
The Sileena Ancient

For the next few days, the Elven troops scattered throughout the mountain range kept receiving news that their patrols had been attacked by demons.

At first, the Elves didn't care about it, after all, their whole territory was being invaded by demonic troops. Although they succeeded in destroying the demon Saeren and his troops, there were still two other superior demons like this, one was Ignatius, and the other one was Riska, and now the attention of the Elves was focused on these two demonic troops, especially Ignatius's troops. Ignatius' troops have too many high level demons, and the Elves and Ignatius' troops have been attacking each other in the past few days, and no one has been able to take advantage of them, so the Elves don't have any time to worry about them.

However, they still strengthened the defense, the patrol team used for investigation, from the original 20 people, up to 40 people, more is not possible, the elves do not have so many troops, these patrol team not only in the four places to detect intelligence, also will fight the attacker as the mission goal.

However, a strange thing happened, even after the defense was strengthened, there was still a situation where the patrols did not return.

A patrol of several hundred men, divided into more than ten groups, always had one or two teams that did not come back, and even the news did not come back. After a long time, the elves were finally alerted, and they thought that there might be another army of demons trying to break the encirclement circle, and support the demon army of Ignatius and Riska.

So the Elves had to send a hero to lead them, to try and find this army and then try to crush them.

The leader was a druid hero, but when he came out, he realized that the army had suddenly disappeared, and there was no sign of them at all.

Even after they found the locations of the missing patrols, they realized that the locations of the troops were one in the east and one in the west, with no pattern at all, making it impossible to deduce the enemy's actions by using the locations of the accidents.

Moreover, from the traces of fighting in the accident site to deduce, they seem to be a moment suddenly encountered an attack, very suddenly, the scene left behind the bodies of the soldiers, the situation is also very strange, their expression looks very frightened, and all the bones inch by inch fracture, almost has reached the degree of being crushed, a lot of corpses are already out of shape.

Even their weapons were in the same state, not to mention the wooden bows and arrows, even some of the mace weapons used by the dwarves were twisted into a twisted state.

It was impossible to imagine what had happened to the soldiers of the patrol, but what was certain was that the enemy was formidable!

The druid hero questioned the forest for guidance, but even the trees could not make sense of the enemy and could not point out their movements.

In the end, the Elves could not do anything else, but to shrink their forces and reduce the frequency of patrols, and even if they had no choice but to use intelligence, they combined the patrols, increased the number of patrols, and added high-ranking soldiers to them, including some Silver Pegasus Knights and Unicorns, who also joined the patrols.


In the sky, Roy saw the elf patrol on the ground from a high position, and after realizing that there were quite a number of high class soldiers, he couldn't help but sigh, and knew that his way of attacking the patrol to obtain souls was afraid to come to an end.

With Roy's current strength, those Silver Pegasus Knights and Unicorns, Roy is not afraid of them if they are alone, but if they are surrounded by dozens of Silver Pegasus Knights and Unicorns, Roy won't be able to get away with it. Although he has the Blink skill, Roy won't be able to be caught by them, but if he can't eliminate these patrols, then his situation of being alone is going to be known to the Elves, and they will remember him as a warrior who was killed in Saeren, and they will remember him. They will remember him as the devil who appeared on the battlefield where Saeren was killed, and they may send another dragon to fight against him.

Therefore, Roy could only give up hunting for the time being, however, he had attacked quite a few patrols during this period of time, and the number of souls he had gotten his hands on was quite a lot, so he guessed that there should be almost enough to make beacons.

And most importantly, he has developed one of the powers of the Dark Fruit, and this developed power is the Dark Cave Path!

The power of the Dark Fruit is spread out, releasing darkness to the surrounding ground, and all things in this area will be pulled into the darkness, and after being pulled in, the strong gravitational force inside the darkness will compress and crush people and objects, and if you don't have strong strength to resist this force, you will become like those elf patrol soldiers, and be squeezed to the point that your body is cut to pieces.

Roy used this method to conduct a surprise attack on the patrol, swooping down from the air, landing directly in the enemy's formation, and then immediately opened a dark tunnel, inhaling them, such a surprise attack, so that the patrol can not even release pigeons, and when the soldiers died, Roy released their bodies from the dark tunnel, and then left with their souls.

In this way, even the forest could not detect his movements. ...

After all, Roy is not together with the evil troops, facing a large number of enemies, he can only stop the action for the time being.

Therefore, Roy greeted the fat tiger, who also spread his wings and flew beside him, and led him to leave together.

With Fat Tiger in tow, Roy flew for a long distance before finding a place to land, which was still within the forest area, which was impossible, but fortunately, it was far away from the battlefield, so Roy thought it would be okay.

After stopping, Roy brought Fat Tiger to rest underneath a big tree that looks very thick, this tree looks very old, but it is still flourishing and green, I have to say, in the realm of the Elves, the protection of the plants is really in place.

After stopping, the fat tiger this guy again sublime run out to hunt wild boar, his recent favorite food, is the wild boar this kind of food, and in this forest when the wild boar and a lot of, so every time the fat tiger rarely have empty-handed return time.

Roy was leaning on the bottom of the tree, opening the system interface, ready to create a beacon.

He had hunted more than ten patrols, and the number of souls he had gotten his hands on was almost four hundred. According to Roy's projection, if this beacon did not have the ability to open up the transmission channel, and was only purely sending signals for Roy to remind him of his location, it should be enough.

But, what kind of beacon should it be made into?

Just when Roy hadn't made up his mind, he suddenly realized that the ground suddenly trembled!

At first, Roy thought it was an earthquake, but then he realized that the tremor was caused by the tree he was leaning against.

Roy immediately jumped up, turned around and prepared to fight, because he knew that the elves have the existence of the dead wood guards, any tree will become an enemy.

However, what Roy didn't expect was that this big tree that awakened, on its thick tree trunk, it slowly formed a human face, and with that wrinkled bark, it made this human face look especially old.

"Someone has come ... again," the ancient tree slowly looked at Roy and opened its mouth, "Oh, I didn't think it would be a demon ...."

Roy didn't say anything, but just looked at the ancient tree warily.

After the ancient tree said, silent for a period of time, and then opened his mouth: "Well, the devil does not matter, the inheritance of knowledge is great, there should not be racial distinction ... Then, the devil, you want to ask me what questions?

Looking at the ancient tree that face actually revealed a look of expectation, without the slightest intention to attack, Roy also could not help but relax, some curious asked: "Who are you? Or rather, what are you?"

"Me?" The ancient tree replied, "I don't know who I am ... I don't have a name, but I'm the Celina ancient tree! Don't you know that?"

"Sil... Sileena Tree!"? Roy also surprised, he also did not expect, actually will meet a Sileena tree here!

In the game, the Sileena Tree can allow the visiting hero to get upgraded, but here is obviously the real world, also do not know this Sileena Ancient in the end what is the role of the tree, so he asked: "You just seemed to say that I can ask you a question?"

"Yes, I am the Sileena Ancient, the longest-lived tree species, and the long years have taught me many things! The ancient tree said in a pale voice, "Every traveler who passes by likes to seek help from me, hoping to use my accumulated knowledge to help them answer the doubts in their hearts, and in return, they will also talk to me about some of the things they have seen and heard on their journeys, so that I can absorb fresh knowledge ... Well, in fact, in the course of my long years of life, I have met other demons just like you, and I have also met some other demons just like you, and I'm sure that you have met them. In fact, during my long life, I have also met other demons just like you, and they have also talked to me about the world they live in, the Abyss! I'm also curious about your world. ..."

"Can you ask me anything?" Roy asked.

"Yes, I'll tell you everything I know." I just hope you won't be like the demons I've met before, who always tried to kill me after asking me questions ...

"But you're still around, so that means the demons didn't get away with it, right?" said Roy. Roy said.

"Of course, knowledge is power!" The ancient tree of Celina said in a proud tone: "Those stupid demons, they don't seem to know that."

Although he was taunted by the Sileena Tree's map cannon, Roy didn't take it to heart, as long as he knew that the Tree seemed to be very powerful, that was enough.

"Come on, ask me a question!" The Ancient Tree of Celina said expectantly, "Likewise, I'm looking forward to what you'll see on your journey."

What should I ask? Roy thought to himself, and at the same time, a thought came to him.

Perhaps, this Ancient Sileena Tree can be utilized by himself. ...