
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

One: the beginning, the end, and the journey ahead. Unknown to those that view, yet seen by those that avoid. Two: anger, hatred, and wrath. The scarlet-bred prince seeks nothing but destruction, yet he is stuck waiting. Three: the young devouring god that hungers yet paradoxically can wait. Watching over everything with a gaze before sight, before smell, and even before time. All three have merged together into one being that has taken up the mantle to make things more challenging; after all, Eldritch Creatures Must Die... (A/N: This is a rewrite, so if you have seen or read this before, please do give it a read, a gander, and maybe a review. With my experience in already telling stories, I shall show you one that can become great.) ————————————————- Extra Tags: Monsterverse, R18(?), SCP

HopOffMe · 漫画同人
9 Chs

Auxiliary - Power Scaling (Important)

As many of you know, each verse has a different amount of dimensions, with the Cthulu Mythos having the most.


I've decided to equalize the dimensions so that you won't have to worry your heads about why the dimensions of characters keep changing.


It'll go from dimension one to dimension ten. Dimension one is a line, and dimension ten is boundless.


That being said, there will be the lowest, low, mid, high, and peak tiers for them. After all, every human is three-dimensional, but they aren't at the same level of strength.

To put it in perspective, Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth are automatically ten. Those two are full-blown boundless.


Sorry for you Yog-Sothoth lovers and glazers, but I'll be slightly nerfing him to somewhere where it makes sense. While he is everything, I won't let him be Azathoth.


He will still be boundless, but it doesn't make sense for him to be Azathoth. (This nerf has been terminated and no longer exists. I'm keeping this here to scare the glazers :D.)

Azathoth lovers and glazers, you are next. The Great Daemon Sultan sadly does not dream all of reality. He is kept asleep because when he isn't, he acts like a toddler. What do they do?


They love putting things in their mouths and chewing. Azathoth is full-blown mindless, and the only one who would be able to resist the Sultan's chewing would be Azaogdesz due to his being made from Azathoth's body.

As for the main character, Azaogdesz is made from Azathoth's body, which would make him automatically omnipresent.


He is a borderline copy in terms of looks to the Great Daemon Sultan, which is why he has that one title.


Due to being made from his body, he is technically "all-powerful" but fails the final check of being omniscient, which is why he is [The One Who Chases All-Sight].

Lastly, there are a few tiers I need to get through.


1. I may refer to the Old Ones as Demi-Demi-Gods. Just think of it as if they have 25% divinity in their bloodline and are weaker in blood than the other tiers. (They are still not to be trifled with by normal eldritch creatures.)


2. The Great Old Ones may be referred to as Demi-Gods. Think of it as if they had 50% divinity. These are some of the heavy hitters in the verse, but not the gods of the verse.



(Remember that dimensions cannot be raised. There is an infinite amount of distance between one dimension to another. The Scarlet King is infinite and more behind Azaogdesz.)

(1.D)The First Dimension

(2.D)The Second Dimension

(3.D)The Third Dimension:


(4.D)The Fourth Dimension

[Average Eldritch Creature] - Lowest to Mid

(5.D)The Fifth Dimension

[Cartoon Cat] - Mid

[Old Ones] - High

(6.D)The Sixth Dimension

[(Stronger) Old Ones] - Lowest

[Great Old Ones] - Mid to Peak

(7.D)The Seventh Dimension:

(8.D)The Eighth Dimension:

[The Scarlet King] - High

(9.D)The Ninth Dimension:

[Nyarlathotep] - Mid to High

[Azaogdesz] - Peak

(10.D)The Tenth Dimension(Boundless):



(Let me remind you that this is a scale of power with a bit of verse equalization. All of the gods in the last void can be considered part of the "same" dimensional tier, but in terms of power, I have put this list.


When I say something is in the fifth dimension level of power, I am referring to this list and not their actual dimensions. Someone like Cthulhu would be in the seventh dimension (in terms of abilities), but due to our equalization, he is in the sixth dimension of power.)