
Chapter 229 Minor Panic

As Kat watched the scene in front of her, the world slowed. She would never learn if this was a matter of the dream realm, or if she had instinctively thrown demonic energy into her mind to watch in horror. Or if it was simply her brain going into complete overdrive as it tried to contemplate, every second of the crushing scene in front of her.

As Kat stared at Minor she watched Minor fall. It was unbearable slow and distinctly inhuman. Instead of bending at the knees and collapsing as if she had fainted or her knees had given out… instead, Minor cracked.

It started slow at first. Thick lines glowing with a soft red glow slowly snaked their way around Minor's knees. To Kat's surprise and horror this wasn't just visible over her outfit, but included it as well. When the cracks reached around halfway a sickening crack was heard and the circle was completed.