
Sparring With the Dragon Empress(4)

Seeing the scene unfold before him, Xi Shengmo began sweating, "This is bad. We might need to stop the fight."

"Huh? Why? It's just getting good." Xi Meili looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"The formation isn't invincible. If under enough stress, it could break, something your mother can do if transformed! If the formation breaks, Yuan's life will truly be at risk!"

"What?! Then we need to stop them now!" Xi Meili exclaimed.

Xi Shengmo nodded, but as he prepared to intervene, another voice resounded, "Don't stop the fight."


Xi Shengmo turned to look at Xiao Hua, who just spoke, with wide eyes.

"Look at Brother Yuan's smile. He's enjoying himself. If you stop the fight now, he won't be happy," she said in a calm voice.

"Are you serious? So what if we hurt his feelings? At least he'll still be alive!" Xi Shengmo said.

Xiao Hua shook her head and said, "Brother Yuan won't die."