
Cursed and Blessed In a DC Universe.

He couldn't win in life.Every time he found happiness it was simply torn away. Nothing went right .Betrayal sorrow and debt were all the had. He was destined to die miserable.And when he opened his eyes 3 demons stood before him . What will they offer ? What will he give? And why are they so clingy???? Authors Note. I own none of this it is all a fan fiction and as such don't expect cannon stuff or proper timeline & placement because kids multi verse theory. There will be comedy harem ,violence ,sex,****,and gore. Also the mc will be Strong but not OP.Anyone who dislike harsh reality situations or seeing there favorite hero's corrupted don't read.This is my first time writing so I will accept help from helpfull criticism but if you don't like it vote it down and leave cause I don't care about your negativity.Also cover is temporary I do not own it.

Vindrathix · 漫画同人
10 Chs

3 Years Later(11yo)

Authors warnings if you haven't read them till now enjoy the eye rot.


{Daemon's POV}

It has been three years since that day we left Gotham. We now live in a large condo near Hob River with a view of the Mortimer Bridge. A lot has happened and life has changed. After the most confusing train ride that took another hour after I woke up, we arrived and checked into a nice hotel that night, for a week. At first my sister wanted to share a room with me but Mio insisted that me and her had a room while Circe and Cereia shared another.

My sister did not take it well. After about an hour of bickering about the room arrangment, my sister finally relented after Circe whispered something in her ear causing my sister to go a little wide eyed. They quickly whispered at each other before finally my sister gave up. Mio then took me to the other room and had me sit down for a bit. She didn't talk very much but eventually she went to shower. I went to watch TV while she did when suddenly Nero and Xaviera started talking to me. I then found out what had happened after I passed out.

I was shocked when I heard about what had happened and what my sister had done. At first it scared me, but after I calmed down to think about it I realized she had been right to do what she did. I remembered many times in books, TV, manga, and even real life reading and seeing revenge stories. Stories about the last survivor of a family or massacre who swears vengeance or something and kill heroes or their friends or hell even team up with the hero to kill a villain who was "unstoppable". I had to agree destroying potential problems was for the best. When I asked why they waited to tell me well....

(Would you want to hear about how the person embracing you just massacred a lot of people?)

Yeah I understood what they mean. But I decided then and there I needed to become stronger and no matter what my sister does I will never abandon her. Even if she becomes a super villain I will love her as my sister.

I had then asked about Mio and Circe as well, but they had told me that they had met outside the brothel and had decided to adopt us after talking to my sister.

I couldn't help but feel that Circe seemed familiar but I eventually gave up trying to figure it out.

After three days of sleeping and bathing by myself my sister broke. She snuck into the room while we all slept and was about to get into bed with me but Mio had stopped her before she could. She then complained about a sister's rights and several other things before Circe came in.

After which a lot of bargaining began. As the item being bargained over I tried to give my opinions only to be shot down by all three instantly. In the end the remaining days were spent on rotation and suddenly I had lost my right to bathe alone. I don't even know how it happened but they had somehow decided that each of them would take a bath with me in rotation. How the hell did that happen???

My sister gained the first bath time. Her eyes were scary when she came in and started bathing me. I kept asking to bathe myself only to have her smile at me without smiling and scare the crap out of me.

Circe was next and she was the most shameless. She had walked in completely naked in front of me without even a towel showing off her voluptuous breast and body. I had quickly turned around and tried to escape only to be dragged in by her. She had thankfully let me wash my own body but as I had finished she had pulled me into the bath with her pressing her breast against the back of my head and wrapping her arms around me. When I asked her why she wasn't embarrassed, she had said we would be family from now on and that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. She had then teased me by pulling me closer. She soaked with me for awhile while occasionally teasing me and talking about getting a place with a huge bathroom.

Finally it was Mio's turn, out of all of them I thought she would be the most conservative. As I went to take a bath she had immediately followed me in and started to strip me, but when I told her I could do it myself she had actually listened and stopped. She began stripping herself exposing the fact that she still did not wear a bra and had no tan lines. Afterwards I entered the bath and started washing but soon I had the soap taken from me and was told I had missed several spots, causing me to be washed by her head to toe. She had then told me to rinse and proceeded to bathe herself, during this time I noticed quite a few faint scars on her body from what looked to be knives or something sharp. She soon noticed me staring at her and smiled asking if I wanted to wash her as well which I quickly denied, however she said it was only fair and after a bit I agreed to wash her back. I was unsure about it the whole time, but at least I didn't have to worry about where to put my eyes.

Honestly even in my last life I had never been around women much and definitely never bathed with one. Thinking about it I died a virgin, kind of makes me wanna cry.

Chela had often poked fun at me about it constantly offering to help me cash in my v-card. I had always said no as I had once seen her sex dungeon that she called a bedroom.

Finally after the bathes we had eaten while Circe went and arranged something. Those first few meals were great, there was no rush back home and I got to eat my fill three times a day. Circe had commented on how she would make me proper meals after we found a place to live. Then we all went to bed in a different room, with one king size bed. I had begged with tears to sleep on the rooms couch or chair only to be denied. I was in my sleepwear that Mio had bought me and I expected the same from the other three. My sister wore a long night dress, Mio simply wore panties saying she couldn't sleep with anything pressing on her chest. Circe wore nothing at first ,but after the other two denied her she relented on wearing a thong.

I was tossed in center of bed with my sister quickly taking one side and Mio the other. Circe had layer next to Cereia hugging her from behind. The twins laughed heartily at me as over the course of the night I had tried to wiggle out of the bed only to be stopped by Mio or Cereia.

And thus our first week together passed.

Afterwards we all went house hunting finally settling on a large four bedroom condo. The only reason I think we got it was the large Japanese style bath that could fit multiple people.

It did have a great view of the river, so it wasn't too bad. I had thought I would get a room to myself as there was enough bedrooms and I did. I was for some reason given the largest room while Mio had taken the smallest. Circe and Cereia had each taken a room about the same size.

We then went and shopped for furniture and various things we needed. As we went through the furniture store I was told to pick whatever I wanted by Circe. At first I hesitated and Circe quickly noticed and asked me why. I had told her I didn't need much and I didn't wanna waste the money. She had laughed at me and hugged me saying that money was not a big deal for her.

After that I had grabbed a desk, a TV, and a lot of bookshelves. They had all picked out various furniture for their own rooms and all that was left was beds.

I had been happy that I was going to get my own bed wanting a simple twin in a wooden frame. My dream was dashed as all the girls denied me and had each gotten a full size bed and a frame they liked. I had thought I was going to get the same when my sister pointed at a king size saying that was going to be mine. I wanted to cry again, I felt I was never going to be able to sleep by myself.

After all that we went and grabbed clothes and various other items needed. I also got a lot of books and a small computer that my sister pushed on me. After we went home we found the furniture was being delivered and then set to arranging it. Circe didn't move much but told me and Mio were to put things instead. After that was done Circe went to the kitchen and cooked a surprisingly large meal. She called the two main dishes she served Souvlaki, which was grilled meat skewers covered in some sort of sauce and on the side was Dolmades, which was some sort of leaf wrapped around rice. Both were good and after that she cooked large meals every day for us. I later found out that all the food she seemed to cook was Greek.

As we sat their and ate I brought up something that made all three stop eating.

" I would like to learn martial arts." I said suddenly.

This cause the three of them to stop and stare at me before my sister responded.

"No, you may get hurt and I won't let that happen." she said to me leaving no room for argument with her tone.

However I refused to back down.

"I want to learn so I don't get hurt again, or worse see those I love get hurt." I spoke louder this time with conviction.

My sister seemed to bristle at this before she was cut off by Circe.

"So, what do you want to become a hero saving everyone?" Circe asked me

I shook my head and answered " No, hero's are idiots in my opinion. They always give all they can to receive nothing in return. On top of that they are unable to live any kind of normal life with others as they will always prioritize the needs of the many strangers over their own families. I just want to protect myself and those I love by any means necessary."

Circe looked at me and started laughing while my sister was once again about to say something but was cut of again.

"You cannot learn yet your body is weak and malnourished. Wait a few years and then we will let you learn. Until then you will be enrolled in school to focus on your studies. Do well in those and we will talk about this again later." Mio said while having a weird expression on her face.

"He doesn't need to learn them." My sister then said but nobody responded causing her to sit there angrily staring at Mio.

After that I was enrolled in school and did very well thanks to my old knowledge and Xaviera and Nero.

I always purposely failed just enough test and papers not to stand out however as I wanted to keep a low profile. I didn't make many friends still as I really couldn't connect with the other kids my age.

And so time passed.

Today is my eleventh birthday and also the end of summer holidays. Tomorrow I start middle school. I have grown a lot in three years with my body no longer abnormally skinny. I am now just over five feet tall making me taller than most of the other kids. My hair is shoulder length still as none of the women in the house will let me cut it.

I was taken out of the house by Mio while Circe and Cereia got everything ready for my birthday. After awhile of browsing storefronts and such we went back home. When we got there I was greeted by my sister and Circe with a large cake and several wrapped gifts. They had done this every year since I was nine, but I always enjoyed it as it was warm and comfortable.

After the traditional birthday song and everything was don't I steeled my courage and brought up a request.

"I wanna learn martial arts. Also I wanna sleep and bathe alone." I said causing everyone to stop and look at me.

Finally Mio spoke up first , "Alright I will teach you how to fight starting this weekend."

I was happy I was finally going to learn to fight properly. However the next sentence brought me back down to earth.

"But we refuse the other request." Circe said plainly getting a nod of agreement from my sister.

"But I am eleven now, I am too old to still bathe with all of you. Also I am a man you know, all of you are grown women." I argued with them.

I mean even my sister is eighteen as well. She is in her last year of high school and has developed into a young woman. She now has ample breast and well defined curves and her face has lost its last childishness. She also had taken to sleeping like the other two and that had caused me more and more problems.

"Oh so your a man now? Then should we see just how "manly" you are?" Circe said with a wicked grin that sent shivers down my spine. I looked towards my sister expecting her to defend me against Circe, but instead I saw her staring at me with a predatory gaze that gave me a cold sweat.

"Well?" Circe said looking at me for an answer.

"Ummm well no what I mean is the beds really small for all of us." I said tried to change the focus of the conversation.

Circe smiled and my sister looked disappointed for some reason.

"Oh well if that's the problem, I will take care of it by tomorrow." She said smiling broadly.

I just nodded my head and let it go.

(Told you, you wouldn't win that part) Nero said laughing, and Xaviera was laughing so hard I swore she would have passed out from lack of oxygen if she had a physical body.

[Ahhhh, why can't I just sleep and bathe alone]I replied in exasperation earning another bout of laughter from the two of them.

The next day I started my new school year, I was officially in middle school starting today. My sister had to go to high school however Circe and Mio accompanied me to the school and earned a lot of lustful gazes from the male staff and older boys.

Circe was wearing a red knee length skirt with a matching blouse that clung to her figure. She had her hair in a pony tail and kept giving the boys winks that sent them scurrying to the bathroom.

Mio was dressed in her usual tight jeans and skin tight black top which was once again showing her no bra policy very clearly earning her more lustful gazes. However she met this gazes with a wicked glint in her eye that quickly dispelled the thoughts of the males who made eye contact with her.

After all the formalities were taken care of I went off to my class. Inside the class I found everyone standing around while a short Asian lady was saying to line up near the desk while she assigned seating. I was eventually seated in the second row from the windows all the way in the back. In front of me was a beefy boy who screamed the part of school bully ,and on each side of me were girls .

"Hello, I am Claire Connor. Nice to meet you." The blonde girl on my left said to me in a chipper voice. She had blue eyes and wore a denim skirt with a white top.

"Hello, I am Daemon Moreau. Nice to meet you as well." I replied to her .

"Cool by the way the girl on your other side is Rachel Roth." She said pointing at the girl on my right.

I turned and looked at the girl with dark purple hair and a red gem on her forehead. She was wearing a simple black pants and a black top.

"She is a bit shy I think." Claire said from behind me. I stared at the girl for a second before I reached out my hand.

" Hello, I am Daemon Moreau." I said to her. She at first just stared at me before hesitantly reaching out her hand to mine.

"Rachel." She said simply taking my hand, but as soon as she did her eyes went wide in shock as her hand tightened around mine. She just stared at me while not letting go until the teacher told us all to take our seats, snapping her out of whatever daze she had been in. After she let go we all sat down and class began without to much fanfare. However Rachel kept stealing glances at me throughout the lesson.

(Maybe she has a crush on you.)Nero teases as the lessons dragged on.

[No I don't think so, besides we are kids and she just met me.] I denied her.

The lesson came to an end and as I got up to leave Claire came over and started talking to me. It was mostly just pointless chitchat and questions about where I lived and what I liked. I answered them all honestly, however I noticed Rachel right beside us the whole time.

So I tried asking her questions as well. However she wasn't very talkative or even emotional. She gave short simple answers in a mostly monotone voice.

I finally arrived at my next class and sat down only to find myself once again in between Rachel and Claire again.

It turned out I shared four classes with both of them, and all classes with Rachel.

Like that the day passed and school was over. As I left through the front gate I was a little happy as it seemed I had made a couple of friends. Rachel was a little weird but she was there all day and had even asked me a few questions, the three of us had even eaten lunch together.

Mio was waiting for me at the gate and we walked home together with me telling her about the day. What made me feel awkward was her reaction to me saying I made friends.

"Are they girls or boys?" She had asked when I told her I made two friends.

"Girls." I had responded

She shook her head and then turned to me saying, "Good luck with Cereia."

I was confused at the comment as I thought my sister would be happy for me finally having friends.

We made it home to find Circe and my sister laying out plates for dinner. I was told to go do my homework and that dinner would be ready in an hour.

I quickly finished my homework and began browsing the internet for information about several people but I couldn't find them. I was wondering why I had yet to see news stories on several hero's or villains, but it had been years and I could only assume that this was a different DC timeline from what I knew.

Finally I was called for dinner which was another large meal. As we sat there Circe asked me how school went ,and I told them the same thing I had told Mio.


"Are they boys or girls?" My sister had asked as soon as I was done.

"Girls." I responded and immediately regretted it.

Cereia looked at me with a predatory gaze again and then asked me, "So they are your girlfriend's?"

I felt that the wrong answer here would lead to a traumatic experience so I carefully worded my response.

"They are friends who just happen to be girls." I said a little shakily.

"Ohhh?" She responded and was about to say more when Circe saved me.

"Calm down Cereia he is still only eleven he won't have a girlfriend after one day at school, nor can he do what you are imaging. So let it go you know the rules." she said matter of fact.

My sister immediately calmed down and seemed to think about it for a second before turning back to me.

"I want to meet them in the future." She told me. All I could do was nod while thinking she was still a bit overprotective me.

And like that the day came to an end. The rest of the week went off without a hitch with me enjoying the fun of finally having friends. However Rachel had developed a weird habit of grabbing my hand out of nowhere and suddenly having a relaxed look on her face. Claire had watched this and giggled a bit, I had asked Rachel why she kept doing this but she just brushed the question off leaving me confused.

Finally the weekend came and it was time for my training with Mio. At first I thought it would be simple but all of those thoughts were dashed away as I entered her room.

Mio's room was extremely simple with very few decorations. She had a couple of nick knacks on shelves and some items I had gifted her over last three years. She also had a lot of weapons hanging on the wall with the floor being covered in tatami mats with no obstruction.

Mio stood in the center of the room wearing a tight top and skin tight pants I had never seen before all black.

"Strip down to your underwear." She said as I walked in and closed the door.

I was about to ask why when a wooden sword whacked me hard on my side causing me to stumble and yelp a bit at the pain.

"Don't ask questions just do it." She said in a commanding tone leaving no room for argument. I quickly did as she said and was soon standing there in nothing but my boxers.

"You wanted to learn martial arts but I will not teach you something so simple. Instead I will teach you not just how to use your body but how to make anything around you a weapon. I will also teach you how to use every weapon in this room." She said pointing at the wall.

I gulped as I could feel this would be tough and painful.

(Good luck) Xaviera and Nero said together.

And so my training began with a lot of pain.


{Third Person POV}

While Daemon was getting knocked around in Mio's room. Inside of Circe's room, Circe laid stretched across a bed in a robe left hanging open. To her side was a table with a cage on top she was currently staring at.

"You're too overprotective of him. Even though you are strong he wants this and you are not even taking into account the boy's own hidden power." She said towards the cage.

As if in response a string of angry squeaks came from a small brown hamster inside the cage. The hamster kept attacking and biting at the cage to no avail.

"Don't get so angry at me this will be good for him just like those friends of his. We were all worried about his antisocial behavior after all." She said towards the hamster.

This seemed to calm the hamster a bit but was still met with angry squeaks.

"Hmmmm well I can't do this every time he has to train you know. Mio wants to train him daily so me and her came up with a deal for you." Circe said to the hamster.

The hamster went silent as it heard those words and it sat there listening.

"We will lower the age down to sixteen if you don't interfere with his training, that's two years sooner than before. At that time we won't stop you from going fully after him anymore." Circe said to the hamster.

In response the hamster seemed to shiver in excitement before nodding it's head up and down and then laying down. Circe smiles at this before rolling over and staring up at the ceiling.

"But he is so cute that I can't say I won't go after him myself." She smiled and said to herself quietly.

"Ahh, this really has been so interesting and fun."

Ok so early chapter a little lighter than previous btw thank both chichums and hurricane laura. hope you guys enjoy.

Vindrathixcreators' thoughts