
Cursed Tongue: A Marvel Rebirth

A guy meets an unfortunate incident and reincarnates in Marvel universe....he notices himself- White hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Getting excited he shouts "Finally!!!! I am INFINI-!!! WAIT WHAT". Only to observe a different phenomenon happening. ....After sometime getting fact checked he realizes he has the powers of cursed speech! getting a bit sad he decides to move forward with his own powers and create his own legacy like honoured one!! "In a world bound by silence and noise, I am the voice that commands all." Hello everyone, first of all as u know i don't own marvel or jjk except the mc. It's my first time writing something, I have been thinking like why no one used this concept like this so i decided to do it myself Upload speed- 1ch/day

leo_adritz · 漫画同人
27 Chs

Dark Resolve

Aaron's body trembled with exhaustion, but he refused to let it show. His mind swirled with the reality of his limitations, yet something else lingered—an unyielding resolve, a trait he had developed to survive the hardest of times. He looked down at the men, his gaze growing colder.

'They're no threat now,' he thought, his lips curling into a small, twisted smile. 'And I'm not going to run. This place… it's as good as any to catch my breath. They won't wake up for a while, and if they do… well, I can deal with that.'

Aaron walked over to a corner of the room, away from the debris and the men, and sat down, leaning his back against the cold, cracked wall. His body ached, every muscle crying out for rest, but he pushed the pain aside. 'I need to recharge,' he told himself, closing his eyes. 'Just 30 minutes… that's all I need. Then I'll be ready for whatever comes next.'

As he settled into a meditative state, focusing on his breathing and the flow of cursed energy within him, his thoughts grew darker. 'I'm not going to let them chase me away. This is my space now, and anyone who comes after me will regret it.'

Time passed slowly as Aaron rested, his mind quieting as he regained some of his strength. The fatigue began to lift, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose. He wasn't just some kid with new powers—he was something more, and he was determined to figure out exactly what that meant.

After 30 minutes, Aaron opened his eyes, feeling the energy returning to his limbs. He stood up slowly, stretching to shake off the last remnants of fatigue. His gaze swept over the room once more, taking in the sight of the three men lying helpless on the floor.

'I could finish them,' he thought briefly, the idea tempting in its simplicity. But he dismissed it just as quickly. 'Not yet… not now. They're not worth the energy.'

With a deep breath, Aaron walked back to the center of the room, standing tall and ready. He had made his decision—he wasn't going to run anymore. This was just the beginning, and he was going to take control of his own destiny, no matter what it took.

Aaron stood in the center of the room, the remnants of his exhaustion giving way to a growing curiosity. His mind, now clearer and more focused, turned back to his powers and the potential they held. 'I need to test this further,' he thought, a spark of determination lighting up his eyes. 'I need to understand if it's the exact words that matter, or if it's just the intention behind them.'

He glanced around the room, considering the men lying incapacitated on the floor. 'I've seen how effective simple commands can be,' he reflected. 'But can I achieve the same results with fewer words, or even without speaking at all?'

Aaron took a deep breath, centering himself. 'Let's start with something basic,' he decided. 'I'll test if the intention behind my commands alone is enough.'

He focused on the man with the scar, who was still unconscious. 'Sleep,' he had commanded earlier, but now he wanted to see if he could alter his state with just his thoughts.

Closing his eyes, Aaron visualized the effect he wanted—forcing the man to remain asleep. He concentrated deeply, willing the man to stay in his current state, focusing solely on the intent rather than the words. He felt the familiar surge of cursed energy within him, but this time he directed it purely through his intention.

Opening his eyes, he observed the man closely. The man remained motionless, undisturbed by Aaron's silent command.

'So far, so good,' Aaron mused, noting the lack of change. 'But it seems intention alone isn't enough. The words are essential for my commands to work effectively.'

He decided to test this further. Aaron shifted his focus to the paralyzed man with the cigarette. He concentrated on visualizing the effect of maintaining his paralysis but without speaking. The man remained completely still, showing no sign of change.

Aaron's brow furrowed in concentration. 'Intention alone doesn't work. I need to use the words to maintain the effects.'

He took a deep breath and spoke aloud. "Paralyze," he commanded once more, directing his cursed energy to maintain the effect. The man remained locked in place, confirming that the words were indeed necessary to enforce his commands.

Aaron sighed, realizing the limitation. 'So it's clear that verbal commands are crucial. My intention alone isn't enough to control the effects. I need to use the words to ensure my power is fully realized.'

With this understanding, Aaron stood up, a mix of determination and frustration on his face. 'I've learned something important today,' he thought. 'I need to rely on my words to harness my power effectively. But with practice, I'll be able to use them more efficiently.'

He took another deep breath, ready to continue his exploration of these newfound abilities, now more aware of the balance between intention and articulation in mastering his powers.

Aaron approached the man who had been paralyzed, a thoughtful expression on his face. The air around him seemed to grow colder as he moved closer, his footsteps echoing ominously in the silence. The men lying on the floor, still conscious but powerless, watched him with a mix of fear and desperation.

The paralyzed man's eyes darted nervously, tracking Aaron's every movement. The fear was palpable, their earlier bravado replaced by a gnawing dread. Aaron's dark resolve was evident in his stride, and the men could sense the gravity of the situation deepening.

Aaron focused his energy on the man, his eyes narrowing with concentration. "Speak," he commanded aloud, but with a twist in his intention. He wanted to see if he could influence what the man was allowed to say, making it so he could move his mouth but only say what Aaron permitted.

The man's lips twitched, and he began to form words, but no sound came out. Aaron watched closely, a small smile playing on his lips. The man's mouth moved, yet nothing was spoken. The effect was clear: while the man could physically move his mouth, his speech was completely controlled by Aaron's command.

A shiver ran down the man's spine, his face growing paler as he realized his helplessness. His eyes widened in terror, the grim reality of Aaron's power sinking in. The man struggled to speak, his movements becoming more frantic, but his efforts were in vain.

Aaron's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "So, even though words are necessary, it's the intention behind them that allows for variations," he mused. "I can make someone speak freely or restrict their speech based on what I want."

He shifted his focus slightly, thinking of another possible application. "Speak only what I want," he said aloud, adjusting the intention in his mind. The man's lips parted, and he began to form words, but they were only the phrases Aaron had in mind.

The man's fear intensified, his body trembling as he struggled to utter anything outside of the predetermined phrases. His wide, panicked eyes flicked between Aaron and his incapacitated companions, the weight of his realization growing heavier with each passing moment.

"Good," Aaron said softly, watching as the man tried desperately to speak, his words restricted to what Aaron allowed. "This confirms that with precise intention, I can control the scope of what is allowed."

The dread in the room was almost tangible, the men's fear feeding off the control Aaron wielded. They knew that with each command, their situation grew more hopeless, their ability to resist or escape dwindling.

Aaron stepped back, considering the implications. The words were vital, but with careful phrasing and intent, he could create nuanced variations of his commands. He could grant or restrict freedom of speech, manipulate the extent of control, and adapt his powers to fit different situations.

Aaron took a deep breath, his confidence growing. "Words are my tools," he reflected. "But it's the intent behind them that shapes their impact. This is just the beginning of what I can achieve."

With a renewed sense of purpose and the echo of the men's dread still in his mind, Aaron prepared to move on, ready to explore further the limits of his abilities and how best to use them in the future.

Aaron stood in the center of the room, his earlier curiosity replaced by a focused determination. He had confirmed that words were crucial for his commands, but the intention behind them could create variations. Now, he pondered if cursed energy was necessary to compel truthful responses.

He approached the paralyzed man again, considering his next move. Without needing to vocalize his thoughts, Aaron mentally affirmed that cursed energy wasn't required for extracting information. This realization settled in his mind as he prepared to question the man.

With a steady and calm voice, Aaron asked, "What's your name?"

The man, despite being paralyzed, responded truthfully, though his voice trembled. "M-my name is Carlos."

Aaron's expression grew colder as he absorbed the information. He mentally confirmed his assumption: cursed energy wasn't needed to ensure the man's compliance with his commands.

Aaron then decided to test further. "Who are you, and what have you done?" he inquired, his tone unchanging.

Carlos's face, already etched with fear, reflected his desperation. He fought against his will to keep the answers hidden, but his resistance faltered. His voice stuttered as he spoke, each word slipping out despite his struggle. "I-I'm a member of one of the Mexican gangs from H-Hell's Kitchen. I've been involved in drug trafficking, h-human trafficking, and even organ trading."

Aaron's face grew colder and darker with each revelation. The grim details of Carlos's crimes were unsettling but only steeled his resolve. Standing tall, his expression a mask of chilling detachment, Aaron turned to face Carlos fully.

Without a hint of emotion, Aaron delivered his final question. "So, no one is going to remember you if you disappear, right? Right?"

The question hung in the air, the silence that followed thick with the weight of Aaron's cold resolve. The dread in the room was palpable, the men's fear feeding off the control Aaron wielded. They knew that with each command, their situation grew more hopeless, their ability to resist or escape dwindling.

Aaron took a deep breath, his confidence growing. "Words are my tools," he reflected. "But it's the intent behind them that shapes their impact. This is just the beginning of what I can achieve."

Hey guys as u can see i have gone for this style of approach, let me know if u like it or not but this is all based on his past tendencies so don't think it came abruptly

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

leo_adritzcreators' thoughts