
Cultivator that came back to his homeland.

Random_Stuff1 · 奇幻
11 Chs

Chapter 2

I got out of the hospital a week after. I took potions for a week resulting for my injuries to heal faster. I could've walk in a day if I drank the purest potion. But my mom can only buy the cheap ones. I had to endure the pain.

The savings of my mom decreased a lot. The money for my disease also has been used. I need to cure my body and earn money for the two of us. I could start by selling the recipe for the cure of the corrosion disease. Due to being a cripple, I can't, myself create the medicine. And if I will sell it, I need to prove its effectiveness. I can use myself to prove it. And I need a specialist that can create the medicine.

The safest way to do it is to go to the alchemy association. They can make it as long as I give them the formula. But they will definitely not let me enter and will not believe me if I told them that I have the cure. I should use a bait.

I could use the antidote for the twin-head snake poison. It is known as one of the deadliest poison. But it's effectiveness is quite long in time to finally kill a person. It is known to kill a person within 3 hours. Even strong cultivators can't purify it. The purification medicine that I know is the only cure for this. I will give it to the association so that they can acknowledge me and hear for what I have to say.

I went to the alchemy association. I was stopped by the guards.

""Stop. Only members of the association is allowed here.""

"I have something to give to the head of the organization. Can you inform them?"

""What is it? I will give it for you.""

"Ah. Here, give it to them and let them verify it. It is a cure for the twin-head snake. I can wait here."

He took the vial and went inside. After a moment, he came back with a man beside him. It looks like an important person.

""Good evening Sir. May I invite you inside?""

"Sure. Thank you."

Walking inside the institute....

""I can't believe what I heard when the guard say that this is an antidote for the poison. Verifying it will be easy but we also need you to see it too."

We arrived in a room with a man in shackles and the twin-head snake in a cage. It looks like they will verify it by using a slave to be infected.

""Let us start.""

The man put his hands inside the cage and the snake bit his hand. Immediately after, he collapsed. His lips turned black, his skin became pale and his eyes become red. The poison was positively in his blood now.

""Okay. Now give him the antidote.""

They administered the cure and after a few seconds his condition become better. He then woke up as if nothing happened to him.

""I can't believe it. It works. How did you create this young man? How is it possible?"

"This antidote purify or cleanse the blood from impurities like poison."

""So it is the cure for all poison?""

"Not really. It can only work to slow-acting poisons. It can't be use to poison like the king snake poison that can kill you in minutes. I can give you a list of poisons that it can cure."

""That is very helpful. Come on, you should. talk to our master elders""

We went to the elders room. There are 3 of them.

""Masters, this is the young lad that brought the antidote for the twin-head snake.""

"Good Morning Masters."

The look on their faces is very frightening for a young guy like me but I am not. They can't intimidate me.

""Did you make this young man?""

"No Sir, my master is the one that created it."

I really need to lie for now until I find a master that can create the recipes that I know.

""Oh. Where is he? Can we meet him?""

"I'm sorry masters. My master doesn't like to mingle with others. He is a very busy man. I hope you understand."

""Oh. It is okay. So are you selling the recipe? How much do you want?""

"No masters, it is a gift from my master. The one he is selling is the recipe for the corrosion disease"

All of them reacted at the same time.


""Are you serious young man? Does your master really discovered the cure for the corrosion disease?""

"Yes. And this is his terms. He will sell you the cure and he wants me to have an access to the institution."

""That is easy. We really want your master but we respect his wishes. You can now have access to our association. We will buy your recipe for 10 million kinas. (kinas = currency) Here accept this token, it symbolizes your position as a VVIP. The king and the crown prince only has this token.""

"Thank you masters. And you can by the way test the recipe to me. I have a corrosion disease."

""Come back in three days. We still need to gather the rare herbs.""

"Yes masters. I will be back. Thank you again."

I left the association. One week has passed and I am cured. The association auctioned the potions. They gathered 50 million worth of kinas. They really earned a lot. But I do not care. Being greedy is bad. I already have 10 million kinas. I can help my mother now.