
Chapter 1242 Second Jump: Nabras Featuring Willow

---- Nabras ----

Nabras looked over the edge. Gareth's jump hadn't made him any less nervous. The fact that he had to sprint off the damned platform to make it through the first ring? Yeah that wasn't helping matters. *Gareth is also a bastard that took his shoes back. He hadn't even put them back on!*

Nabras' internal monologue was correct that Gareth had taken his shoes back, but was assuming malicious intent where there wasn't any. Gareth had moved his shoes just in case someone tripped on them, and tried to get Gareth in trouble for leaving them there. Nothing was stopping Nabras from putting his own shoes there on the edge. He was too busy being annoyed with Gareth to think of that part though. Nobody else was looking to point it out to him either.