he wore...

(A/N. Too Lazy to describe his clothes... The clothes were those when he finished making the Gauntlet and Bruce snapped his fingers bringing everyone back...)

"Hey kid, do you know what is happening with this place??" Tony asked...

"Hm?? I believe, given on what you remember Mr. Stark that you will eventually figure it out..." Seion answered vaguely...

"Now talking with riddles??" Tony answered while frowning...

"Truth to be told yes and no as i also arrived here second before you appeared..." Seion admitted it partially while speaking...

Tony entered into thinking God Mode and started replaying in his mind the whole scene where he took the stones and snapped his fingers...

He remembers Rhodey coming and saying his thanks along with Peter that kid broke my nerves even in the last few seconds before i went to sleep...

Finally, Pepper came and asked F.R.I.D.A.Y for his vitals which he clearly heard at that time saying it was... Aaahhh I see... Critical...

"Tony... You can rest now... You can rest now..." Pepper said while trying to hold her tears...

Clarity filled his eyes as he realised that he couldn't be saved and when he closed his eyes, he died...

I died?? Then what is this place??

Why has my suit come along??

Who is this kid??

A God maybe??


A God looking like that and wearing those fashionless clothes is unacceptable!!! I at least want a girl as a Goddess of the afterlife...

"Sigh... It looked like i died huh..." Tony lament this fact..

"How did you died kid??" He then asked Seion...

"Hmm?? Me?? I'm not dead... I'm a 100% living creature in the middle of dimensions answering a Dead Persona of my favourite hero how i died..." Seion answered with sarcasm...

"I see, your fashion style got you nuts... I understand that... I hope when you get reborn to find something in those dimen..." Tony answered with his own touch before freezing...

As Tony was humouring Seion for his senses of dress code, he suddenly stopped when he repeated a word he heard from his mouth and then looked at him as he pondered over what he heard...

"What did you say??" He asked Seion...

"I'm sure you heard the first time unless you got deaf and blinded by my sense of clothes which i never got a chance to change as i was brought here..." He said to Tony as he was flaunting his clothes...

"Hilarious... Ok, kid, i think you have a few things keeping from me..." Tony said with a tone of seriousness...

"I'm keeping a way out of here if that's what you mean unfortunately for you since you are a persona you are stuck here..." Seion answered to him...

"Ok, ok i'm sorry your clothes are perfect where did you buy them?? Could you show the way??" Tony apologise with no true feeling behind...

"That's the Stark i know..." Seion smiled as he spoke up...

"You know me personally?? I'm sorry i'm married i have a daughter i'm not interested in you..." Tony directly shot him down...

Silence fell between them and Seion had a few black lines forming in his head and so was Tony, but before Seion could answer Tony beat him to it making things more awkward...

"Ok i am interested in you but i don't swing that way..." Tony said while sighing...

Seion was speechless well, of course, he is interested in me from what he said but could he interpret it that way??

And what is wrong about his clothes anyway?? He is simply wearing an outfit similar to that of Uchiha Sasuke when he deserted Konoha without the emblem...

It was spring when he was in the Cinema theatre, of course, it's bound to be hot somewhat inside and he prefers short clothes...

In a few moments, Tony will say he is interested in his face as well...

What's wrong with his appearance?? He has black eyes brown long short hair raised as spikes similar to Gohan when he becomes Mystic...

His body is normal close to 1,70 weighting to 70 kilos, well he doesn't have the best bodybuilder appearance but he doesn't belong to the completely lax types...

"Sigh... Forget it... Anyway, this place is the Dimensional Gap..." Seion sigh as he explained...

"Gap you say??" Tony asked in interest...

"Yes, well for the short version, this place exists between all dimensions... It's kinda complicated to say the full story as even i don't know how to describe this..." Seion continued as he mocks Tony...

"Try me, Kid..." Tony said this while feeling provoked...

"My name is Seion... And i'm 20 so technically i'm not a kid..." Seion said...

"Yeah, yeah, lets start... Speak..." While Tony urged him...

"Ten bucks you are going to experience mind blown..." Seion smirked as he provoked him even further...

"If that happens i will abandon the whole Stark Industries to you..." Tony said as he didn;t want to back down...

"Oh?? Are you sure?? Ten bucks versus your whole lifetime is kinda..." Seion was stunned and asked...

"Either way, i'm dead, here... So go on speak..." Tony mocked his fate as he spoke...

"Don't blame me later on..." Seion said as he started spilling the beans...

Seion started telling Stark about some bullshits of mirroring worlds and that he belongs to one of them, in other words, he belongs to another earth that is way too inferior to this one...

There they have come up with a way to view special signals in the space around us enabling them to see through the dimensions as if they were movies...

Unfortunately, though they couldn't jump until now... He had spoken to him that he saw everything from his days before becoming Iron Man until when he snapped his fingers...

There a certain miracle happened and in his vision, he saw the stones and found himself here before he was stuck here immobilized unable to move...

During that time he thought of potentials reasons why this happened and figured a plot hole in the Time Heist they performed...

Tony looked with a dumbfounded expression towards the endless white horizon and couldn't believe what he was processing in his mind...

He realised at that point that he truly experience a mind blown discovery which prompts him to swear inwardly as the only thing he had on him from his Stark Industries was his unused suit...

"Now, how was it?? From the moment i brought you here you became part of a bigger picture..." Seion said with a serious look...

"You talk like Nick Fury..." Tony answered while twitching...

"I know i copied him..." Seion admits it without reserve...

"So let me get this in order... Everything around us is called Marvel Universe... A mirrored realm as you said..."

"This realm had good dimensions and bad ones..."

"By using the stones of 4-5 different timelines instead of going to one single point in time and search from there for all of them we created rifts..."

"Which was why Banner said they needed to send the stones back..."

"Then since they possible returned the stones those rifts didn't vanish and something happened to them causing something akin to alternative dimensions to appear with different people as the mutants like that Quicksilver and Wanda, different spider man and so on..."

"So, in other words, we are in the middle of those shattered dimensions??" Tony said while holding his temple and rubbing it...

"More or less... Now since i was brought here by the Universe itself i got a power..." Seion nodded while speaking up...

"To summon dead people??" Tony asked...

"Ok, i got a complicated power..." Seion changed his word...

"The point is Tony... In order to fix this mess, i have to travel to seven broken dimensions while in the first dimension i will live my life after 2023..."

"Which now without the stones they are sitting ducks for more powerful beings than Thanos..."

"The next two dimensions are altered history, then from the fourth and forward history starts diminishing in a special way with fewer people like mutants and heroes..." Seion explaining his plight as Tony frown once again...

"Your power what does it do???" Tony asked after a few seconds...

"As i told you, it's complicated you can say its like stack up powers tied together..."

"First it lets me see what i will face in chronological order in the dimensions i will have to go..."

"Second it lets me summon dead people only when i achieve something in this place..."

"Third it grants me out of thin air materials, items and drugs like the Super Soldier Serum based on what i achieve..."

"Fourth i have no idea..." Seion answered honestly...

"So Knowledge - Souls - Creation...??" Tony murmured...

"Your power absorbed traits of the stones??" Tony asked as he tried to confirm as he digests what he learned...

"You asked me who should i ask??" Seion sighed as he laments his fate...

Even though he complained like that, if he compared what he has now he also has one more function that's comparable to the stones and that is his Inventory...

This means he has Knowledge - Mind / Dead Persona - Soul / Creation - Reality / Inventory - Space...

He misses the stone of Time and Power with this logic...

Does that mean that his system has 2 more functions that he hasn't found?? Perhaps he is not ready to find these two functions...

Seeing that Seion wasn't speaking, Tony thought deeply about why he was called in this place or to be more specific why he was summoned here by him...

What could he do to reverse this situation they caused...??

Then suddenly an idea came to him... What if he gave his suit to him and send him to the first dimension??

This... This could work!!!

With the specks of tech they have perhaps he can totally reverse the Stoneless Age into an Age with the original Stones...

As his mind thought more and more of this possibility his eyes shined with excitement as he stood up...

"Hm?? Tony??" Seiontried to draw his attention...

"I know why i came here... I know how to fix everything..." Tony exclaimed...

"What do you mean by that??" Seion asked with a bit of narrowed eyes...

"While i was going around scratching my head for time travel i created a system for Peter with a few identification codes that only i can activate and his voice..."

"Even if that kid does what i expect and give it to someone else he would have limited access as a test towards him..."

"I said i will kindly give my Stark Industries to you..." Tony explained to him...

"You clearly lost thought..." Seion retorted...

"Cough, cough, cough... Not that important... That system has access to all of my previous works in other words that's my legacy..." Tony said while trying to hide his embarrassment...

"AND YOU FREAKING GAVE IT TO A 17 YEARS OLD KID??? ARE YOU NUTS!!!" Seion lashed out as he heard that...

"Actually i am because by using that which you will gain before him... You can travel back in time get the stones in the same way we did and come back in the future..."

"Then snap your finger and resurrect the stones Thanos destroyed..." Tony nodded as he explained his plan while getting interrupted...

"There is a small problem though..." Seion said...

"What?" Tony asked...

"I'll die..." Seion said while silence followed...




"Oh... You are that weak huh..." Tony mocked him with no hards feelings...

Ok the second chapter of D.P.S In Marvel is out...

Please write your thoughts in the comments below...

Any ideas for the Time and Power stones with the recent logic??

I have an idea about the stone of power with a nice function but not about time...

Anyway, i'm open to ideas...

Next Chapter Unknown!!!

Seioncreators' thoughts