
Curse Of Asdruzon System

A hand I can't run from, voice that tell me what to do,but i don't want to. Is it a curse?, why?, whom? A game you only survive or die

Empty_Pen · 奇幻
4 Chs


The body of the monster start to lit like last time, the light was so bright i couldn't open my eyes.

Then the body surround by light

and flow in air and turn to big human like cropse ,dropped on the ground.

system"curse absorbed by the dagger, the dagger seal broken 10%"

I tried to use necromancy, but system "this target can't be summoned by necromancy''.

There is only one skill left" Demonization''.

I tried using it on the cropse, it did work, a red aura surround him,then he waked up, system" the target succesfuly turn Into demon".

Then he stand and moved to me,then he bowed.

Then my eye felt like it was burning but i couldn't close it, then Eye of domination activated, Then i could see status of  the demon and options like domination and other thing.

I could see the demon status


Level :15

Type : crimson eyed demon

Job: death knight

Skills: domination A - necromancy C - swordsmanship B - demonization B

System"high Level  summoned being detected, Do you want to give him a name?"

So,I have to name him, what should I name him, I always being bad with names.

Let's just see what he got maybe I could name him afterward, he got crimson eyes, black ashy skin and burly body.

Should I name him bear, crimson,....,what should I name him, that when I heared whisper in my head araval the crimson eyed knight.


System "name selected complete".

Whisper "you can't change your fate"

Who said that "show yourself".

"Not now but in time".

Anyway, I have to get out of this place, but I can't take Araval with me with his look.

I need to hide him with anything to look like a player, and for my luck I found and old metal armor it looked rusty, but it could work, as all players have rusty equipment at first.

When he wore the worn out  armor, a black mist surrounded him and after that he was wearing full black armor with crimson sparkel.

So, if I weared an armor would it happen to me?

I searched for armor but no armor was on my size expect one of the two people I killed earlier.

I was so exited to see what my armor would look like,When the black mist approached me the dagger start to let and kept absorbing the mist, it was too powerful I couldn't stop it.

When it finished, system"seal broken 20%"

Seal broken, again ?..... So this power have something to do with this dagger.

I went out with my new set of armor،,  it was worn out but still do.

Finally sun light, I will go back to the safe zone, I think the people should be there.

I got back to the zone, there was no one, I looked around the zone, there was odd path in the forest.

I took closer look,"Human made" I took the path until I reached the board of the village.

I saw on the enterance of village some knights, priests and even a saint.

I don't know if I can go with araval there,while I was thinking.

There were two people, one of whom was a 12-year-old boy covered in himself with a cloak and another older who could be an adventurer.

They were trying to enter the village, but the saint stopped them and said, "This child is a demon, and he cannot enter."

The adventurer said to her, "But he is just a child, and if he does not enter, he will be killed in the forest."

She told him it doesn't matter, he is a devil and he will become our enemy in the future, so if he dies now, many people can be saved from him before he becomes big.

And you must purify yourself before you enter because the devils are known for delusions and deceit.

''But he's just a c...h... hi..ld''

"This is not debatable."

At least give me medicine for this child.

And the child removed his cloak to reveal scratches from a monster and burns on his face and body.

Then the knights were taking out the sword, he stopped them and said okay we will go.

When they were going on their way, the Saint pointed at the knights and in an instant, the man dropped on the ground.

The child with fear in his eye with tears try to wake up the man ,the man stand up and took his sword out, then tried to reach for the boy and told him to run fast and don,t look back

The child ran fast Into the woods towards our direction.

Then the knight approached the man with illuminating eyes with the intention of killing, then he killed the man by cutting his head off .

The child ran what lead him to my direction then he looked terrified from my thinking I am on of them, he drooped on the ground and backed away, but he saw Araval he got calm, then he fell unconscious.

I made Araval took the boy and ran away, until I summon him back.

Then I took other path towards the village away from the knights direction ,the last thing I need right now is misunderstanding.