

Once Yuan and Wang Xiuying nodded their heads, the middle-aged man began to speak, "First question— how did you two use the teleport formation to get here?"

"We don't know." Wang Xiuying said, and she continued, "We were standing on this formation, and before we knew it, we were already teleported to this place."

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man continued, "Second question— where were you guys before this? Where is this formation that you spoke of?"

"It was inside this building that is also within this place called the Mystic Realm."

"The Mystic Realm?" The middle-aged man frowned and turned silent again.

"Third question, what is your purpose for coming here?"

"As we'd already said countless times by now, we didn't come here by choice. We have no reason to be here." Yuan said.

"Last question… What are your backgrounds?" The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and stared at them with a sharp gaze.