

When Yu Qingwan returned to the hospital, Ling Xiao Yue was already awake. She raised her bandaged hands as though she was doing something.

"Sister Ling, what are you doing?" Yu Qingwan walked over and placed the items she had just bought on the table.

"I always felt something was wrong with my right hand." Ling Xiao Yue looked at her two hands. The movement of her left hand was very normal. Whether she tightened it or loosened it, it was very easy. However, her right hand was very sluggish. She could only move a little if she tried very hard.

"Maybe it's because your bag is too thick, and there's some anesthetic in it." Yu Qingwan casually explained. When Ling Xiao Yue heard that, she felt that it made sense. She put down her hand and picked up the fruit that Yu Qingwan had prepared for her and began to eat it with a fork.

"Sister Ling, I want to …" Yu Qingwan lowered her head and kept thinking about how to speak to Ling Xiaoyue.