
Cursed Fate: Gate to hell (Download the new version)

Welcome to “Cursed Fate: Gate to hell” A mysterious book, An extraordinary book from the future, is controlling two people's fate in the present world. Kindly download and read the Novel! Don't forget to leave a review. Follow me on Instagram: @doriswrites.s or @doris_writes

Doriswrites_s · 奇幻
18 Chs

Chapter Twelve; I want your daughter

Sitting opposite each other, King herald could feel the fire burning within him about to detonate. The man staring at him with those awkward ugly eyes, he could feel his body separating. He began to wonder what exactly this man would ask from him in return after winning the war. Being a powerful man, nothing in his kingdom was enticing, but studying King Blagden, he was definitely eyeing something which he doesn't know about.

On the other hand, King Blagden was enjoying King Herald's uneasiness. Within him, he knew that he would be thinking about what he was going to ask in return, but his thoughts are far beyond what he wants. A life for life.

"You are sweating, King Herald" Finally, he broke the silence that reigned between them. Upon hearing those words, King Herald breathed out as he sat upright. He had actually been waiting for him to say something.

Being a king, he wasn't supposed to be scared or treated like a tool before any king, but this man, he was something someone can't comprehend with. He had this danger signs written all over him despite his annoying smell and smiles.

"Please, go straight to the point" King Herald sounded firm. Sweating was something he wanted to know about or hear. What he wanted to know is what exactly he wanted.

"You seem eager, King Herald. Well, I will let you know what I want" He chuckled looking around the magnificent palace.

Casting his eyes on every gold displayed in the sitting room, a slight chuckle escapes from his lip, which made King Herald more confused. Was gold is problem? Is he lacking in money?

"Look, King Blagden. If you want my golds, I'm willing to give it all to you. Just mention what you want, and I'll give you.' King Herald sounded firm and sure as ever. Even his eyes twinkled bright lights than it ever did. Seeing this courageous and willing act, King Blagden gave a sly smile.

"Anything?" King Blagden asked doubting if he was willing to give him anything he wants.

"Anything!" He said.

"Well, nothing is alluring in this kingdom except from one precious gemstone" He started.

"What's that?" Eager to know what he wants, he immediately asked. Seeing his eagerness and responsiveness to his demand, King Blagden decided to spill it out.

"I want your daughter!" His croaky voice sounded like a thunderstorm in King Herald's ear. His daughter? Out of all things he could ask for why his daughter?

"Look, King Blagden! That's a bit off. Why would you want my daughter?" He asked, looking dense and unhappy by his request.

"You said I can request for anything! And besides, I want to get married." Although, King Blagden knew that trading for one of his daughters wouldn't be easy, but behind all this, he had his plan. A plan he willing to protect until he achieves his main goal.

"Don't tell me is Luciana" King Herald sounded like a teary father about to cry. If it were to be Lucinda, he would instantly give her to him even with many gifts, but not Luciana. The girl meant the world to him.

"Save your tears, old man. It's Lucinda I want!" King Blagden was disgusted with the thought of having Luciana on his bed. Mere looking at her, he felt like burning her into ashes.

"Lucinda!! Really? When are you taking? I will get everything prepared!! Yes!!" The situation git another turn. The man who was almost crying turned into the happiest man alive. With the way he jumped with happiness and wonder, King Blagden now realized the torture and hatred that she must have gone through in this palace.

Wickedness and hatred doesn't only happen in the demon world, it was far more crazy in the human world.