
Chapter 1427 Problem Children of the Clan

--- Kat --- 

"Um… well… if you don't mind the questions can we ask some more?" asked Kamiko.

"I am open to your questions as long as they are not blatantly disrespectful," said Hunter. "It will give us time to cement some surface level comradery for the mission,"

"Oh… um… that's great?" said Kamiko. "Hmm… I… hmm… I guess I'll ask what you think of those other people in your clan that don't properly follow the rules?"

Hunter 23HX443 gave a slow nod and answered in what was now her standard monotone. Kat and Lily were starting to wonder if she just sounded like that, or if it was taking some effort to maintain. "To answer with the most honesty I would have to say… that I do not have fully formed opinions on most of them.