
Cultivation! But I have Minecraft Cheats ON

Transmigration! A mystical phenomenon, unbound of logic, transending the limitations of worlds and moving beyond. And is also, a cliche to jumpstart myriad tales of fantasies. There are many ways to transmigrate, various methods achieving different causes and effects. However, what happenes when you have been aided by the powers of a game itself during transmigration. Or been given a system which wishes to ???? you. Why do transmigrators have such powers in the first place ? Is it really just a trope or does it have a deeper meaning behind. How do you even use Minecraft Cheats inside a world of Cultivation? Will Shen Wang, our protagonist be able to effectively utilise the Minecraft Cheats which only aid him at a beginner level? Follow along, and find out...... ............................................................................................................................................................... Hello there, potential reader, before you begin, I would like to warn you that our protagonist is quite on the loose side. Sadly, the protagonist will not be chasing after Jade Beauties nor would they be flocking around him. The protagonist is himself. Instead of his circumstances, he is the one who slowly begins to understand his own nature which had been supressed by the righteous upbringing on Earth. So, follow along and watch me unfold the best novel of my life. ( Mostly because it's the only novel that I've written ) PS the art cover is not mine.

Ashpour · 玄幻
35 Chs

Breath Tempers The Body

Shen Wang sat crossed-legged in a lotus position as he started to go though the Vital Lotus Breathwork's manual that he held. 

Feng Long, similar to Shen Wang also sat down in a crossed-legged position to cultivate by himself. 

Gazing outwards, the sun had already begun to set, veiling the expanse of the mountain in a orangeish hue. 

The evening wind blew, carrying a distinctly earthly smell. 

"Must be due to the rain," Shen Wang pondered as the earth's refreshing fragarance engulfed him. 

Both Shen Wang's and Feng Long's robes fluttered in the wind while both of them got immersed in their own respective tasks. 

Shen Wang, thus began to read. 

"....Breath condenses Vital lotus, Vital yang,

Self-nourishment, Self giving,

Self sacrifice, Self refinemnet,

Lotus blooming, Lotus refining,

Lotus blood becomes Vital,

Nine turns One Vital,

Eighty-one turn Nine Vital,

One accumulates, 

One turns Nine, One turns Eighty-one, 

Self change, self refined, Breath Tempers The Body ... " 

" Taking Feng Long's guidance was a good choice it seems....," Shen Wang thought to himself while referencing the text. 

Both the Manual and Feng Long's lecture pointed to the same thing. 

Project the Vital Lotus, 

Sacrifice own's blood, 

Nourish and refine the blood, 

Absorb and assimilate the Lotus Blood, 

Shen Wang kept flipping the pages of Vital Lotus Breathwork's manual, his brain worked like lightening, absorbing all the information, computing and visualising the steps in his mind. 

After about half an hour later..... 

The Sun had already faded into dusk, only feeble amounts of light could support Shen Wang's reading now. 

"However, that dosen't matter much," Shen Wang thought to himself and he flipped the last page over. 

Unlike the previous pages, which were filled with text and images to refer from. 

This page had a beast's hide swen into it. 

The hide wasn't too big or too thick, just enough to fill the entire page. 

"It's a talisman," A voice entered Shen Wang's ears. 

It was naturally Feng Long. 

"It's not realistic for any beginner to successfully condense a Vital Lotus directly on their own, it requires practice and proficiency with the breathwork before you can do so on your own." 

Shen Wang's eyes gleamed with understanding before he nodded at Feng Long, thanking him for his advice. 

Looking back at the beast hide, it had blood red stains forming a structure of a Lotus. 

"How can I use this talisman?" Shen Wang asked. 

"You just need to hold the beast hide into your hands and inject your spiritual qi into the beast hide," Feng Long continued. 

"Once you do so, a projection of the Vital Lotus will condense before you." 

"The Vital Roots will stem out and enter your body, you just need to control your breath to send blood into the lotus. The faster your breath, the faster will your blood flow into the lotus. Once you've sent Nine units of blood, the refinement will automatically begin, you'll just have to supply your spiritual qi to fuse with the blood." Feng Long's explanation ended. 

After hearing Feng Long out, Shen Wang began to inject his spiritual qi into the beast hide. 

...Xia... Hu ..... Xiaa .... Huu.... Xiaaa... Huuu

Shen Wang started to inhale and exhale as a reddish hue of nomological powers gathered before him. 

It was as if Shen Wang's spiritual qi was being given to follow automatically, within a dozen breaths, the lotus had fully formed in front of Shen. 

Soon, a few tuble like projections of roots touched Shen Wang's body. 


Shen Wang's breath got rougher and faster followed by a strong sense of nausea and weakness. 

His blood was being extracted! 

"....keep the blood supply low...." 

"....keep the blood supply low...." 

"....keep the blood supply low...." 

Shen Wang repeated in his mind and cautiously tried to limit the blood being sent into the Vital Lotus's projection. 

Shen Wang's face became paler and paler as faigue accumulated in his body.

Fine red bloody droplets floated out of Shen Wang's body, slowing heading towards the Lotus. 

Once Shen Wang's blood reached into the Vital Lotus, started to bloom it's petals. 

The original pinkish hue turned blood red as more and more of Shen Wang's spiritual qi was being absorbed. 

Shen Wang felt the rate of depletion of his spiritual qi fasten as he started to pour more and more of his qi into the blooming lotus. 









A soft eruption erupted around the Vital Lotus as it fully bloomed, a wave of blood-red energy permeated from the lotus, entering Shen Wang's mind. 

The connection between Shen Wang's mind and the lotus became stronger and stronger until it almost felt like the the lotus itself was an extension of Shen Wang's own limbs. 

Finally, a soothing wave of spiritual qi entered the lotus. 

The refinement had begun!

Shen Wang's blood droplets coagulated at the pistil of the bloomed Vital Lotus. 

Spiritual Qi surged and combined with the coagulated blood. 

It was like a fierce fight between beasts, the blood and qi fought like tigers and dragons. 

With each confrontation of qi and blood, the volume of the coagulated blood lessened and the blood sphere became denser and denser. 

Shen Wang acted as an observer and supplier of spiritual qi. 

Seconds flashed and minutes flowed. 

Shen Wang lost the sense of time as he became immersed into Vital Lotus Breathwork. 

Profundities of this breathwork being laid out in front of him as he gained insights regarding the same. 

The coagulated blood condensed about nine times of it's previous volume. 

Vital Lotus Blood had taken form!

It was Shen Wang's own Vital Lotus Blood!

Vital Louts Blood looked almost similar to normal blood with only slight visual differences. 

However on carefull observation, one would find that this 'blood' was filled to the brim with spiritual qi! 

It was far more potent than normal blood, the haemoglobin of Vital Lotus Blood far exceeded normal blood. 

A single drop of Vital Lotus Blood could hold about 9 times more oxygen than normal human blood. 

Not to mention the strengthening of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. 

Thus, if Shen Wang was to replace all of his body's blood with Vital Lotus Blood, his wounds would clog 9 times faster than normal. 

Furthermore, his immune system would also get 9 times stronger!

"Although, my effects command can help me regenerate 225 times times faster than normal and the effect of 9 times amplification may seem low for now."

"But after 9 times amplification comes 81 times amplification. Theoretically, as long as I have enough blood to refine, I could convert that to 729 times....."

Thinking about the potential prospects, Shen Wang couldn't help but smirk. 

"Now then, last step!"

Vital Lotus Blood assimilation!

The condensed coagulation of blood floated towards Shen Wang's body and entered it. 


The blood used originally belonged to Shen Wang, thus the assimilation was done without any obstruction by the body. 

" hmm .... ?" Shen's eyes widened as he felt an intimate connection with the concensed blood coagulation. 

Original Shen Wang's body had been trying to reject the transmigrated

Shen Wang. 

Thus, there was always a time gap between the functionality of Shen Wang's body. 

"Could it be because Vital Lotus Blood contains my spirit qi?" Shen Wang thought. 

"I have cultivated from the mortal base to the 6th realm of Qi Condensation by myself, after all, I had completely dissipated my predecessor's cultivation." 

"So, theoretically the spiritual qi could be considered completely mine." 

"This means that I have complete Vital Lotus Blood?" Shen's eyes shined with a newfound hope. 

"So, if I cultivate the Vital Lotus Body, dosen't that mean that I'll have complete control over this body!" 

Shen Wang was naturally estatic. 

Human body was the core of senses. 

Not being able to rely on the 5 senses was a great disadvantage for Shen Wang. 

His preception and reaction time were beyond degraded, so Vital Lotus Breathwork was a ray of light that dispelled this curse. 

How could Shen Wang not be estatic? 

After completing one round of Vital Lotus Breathwork, Shen Wang smiled released a sigh. 

It was a sigh of relief. 

Feng Long, who naturally wasn't aware of Shen Wang's situation could only sit as an observer. 

To him, Shen Wang's smile meant happiness regarding the successful cultivation of breathwork. 

But to Shen Wang, it's value couldn't be overstated. 

This was the way for him to overcome his current predicament. 

Within Shen Wang's mind, a new plan was brewing. 

Shen Wang had closed his eyelids, his brows were sharp like swords and a smile curled up his lips. 

The light of dusk had almost faded, shrouding Shen Wang into an aura of confidence and tranquility. 

His robes fluttered in the wind entering the cave.

Shen Wang's eyelids slowly opened, seeing a new path for him to walk on.

The path of cultivation of one's body!

"All right then! My current goal is to cultivate Vital Lotus Breathwork with all my efforts!"