
D-day(20th July)

Sam finds someone else in his house with the same face as him leaving with his family, a doppelganger or someone else. Sam is a boy who is in the trap of time and wants to save his friend with his death, can he escape his destiny or save his friend? this is the story of Sam who goes far beyond anything for his friendship in a broken time a D-day.

Sib_wol_18 · 科幻
2 Chs

chapter 1: School ground

On school grounds, a night time, a boy opens his eyes with a headache with an unbearable pain gripping his head he tries to look around and finds himself in a familiar environment in front of him he finds a playing field with an old goalpost football and a two-story building which he knows because it was his school he looks up and sees a clear star in the sky with,

moving his gaze toward his wrist where his watch was he found that it was 9:00 pm gathering his strength he stood up.

"Oh...no I slept on the school grounds mom gonna kill me and what with this headache," said Sam and he ran in the direction of his home.

after Sam reaches his home his shirt is soaked in sweat and he collects his breath he is about to go inside his house when he hears his Mom's voice "Sam how many times have I told you to stop looking at your phone while eating food".

"Mom just 5min I am at the good part of the game" another voice which is eerie and similar to his voice. getting confused by the situation he goes around the backyard of his house and tries to sneak peek from the window.

seeing at the window he takes two steps backward and his whole body is shivering because, in front of him, there is a boy who is playing on his phone and age around 16-17 years old, with black hair and black eyes and fair skin. the boy looked familiar to Sam because it looked the same as him, from head to toe he looked carbon copy of himself in his home with his Mother, baffled by the situation he dashes outside his house in an unknown direction.

"Who is he, WHO IS HE..., why is he in my home, why does he look the same as me" Sam ran as fast he could run like a lunatic.

"This must be a nightmare...ya, ya it has to be a nightmare," Sam said in fear with a tear in his eyes, this whole situation was bizarre for Sam to conference what going on with an unknown fear started to grow in his heart.

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